Sunday, November 30, 2014

Death Comes to London by Catherine Lloyd

02_Death Comes to LondonPublication Date: November 25, 2014

Kensington Books

Formats: eBook, Trade Paperback

Pages: 272

Series: Kurland St. Mary Mystery, Book Two

Genre: Historical Mystery

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A season in London promises a welcome change of pace for two friends from the village of Kurland St. Mary—until murder makes a debut…

With the reluctant blessings of their father, the rector of Kurland St. Mary, Lucy Harrington and her sister Anna leave home for a social season in London. At the same time, Lucy’s special friend Major Robert Kurland is summoned to the city to accept a baronetcy for his wartime heroism.

Amidst the dizzying whirl of balls and formal dinners, the focus shifts from mixing and matchmaking to murder when the dowager Countess of Broughton, the mother of an old army friend of Robert, drops dead. When it’s revealed she’s been poisoned, Robert’s former betrothed, Miss Chingford, is accused, and she in turn points a finger at Anna. To protect her sister, Lucy enlists Robert’s aid in drawing out the true culprit.

But with suspects ranging from resentful rivals and embittered family members to the toast of the ton, it will take all their sleuthing skills to unmask the poisoner before more trouble is stirred up…
My review:
Four Stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
I have to confess that I was drawn to this book by the pretty cover and the contradictory title "Death Comes to London."  I'm happy to say that both provided satisfactory.  When the story begins we are introduced to the characters.  They are normal everyday characters except when Lucy needs Roberts help to solve a murder mystery and at the same time protect her sister Anna.

I thought that the author was able to balance the romance and the mystery aspect of the story perfectly! I was interested in both and really liked that both were well developed.  This was a fun read and I was intrigued by the whodunit aspect of the story!

Praise for the Kurland St. Mary Mystery Series

“Lloyd’s delightful debut…Readers will hope that death returns soon to Kurland St. Mary.” – Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

“A skillfully crafted mystery that combines a wounded war hero, an inquisitive rector’s daughter and a quaint peaceful village with some sinister secrets…a compelling picture of a young woman trying to find the courage to stand up for herself." – RT Book Reviews, 4.5 Stars, TOP PICK!

“A Regency Rear Window whose chair-bound hero and the woman who civilizes him generate sparks worthy of Darcy and Elizabeth. – Kirkus Reviews

Buy the Book

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About the Author03_Catherine Llyod Author

Catherine Lloyd grew up in London, England in the middle of a large family of girls. She quickly decided her imagination was a wonderful thing and was often in trouble for making stuff up. She finally worked out she could make a career out of this when she moved to the USA with her husband and four children and began writing fiction. With a background in historical research and a love of old-fashioned mysteries, she couldn't resist the opportunity to wonder what a young Regency Miss Marple might be like, and how she would deal with a far from pleasant hero of the Napoleonic wars.

For more information please visit Catherine Lloyd's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Death Comes to London Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, November 24

Review & Giveaway at Girl Lost in a Book

Tuesday, November 25

Spotlight at What Is That Book About

Wednesday, November 26

Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Thursday, November 27

Guest Post at Jorie Loves a Story

Guest Post at Boom Baby Reviews

Friday, November 28

Spotlight & Excerpt at Austenprose

Saturday, November 29

Spotlight at Svetlana's Reads and Views

Monday, December 1

Review at Book Nerd

Review at Jorie Loves a Story

Guest Post at Madame Gilflurt

Tuesday, December 2

Review & Giveaway at Mina's Bookshelf

Wednesday, December 3

Review at Editing Pen

Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Spotlight & Giveaway at Historical Fiction Connection

Thursday, December 4

Review & Guest Post at Latte' Da!

Friday, December 5

Review at Becky on Books

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Just for Christmas Night byLisa Marie Perry

Enter to Win
$10.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card 

A red-hot holiday

football publicist Martha Blue has something to prove. To protect the image of
the Las Vegas Slayers—and stay employed— she has to shed her party-girl
reputation. Fast! So no more mistakes. No further scandals. And absolutely no
falling for the one man who can give her everything she wants…and nothing of
what she needs.

Danger and
desire never mixed well for undefeated prizefighter Joaquin Ryder. A friend of
the Blue family, he’s a man who knows his boundaries…boundaries he has secretly
crossed only once before. Now that he’s back in Sin City to train for the
biggest fight of his career, he can’t afford to let a sexy distraction like
Martha put him against the ropes. Revisiting their sizzling past is something
he isn’t willing to risk—until a steamy Yuletide encounter, where for just one
night, they’ll surrender completely….


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lisa Marie Perry encounters difficult fictional men and women on a daily basis. She writes contemporary romance fiction with plenty of sizzle, energy and depth. Flawed, problematic, damaged characters are welcome. Her tales feature exciting multicultural mash-ups, sexy guy-next-door heroes and powerful larger-than-life alphas who are brought to their knees by the love of complicated women.

According to Lisa Marie, an imagination’s a terrible thing to ignore. So is a good cappuccino. After years of college, customer service gigs and a career in caregiving, she at last gave in to buying an espresso machine and writing to her imagination’s desire. She lives in America’s heartland and she has every intention of making the Colorado mountains her new stomping grounds. She drives a truck, enjoys indie rock, collects Medieval literature, watches too many comedies, has a not-so-secret love for lace and adores rugged men with a little bit of nerd.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dancing with Mistletoe by Leslie Wells

Leslie Wells's Come Dancing Blog Tour I wanted to let you all know that Leslie has just released a fun Holiday story featuring Jack and Julia that I thought you all might be interested in...and it's FREE on Kindle!

SYNOPSIS: When it comes to Christmas presents, it’s not the size that matters . . . 

A sparkling, entertaining story that will leave you laughing and in the holiday mood. 

It’s December 21st, 1981 in New York City, and the holidays are approaching fast. But up-and-coming book editor Julia Nash isn’t too busy to notice that her boyfriend has only put one small gift under the tree. At least Jack has an excuse: as the lead guitarist of a famous British rock band, he is deep into rehearsals for their upcoming tour. But Julia was hoping for something a little more meaningful than the pair of mittens she can’t resist taking a peek at. 

Julia tries to ignore her friends egging her on about what Jack might have planned. But even with the distractions of a demanding boss, a steamy snowball fight, a baking flop involving rum balls, and a blizzard that shuts down the entire city, the question still torments her: Is a pair of gloves—the kind of thing you’d give to a friend—the only gift Jack is giving her? And if so, what does that say about their relationship? 

Brimming with laughter and an enticing dash of romantic spice, with vivid characters that reviewers have called “engaging” and “irresistible”, Dancing with Mistletoe puts you in the mood to kiss someone you love under a sprig of green. 

Also included is a sneak peek at Keep Dancing, the hilarious and captivating new novel about Jack and Julia, to be published in Spring 2015. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

He's No Prince Charming (Ever After #1) by Elle Daniels

He's No Prince Charming (Ever After, #1)
My Review
Copy received from Publisher via Netgalley for an honest review

 Elle Daniels writes a very entertaining story in "He's No Prince Charming." The hero is wounded and scared. The heroine has wounds of her own but she is more willing to take a chance on love. Following the theme of "Beauty and the Beast" Marcus is feared by society and called "The Beast" behind his back. Danielle has a very rare hobby, she helps people elope when they are in love. When she helps Marcus' ex-fiancee, Marcus decides that she will be the one to help him find his next bride. Although Marcus does not want to marry he has to because of terms stipulated in his fathers will. These characters were both very endearing. The storyline was very creative. Although some aspects were a stretch of the imagination, I could not help enjoy this story and I cannot wait to read the next books, I sensed two up-coming story lines!

Women Under Fire by Jacki Delecki

Women Under Fire Grayce Walters Mystery # 2
By: Jacki Delecki
Releasing September 12th, 2014


Life has heated up for animal acupuncturist Grayce Walters: thrust into the public eye and hounded by the media after solving an arson case with a critical clue from a French Poodle. When Ewan Davis, the sexy arson investigator Grayce has been steaming things up with, starts talking commitment, she definitely feels the burn.

Then a desperate mother begs Grayce to help find her missing daughter—an Afghanistan war veteran suffering from PTSD, and Grayce reluctantly takes on the case, following a disturbing clue provided by the missing young woman’s cat. Calling once again on the aid of her cross-dressing best friend and her shrewd assistant, Grayce uncovers a terrorist plot with chilling international implications.

Grayce races to rescue the young veteran before the escalating danger explodes. But if she manages to escape the threat, will she find the courage to commit to the fiery passion that awaits her wrapped in Davis’s arms?

Buy Links: Amazon

Author Info
Descended from a long line of storytellers, Jacki spins adventures filled with mystery, healing and romance.
Jacki’s love affair with the arts began at a young age and inspired her to train as a jazz singer and dancer. She has performed many acting roles with Seattle Opera Company and Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Jacki has set her Grayce Walters Mystery Series in Seattle, her long-time home. The city’s unique and colorful locations are a backdrop for her romantic mystery.
Although writing now fills much of her day, she continues to volunteer for Seattle’s Ballet and Opera Companies and leads children’s tours of Pike Street Market. Her volunteer work with Seattle’s homeless shelters influenced one of her main characters in An Inner Fire and Women Under Fire.
Jacki’s two Golden Labs, Gus and Talley, were her constant companions. Their years of devotion and intuition inspired her to write dogs as main characters alongside her strong heroines.
A geek at heart, Jacki loves superhero movies—a hero’s battle against insurmountable odds. But her heroines don’t have to wear a unitard to fight injustice and battle for the underdog.
Look for more heart-pounding adventure, intrigue, and romance in Jacki’s Code Breaker Series. A Code of Love is the first book in the series. A Christmas Code—A Regency Novella, now available at all retail sites, is second in the series. And A Code of the Heart will be released on Valentine’s Day 2015.
To learn more about Jacki and her books and to be the first to hear about contests and giveaways join her newsletter found on her website: Follow her on FB—Jacki Delecki; Twitter @jackidelecki.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Ambushed by Aunt Aideen, Grayce Walters was trapped. The bonds of social pressure gripped tighter around her wrists and ankles, holding her captive in the kitchen chair. She couldn’t escape tonight’s séance.
Dressed in a flowing cobalt-blue caftan, Aunt Aideen ceremoniously placed a scarred, black box on the table and then carefully opened a chest lined in red velvet and raised a glimmering crystal ball into the air. “This Keek-Stane has been passed down through generations of Scottish witches.”
The enormous kitchen suddenly went airless. Grayce gulped for a breath. Mitzi, who had been sleeping under the table, protectively covered Grayce’s feet with her paws.
Grayce knew nothing about tarot cards or witches. Why hadn’t Davis warned her that his aunt considered herself a witch? Grayce had recognized Aunt Aideen as a gifted intuitive, but not a witch, whatever that meant.
Aunt Aideen placed the ball in the center of the table spread with tarot cards. “The Keek-Stane guides me in the reading of the cards.”
A call to a suspicious fire had interrupted the cozy dinner with her boyfriend, his aunt and dog. If Davis had stayed, she’d be eating dessert instead of having a metaphysical experience.
Aunt Aideen’s enormous moonstone ring flickered in the candlelight as her hand hovered over the cards. “We must look to the future.”
Grayce couldn’t see the card. She felt light-headed from the burning sweet flag incense or from the ominous energy swirling from the crystal ball.
As she turned over the first tarot card, the large woman’s usual booming voice grew quiet with a mysterious Gaelic lilt. “The Knight of Swords.”
Prickly sensations lifted the fine hair on Grayce’s neck. Mitzi came from under the table and sat next to Grayce’s chair.
Aunt Aideen opened her massive hand to allow Grayce to see the card—a medieval knight in armor on a powerful white horse rode toward a battle in the distance. The horse’s harness was decorated with butterflies and birds. The sky behind him was filled with storm clouds and the trees, tossed wildly by the wind. The knight resembled St. Michael the Archangel.
The Knight of Swords is hard to resist,” Aunt Aideen intoned.
Davis obviously fit the Knight of Swords. His commanding presence, physical strength, and his commitment to fight crimes made him the perfect archetypal hero.
Heat moved across Grayce’s cheeks in embarrassment. “Davis was hard to resist.” Grayce knew first hand. As a witness to arson, she had been interviewed by the sexy fire investigator and had fallen in love with the irresistible man.
My nephew, Ewan Davis, is in no way a Knight of Swords. Davis is an Emperor, a man of the logical world, like his Scottish forebears. The Knight of Swords is a messenger, a call for adventure. He does not see, nor does he care about risks or dangers and instead moves forward with his strong determination and strength to succeed, no matter what.
Grayce wasn’t going to discuss Davis’ ability as an adventurous lover with the aunt who had raised him after his mother’s death.
The knight will call to you from your dreams.” Aunt Aideen’s solemn voice and the shimmering moonstone known for clairvoyance were doing strange things to Grayce’s perceptions. The images in the room faded in and out. The heightened energy from the ball moved in undulating waves.
His call will challenge you to leave your present way of being.” Aunt Aideen’s eyes were in the shadows, but Grayce felt her focused stare. “The Knight of Swords can also be seen as a warning.”
With the soft burr of Aunt Aideen’s Scottish inflection, the wavering candlelight and the nutty scent of sweet flag, Grayce was floating into deep relaxation.
Aunt Aideen’s voice lost its soothing rhythm. “And it doesn't take a seer to predict that Davis will have trouble with the knight’s appearance in your life. Davis needs to be your protector.”
Grayce came immediately out of her meditative state. Davis tried very hard to control his fear of unforeseen disasters by guarding all those he loved.
Does the knight have to be human? Maybe I’ll have a new patient?” Grayce asked.
Aunt Aideen kept her eyes closed. Her muted voice was firm. “I see a tall, dark man in a uniform. He holds a gun.”

The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lance by Elizabeth Boyle


She has no desire for love...

As she arrives in Mayfair, Louisa Tempest is horrified when her incorrigible cat bolts from the carriage and dashes into a neighbor's house, where she comes face-to-face with the reclusive Viscount Wakefield. But even more dismaying than his foul temper is the disarray in which she finds his home. Convinced his demeanor would improve if his household were in order, Louisa resolves to put everything to rights.

...until she meets the viscount who lives down the lane.
Much to his chagrin, Wakefield finds it impossible to keep the meddling Louisa out of his home, invading his daily life with her "improvements," and his nights with the tempting desires she sparks inside him. Wounded in the war, he's scorned society ever since his return . . . until Louisa opens the door to his heart and convinces him to give love a second chance.

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunes | Kobo

London, Hanover Square
November 1810

“What is it, Haley?” Lord Charleton asked, sparing a glance at the door of the breakfast room where his secretary stood, hovering about like a nervous sparrow. “Is it Rowland? Tell me he hasn’t landed in the suds yet again.”

“No, my lord.”

The man’s brow furrowed a bit. “Couldn’t be Wakefield.”

“Certainly not, my lord.”

The baron glanced up. “Wouldn’t mind if it was. Demmed waste having him mope about, locked up in that house of his.”

“Indeed,” the secretary replied, and if Charleton wasn’t mistaken, there was a note of irony to the man’s declaration—one he chose to ignore, instead pinning a glance on the impudent fellow.

Under the scrutiny, Haley’s jaw worked back and forth as if the words were stuck there in his craw.

“Well?” Lord Charleton prodded. “Out with it. Before my kippers grow cold.” As it was, the baron shoved his plate forward and set down the paper he’d been reading.

Mr. Haley cleared his throat and held out a letter. “I’ve come across a small debt your wife owed—”

There it was. That cold stillness that came every time someone had the nerve to mention Isobel’s name. How Lord Charleton wished he could forget her passing so this wrenching pain would fade from his heart. Yet, still, even a year after her loss, it was a sharp ache he woke up with, one that haunted him even after he closed his eyes at night.

Now here was his secretary bringing her up when he’d quite forbidden the matter.

“Pay it,” he ordered in a tone that said he wanted nothing further to do with any reminders of her.

“But, my lord—” Haley shuffled about.

Lord Charleton removed his glasses and slowly cleaned them. Then once they were perched back up on his nose he stared coldly at the fellow. He was a good man, Haley. An excellent secretary, but why the man continued to bring up Lady Charleton, the baron could not understand. Speaking slowly and deliberately, so there was no mistaking the matter, he said, “You know what to do. Take care of the matter and leave me be.”

“If you insist, my lord . . .” Haley’s voice trailed off tentatively. It wasn’t so much a reply as one last prod.

Truly? He was going to ask yet again? If he wasn’t the most thorough and honest fellow the baron had ever hired—well, actually Lady Charleton had found him and insisted he be hired, but that wasn’t the point. Haley had become rather cheeky of late and Charleton wanted nothing more than to fire him on the spot.

But Isobel wouldn’t have approved, and so Charlton inclined his head, reined back his ire and said with a final note, “Just see to it as Her Lady- ship would have wanted.” Then he went back to his paper and ignored Haley, who stood for a few more moments in the doorway.

And if the baron had looked up, he might have seen the wry, wily smile that had led Lady Charleton to hire Mr. Haley in the first place.

Six months later

Areowwwwww! The unholy complaint filled the carriage.

“You should have left that foul creature back in Kempton, Miss Tempest,” Mrs. Bagley-Butterton complained for about the hundredth time.

Which equaled the number of times Hannibal had let out that ear-piercing yowl from the basket in which he was trapped.

“He doesn’t like being penned up so,” Miss Louisa Tempest said in defense of her cat. “And I couldn’t leave him behind.”

There was a sigh of resignation from beside Louisa. Miss Lavinia Tempest, Louisa’s twin, made a very deliberate show of looking out the window. She wasn’t about to rise to Hannibal’s defense.

Never would.

Louisa suspected her sister shared Mrs. Bagley- Butterton’s exasperation and wished poor Hannibal back in Kempton as well.

“I only hope your godmother is an understanding sort,” the matron continued, shifting in her seat in the carriage and eyeing the large basket on Louisa’s lap with an air of disdain and suspicion. She had protested vehemently against the cat being brought along, but she could hardly prevent the matter when the carriage conveying them to London belonged to the girls’ father, Sir Ambrose Tempest. “I know I wouldn’t have that cat in my house.” She sniffed loudly.

Elizabeth Boyle About Elizabeth
Elizabeth Boyle was an antipiracy paralegal for Microsoft before settling down to write full-time. Her first novel, Brazen Angel, which won Dell's Diamond Debut Award in 1996, also won the Romance Writers of America's RITA Award for Best First Book, and was a finalist for Best Long Historical Romance. She lives with her husband in Seattle, Washington. She is also the author of Brazen Heiress.

Connect with Elizabeth
Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodreadsSynopsis:
She has no desire for love...

As she arrives in Mayfair, Louisa Tempest is horrified when her incorrigible cat bolts from the carriage and dashes into a neighbor's house, where she comes face-to-face with the reclusive Viscount Wakefield. But even more dismaying than his foul temper is the disarray in which she finds his home. Convinced his demeanor would improve if his household were in order, Louisa resolves to put everything to rights.

...until she meets the viscount who lives down the lane.
Much to his chagrin, Wakefield finds it impossible to keep the meddling Louisa out of his home, invading his daily life with her "improvements," and his nights with the tempting desires she sparks inside him. Wounded in the war, he's scorned society ever since his return . . . until Louisa opens the door to his heart and convinces him to give love a second chance.

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunes | Kobo

London, Hanover Square
November 1810

“What is it, Haley?” Lord Charleton asked, sparing a glance at the door of the breakfast room where his secretary stood, hovering about like a nervous sparrow. “Is it Rowland? Tell me he hasn’t landed in the suds yet again.”

“No, my lord.”

The man’s brow furrowed a bit. “Couldn’t be Wakefield.”

“Certainly not, my lord.”

The baron glanced up. “Wouldn’t mind if it was. Demmed waste having him mope about, locked up in that house of his.”

“Indeed,” the secretary replied, and if Charleton wasn’t mistaken, there was a note of irony to the man’s declaration—one he chose to ignore, instead pinning a glance on the impudent fellow.

Under the scrutiny, Haley’s jaw worked back and forth as if the words were stuck there in his craw.

“Well?” Lord Charleton prodded. “Out with it. Before my kippers grow cold.” As it was, the baron shoved his plate forward and set down the paper he’d been reading.

Mr. Haley cleared his throat and held out a letter. “I’ve come across a small debt your wife owed—”

There it was. That cold stillness that came every time someone had the nerve to mention Isobel’s name. How Lord Charleton wished he could forget her passing so this wrenching pain would fade from his heart. Yet, still, even a year after her loss, it was a sharp ache he woke up with, one that haunted him even after he closed his eyes at night.

Now here was his secretary bringing her up when he’d quite forbidden the matter.

“Pay it,” he ordered in a tone that said he wanted nothing further to do with any reminders of her.

“But, my lord—” Haley shuffled about.

Lord Charleton removed his glasses and slowly cleaned them. Then once they were perched back up on his nose he stared coldly at the fellow. He was a good man, Haley. An excellent secretary, but why the man continued to bring up Lady Charleton, the baron could not understand. Speaking slowly and deliberately, so there was no mistaking the matter, he said, “You know what to do. Take care of the matter and leave me be.”

“If you insist, my lord . . .” Haley’s voice trailed off tentatively. It wasn’t so much a reply as one last prod.

Truly? He was going to ask yet again? If he wasn’t the most thorough and honest fellow the baron had ever hired—well, actually Lady Charleton had found him and insisted he be hired, but that wasn’t the point. Haley had become rather cheeky of late and Charleton wanted nothing more than to fire him on the spot.

But Isobel wouldn’t have approved, and so Charlton inclined his head, reined back his ire and said with a final note, “Just see to it as Her Lady- ship would have wanted.” Then he went back to his paper and ignored Haley, who stood for a few more moments in the doorway.

And if the baron had looked up, he might have seen the wry, wily smile that had led Lady Charleton to hire Mr. Haley in the first place.

Six months later

Areowwwwww! The unholy complaint filled the carriage.

“You should have left that foul creature back in Kempton, Miss Tempest,” Mrs. Bagley-Butterton complained for about the hundredth time.

Which equaled the number of times Hannibal had let out that ear-piercing yowl from the basket in which he was trapped.

“He doesn’t like being penned up so,” Miss Louisa Tempest said in defense of her cat. “And I couldn’t leave him behind.”

There was a sigh of resignation from beside Louisa. Miss Lavinia Tempest, Louisa’s twin, made a very deliberate show of looking out the window. She wasn’t about to rise to Hannibal’s defense.

Never would.

Louisa suspected her sister shared Mrs. Bagley- Butterton’s exasperation and wished poor Hannibal back in Kempton as well.

“I only hope your godmother is an understanding sort,” the matron continued, shifting in her seat in the carriage and eyeing the large basket on Louisa’s lap with an air of disdain and suspicion. She had protested vehemently against the cat being brought along, but she could hardly prevent the matter when the carriage conveying them to London belonged to the girls’ father, Sir Ambrose Tempest. “I know I wouldn’t have that cat in my house.” She sniffed loudly.

Elizabeth Boyle About Elizabeth
Elizabeth Boyle was an antipiracy paralegal for Microsoft before settling down to write full-time. Her first novel, Brazen Angel, which won Dell's Diamond Debut Award in 1996, also won the Romance Writers of America's RITA Award for Best First Book, and was a finalist for Best Long Historical Romance. She lives with her husband in Seattle, Washington. She is also the author of Brazen Heiress.

Connect with Elizabeth
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Elizabeth Boyle

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Seldom Come By by Sherryl Caulfield

Please join Sherryl Caulfield as she tours the blogosphere for Seldom Come By, the first book in her Iceberg Trilogy, from November 24-December 13, and enter to win an eBook or Autographed copy!

03_Seldom Come By (Iceberg Trilogy Book One) CoverPublication Date: December 10, 2013

Cedar Pocket Publishing

Formats: eBook, Paperback

Pages: 490

Series: Iceberg Trilogy

Genre: Historical Fiction

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Two years after the sinking of the Titanic, fifteen year-old Rebecca Crowe’s fascination with icebergs leads her to save a shipwrecked survivor, Samuel Dalton, the nineteen-year old son of a Toronto medical family.

Love sparks in the crystal cave of an iceberg but is thwarted by an unreasonable father and the Great War that drags Samuel and his brother, Matthew, to the Western Front as medical officers. Knowing Rebecca is home and safe in Newfoundland brings Samuel great comfort. But as the war moves towards its final harrowing days, they both discover that tragedy and terror can strike anywhere, setting their love on an unforeseen path.

Only when Samuel and Rebecca can fully come to terms with such devastating loss and their impossible choices can their love soar. With an emotional intensity reminiscent of The Bronze Horseman, Seldom Come By, named after an actual place in Newfoundland, is an unforgettable journey across waves and time and the full spectrum of human emotions.
My Review
Four Stars
 Copy received for an honest review from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours
¨Seldom Come By¨by Sherryl Caulfield was a great adventure.  The name of the book is from a place in Newfoundland.    The reading is quite lengthy at 400 plus pages but the author was able to hold my attention throughout.  Rebeca Crowe loves iceberg´s and is fascinated by them.  One day while she is looking at the iceberg´s she sees a man in a boat.  That man is Samuel.  Ironically, the name of the island where Rebecca lives is called Second Chance.  As Samuel heals from his wounds him and Rebecca fall in love.We learn that Samuel is from a wealthy family from Canada. As Samuel and Rebecca´s feelings grow they come face to face with the Great War. I really enjoyed Caulfield´s writing, the plot and the characters of this story. 

Praise for Seldom Come By

“Seldom Come By is a haunting love story set against the windswept coast of Newfoundland. The story draws you in from the opening lines and takes you on a compelling journey across time and continents, through love, loss, heartache and healing. It is a beautiful and memorable story — a great accomplishment and a wonderful read.” – Julie Fison, Australia

“A wholly engaging read that wraps you up in another world. The story of how Samuel and Rebecca met and fell in love will always stay with me — and leaves me feeling as if I have already visited Newfoundland.” – Carolyn Wood, New Zealand

“If you love deep, epic, romantic stories this is one for you.” – Jeannie Zelos, United Kingdom

“Historical fiction is by far my favorite genre and this book captures the elements perfectly. An engaging, strong heroine, a dashing, honorable stranger, a brutal daily life existence in Newfoundland set during WWI. The story and characters are made more rich by the superb writing. I look forward to reading more from this author.” – Diane Tyson, USA

“This book was a real treat to read. By 30% in I was completely invested in the characters. The strength, passion and adversity that the couple have to endure are reminiscent of The Bronze Horseman, but beyond that, Rebecca and Samuel find their own way of handling things. I have already found myself recommending this book to others that have loved The Bronze Horseman. I do believe that if you enjoy an epic love story, this will make a fine reading suggestion.” – Karen Scott, Canada

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About the Author02_Sherryl Caulfield Author

Australian-born Sherryl Caulfield is a marketer, writer and traveller. After twenty years working for some of the world’s leading technology brands and a stint with Outward Bound, she longed to write about the human experience and the redemptive qualities of nature.

In 2006, haunted by an encounter with a woman she met in Canada, Sherryl started what has now become known as The Iceberg Trilogy. From her home in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, she distilled the lives of three generations of women – Rebecca, Evangeline and Lindsay – over the course of a century. In the telling of their stories she crafted a series rich in landscapes – of sea, land and the human soul.

For more information please visit Sherryl Caulfield's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Seldom Come By Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, November 24

Review at Beth's Book Nook Blog

Wednesday, November 26

Review & Interview at Jorie Loves a Story

Thursday, November 27

Review at Book Nerd

Friday, November 28

Review at Peeking Between the Pages

Monday, December 1

Review at Shelly's Book Shelves

Spotlight at Boom Baby Reviews

Tuesday, December 2

Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews

Wednesday, December 3

Spotlight at Mina's Bookshelf

Thursday, December 4

Guest Post at The Eclectic Reader

Friday, December 5

Review at Feminist Reflections

Saturday, December 6

Review at With Her Nose Stuck In A Book

Monday, December 8

Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Spotlight at Historical Fiction Connection

Tuesday, December 9

Guest Post at Let Them Read Books

Wednesday, December 10

Spotlight at Caroline Wilson Writes

Friday, December 12

Review & Giveaway at Curiouser and Curiouser

Saturday, December 13

Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past


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Title: Sinfully Ever After Series: Book Club Belles Society Author: Jayne Fresina

The "Top Five Things" Rebecca Sherringham likes to do when not reading (or managing her father and brother).

Rebecca ("Becky the Bold", as she likes to be known) is a young lady who once enjoyed a great many adventures, thanks to her travels with an eccentric father who also happened to be a Major in the army But now that her father is retired and the family settled down at last in sleepy Hawcombe Prior, she can finally put those wandering boots away and lead— what she hopes will be— a tranquil, unexciting, unromantic life.

If only things would go to plan!

Rebecca, sadly, can't seem to stay away from trouble. Especially when it arrives in the form of Colonel Lucius "Lucky" Wainwright, a man supposed to be dead a dozen years and not much missed by those he left behind. The despicable rake soon turns her desire for peace and ladylike serenity completely on its head. Not that she would let him know it. She has far more important and interesting things to do, listed thus (and in no particular order):

1.)        Peruse secretly kept catalog of lacy under-things, although she really shouldn't buy any as wool is far more practical and sensible. Well, it doesn't hurt to look and pretend she has a few feminine bones in her sturdy body, does it? A lady ought to have at least one secret weakness. Striving for perfection can be an awful chore and dreadfully wearing on the nerves.

2.)        Learn her lines for the next performance of the Priory Players— a village amateur dramatics group that would be sadly adrift without her, because they need someone to play the male parts. None of the other girls can wear a beard and breeches with quite the same fearless aplomb. A lady must always save others from embarrassment and should never be too aloof to enjoy a good joke. Even at her own expense.

3.)        Find ways to annoy Mrs. Kenton, the parson's nosy, gossiping wife. Not at all a challenging prospect, but always satisfying sport when one is at a loose end. A lady should never be idle and a tongue kept sharp will never be lost for words.

4.)        Go for long rambles amid the fallen leaves. The rainier and windier the day the better. After all, she may find a handsome young man with a love of Shakespeare's sonnets and a twisted ankle to rescue in her path. A lady ought to get exercise in the fresh air as often as possible to put bloom in her cheeks, especially when she is prone to freckles and nothing much ever makes her blush.

5.)        Sing Yuletide songs at the top of one's lungs, even if one has been accused of strangling a tune rather than holding it. A lady must learn to be gracious in the face of criticism. After all, it is one wretched man's opinion and what he knows about polite society or keeping his rude opinions to himself could be written on a snowflake.

But Colonel "Lucky" Luke Wainwright has found this list and translated it (see below) into what he sees as her five favorite things to do.

I.          Insult unfortunate old soldier returned from the grave.
II.         Tease, torment and tempt a sad, loveless, ugly fellow with her inequitable beauty and dangerous curves.
III.       Quarrel with a man who has lived fifteen years longer in the world and therefore knows a vast deal more about everything. Then flirt with a weak-chinned sapling who will cause her nothing but grief. But will she be warned?? Oh, no! Damnable woman.
IV.       Accuse harmless cripple of every sin in the world and never let him get a word in sideways.
V.        Drive a certain confused Colonel utterly mad with desire and deny she meant to do it.

There are two sides to every story, of course. No doubt, somewhere between these lists lurks the truth!

Sinfully Ever After (Book Club Belles Society, #2)

Title: Sinfully Ever After
Series: Book Club Belles Society
Author: Jayne Fresina
Pubdate: December 2, 2014
ISBN: 9781402287794

Teaching scandalous young men a lesson? This is not your typical book club

To Rebecca Sherringham, all men are open books—read quickly and forgotten. Perhaps she’s just too practical for love. The last thing she needs is another bore around—especially one that’s supposed to be dead.

Captain Lucius “Luke” Wainwright turns up a decade after disappearing without a trace. He’s on a mission to claim his birthright and he’s not going away again until he gets it. But Becky and the ladies of the village Book Club Belles Society won’t let this rogue get away with his sins. He’ll soon find that certain young ladies are accustomed to dealing with villains.

Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England. Entertained by her father’s colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters, she’s always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines. She lives in upstate New York. Visit

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