Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hacker by Sawyer Bennett


She’s the tech mastermind at Jameson Force Security. He’s the handsome stranger who befriended her and her son at the park. The problem? He’s also the man hired to kill her. This standalone romantic suspense from Sawyer Bennett is available now in digital, print, and audio (narrated by Aiden Snow and Savannah Peachwood)!

ENTER TO WIN a $50 Amazon gift card in the new release celebration giveaway: https://sawyerbennett.com/giveaways/code-name-hacker/

About Code Name: Hacker:
I’m not the same Bebe Grimshaw I was years ago. The woman I was spent years behind the bars of the highest security women’s prison in the nation, my punishment for hacking nuclear codes as part of a crime syndicate I’d gotten in way too deep with. The woman I am today doesn’t regret what I did, or the fact that I got caught, but I am remorseful for the years I lost with my son, Aaron. Released from my sentence early thanks to Kynan McGrath, I joined his team at Jameson Force Security and now put my skills to use helping people.

I’m just trying to get back a piece of what I lost, focusing solely on raising Aaron and my work at Jameson. As long as I have my son and my career, I’m content. But life has a funny way of letting you know exactly what you need, and when a devastatingly handsome stranger named Griffin befriends Aaron at the park, I have to consider I might be missing something. A part of me that was locked away long ago reawakens, and I find myself looking at Griff in a way I’ve not looked at a man in more than a decade.

Just when I think things are starting to look up, my world is turned upside down. Turns out that meeting wasn’t an accident, and things aren’t going my way at all.

Griffin Moore is the man sent here to kill me. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hero by Samantha Young

** spoiler alert ** I was quickly drawn in and liked the banter, I like anti-hero stories.
I was almost at a 5 star reading but her groveling was a kick in the stomach. Honestly, I wanted him to fly on the plane to Paris for her

Five Stars

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Born to Be Wilde by Eloisa James

such a great story.
It was good and then the conversation with her mother made it an amazing story.
Beautiful story and so much heart ache.

Fiver Star read!
Born to Be Wilde by Eloisa James

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Innocent's Forgotten Wedding by Lynne Graham

Three Stars
Fun and enjoyable
 I use to read Harlequin all the times when I was younger and find them to be a fun and quick read.  Most of the novels I have  recently read are about 300 pages. This was my first time reading Graham. The story was quick to grab my interest. Overall, the story line was predictable for the most part but there were some unexpected twists and turns. Overall, quick and fun read. I recommend it. 

Early the following morning, alarm bells rang and lights flashed from the machinery by the bed. The woman came awake and went into panic, eyes focusing on an unfamiliar room and then on the ar-rival of two nurses, their faces both concerned and excited at the same time. She clawed at the breath-ing tube in her throat because she couldn’t speak and the women tried to both restrain and soothe her, telling her over and over again that the doc-tor was coming, everything would be all right and that there was nothing to worry about. She thought they were crazy. Her body wouldn’t move. She could only move one hand and her arm felt as if it didn’t belong to her. How could she possibly have nothing to worry about? Why were they talking nonsense? Did they think she was stupid?
The panic kept on clawing at her, even after the doctor arrived and the breathing tube was re-moved. He kept on asking her questions, questions she couldn’t answer until she couldn’t hide from the truth any longer. She didn’t know who she was. What was her name? She didn’t know why she was lying in a hospital bed. She didn’t have a last memory to offer because her mind was a blank, a complete blank. It was a ridiculous relief to receive an approving nod when she evidently got the name of the Prime Minister right and contrived to name colours correctly.
‘What happened to me?’ she whispered brokenly, her breath rasping. ‘Have I been ill?’
‘You were in an accident.’ The doctor paused there, exchanging a glance with the staff surround-ing the bed.
‘What’s my name?’ she asked shakily.
‘Your name is Brooke… Brooke Tassini.’ The name meant absolutely nothing to her, didn’t even sound slightly familiar.
‘Your husband will be here very soon.’ Brooke’s eyes widened to their fullest extent in shock. ‘I have a husband?’
For some reason, the nurses smiled. ‘Oh, yes, you have a husband.’
‘A very handsome husband,’ one of the women added.
Brooke stared down at her bare wedding fin-ger. She was married. Oh, my goodness, she was married. Did she have children? she asked. No…no children as far as they knew, they said, and a tinge of relief threaded through the panic she was only just holding at bay. Then she felt guilty about that sense of relief. She liked children, didn’t she? But it was scary enough to have a husband she didn’t remember—it would be simply appalling if she had contrived to forget her children as well.

About Lynne Graham:  Lynne Graham lives in Northern Ireland and has been a keen romance reader since her teens. Happily married, Lynne has five children. Her eldest is her only natural child. Her other children, who are every bit as dear to her heart, are adopted. The family has a variety of pets, and Lynne loves gardening, cooking, collecting allsorts and is crazy about every aspect of Christmas.

About THE INNOCENT’S FORGOTTEN WEDDING by Lynne Graham: The Italian husband she can’t remember…or resist!

After a terrible car crash, Brooke can’t remember her own name—much less her wedding day! Finding irresistible Lorenzo Tassini at her bedside—and a gold band on her finger—is shocking.

Honor-bound to care for his estranged wife, Lorenzo whisks her to his luxury Tuscan villa. But Brooke’s nothing like Lorenzo remembers! Her sweetness surprises him, as does the chemistry between them, blazing like never before. Stunned to discover her virginity, Lorenzo must uncover the secrets of the woman wearing his ring…

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Spinster Who Saved a Scoundrel by Christ Caldwell

another great read.
Simple setting and not too many characters.
I always enjoy Christi Caldwell. Her characters have many layers, the chemistry is always interesting between her hero and heroine.
Four Stars
The Spinster Who Saved a Scoundrel (The Brethren #5)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan

Sophie Jordan is an automatic read for me. She is fun and always grabs my attention. I have read both her historical fiction and contemporary stories and always enjoy her stories. I have to confess sometimes when I start reading her stories I think that I am not going to like the story line but she always creates such great chemistry between the hero and the heroine that I end up hooked!
“The Virgin and the Rogue” is the sixth book in The Rogue files series.
The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan

The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe

Classic Shupe!
The Gilded Age is my favorite time period to read now ,thanks to Shupe.
I loved the tension of between the characters. I loved the interwoven story with the first book. Her sisters were entertaining.  The grandma a fun and delightful surprise.   Clay was a complex character, Florence a determined and fierce character.
I cannot wait for Jack and Justine. 
Five Stars
The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING Indigo Royal Resort - Book One Claire Hastings

Indigo Royal Resort - Book One
Claire Hastings 
Releasing May 4th, 2020
Cover Design: Cover Couture 

From debut author, Claire Hastings, comes a fresh, fun, and unputdownable romance where having a crush on your best friend isn't the biggest secret at the Indigo Royal! 

For as long as Kyle Egan can remember, he has wanted only one thing: to run his own boat charter company. Not that he has much to complain about, as the lead charter boat captain at the Indigo Royal Resort in St. Thomas USVI. He gets to spend his days out on the water, never has to wear a tie, and works alongside his best friend, Drea Miller, who happens to be the only other thing he wants.

Drea Miller has been crushing on her best friend Kyle since the moment she saw him five years ago. Unfortunately, she is fully aware that he doesn’t see her as more than a friend— oh, and the niece of his bosses. Working for the family-owned resort with her three annoyingly overprotective uncles has always been what she wanted, but lately she’s started to wonder what else life might hold. If she can't have the guy she wants, maybe it’s time that she makes another dream a reality.

When an encounter with a guest brings out the truth, Kyle and Drea are left trying to navigate their feelings, but can their new love survive a revelation they never saw coming?


About Claire
Claire Hastings is a walking, talking awkward moment. She loves Diet Coke, gummi bears, the beach, and books (obvs). When not reading she can usually be found hanging with friends at a soccer match or grabbing food (although she probably still has a book in her purse). She and her husband Drew live in Atlanta with their fur-child Denali.

Sign Up for Claire’s Newsletter for Release Announcement: https://mailchi.mp/38bcc614213e/clairehnl 

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The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle

  THE PARIS WIDOW  Author: Kimberly Belle Publication Date: June 11, 2024 ISBN: 9780778307976 Format: Trade Paperback Publisher: Harlequin ...