Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dark Wolf Enterprises by A.M. Griffin

Dark Wolf Enterprises
by A.M. Griffin



The big break Trudy Hollander’s small accounting firm needs has finally arrived, but unfortunately it comes with murder, mayhem and Kristof Farkas, a man she just can’t seem to resist. Even worse, Kristof is the CFO of Dark Wolf Enterprises—the one person who can pull the plug on the job that will take her company to the next level.

And then there are the assassins who can jump from three stories up and still be able to run away…

Kristof has no intention of giving in to his inner wolf and claiming Trudy. She’s human. Too fragile to withstand being a shifter’s mate. But the need to protect her is stronger than his resolve, and his desire is more powerful yet. He’ll fight with everything he has to keep her safe, both from those who would hurt her, and from himself.



Excerpt One:

©A.M. Griffin

Kristof leaned back against the car as the police vehicles came to a screeching halt not too far from him. Two officers jumped from the vehicle with guns drawn and trained on him and Lajos.

“Don’t make a move! Put your hands up where I can see them!”

“Aw, this is just great,” Lajos said.

Kristof put his hands up and clasped them behind his head. “Do as the nice humans have asked,” he whispered.

“Are you the punks that broke into the house?” one of the officers asked, as he looked down the barrel of the gun.

“No officer. My brother and I have an appointment with Gertrude Hollander. When we arrived we noticed her kitchen window had been broken. We looked through the window and saw some men trying to break down one of the doors inside.” Kristof tilted his head toward Lajos. “This is my brother Lajos. He broke the front door down to try to capture them while I went to the back to head them off.”

“Uh huh, so where did these other men go?”

“They got away sir.”

“Sure they did,” the officer said, not too convinced.

Kristof resisted the urge to glare at the human. “We just flew in from Michigan. I have my wallet in my pocket. If you’ll allow me, I’ll retrieve it for you.”

“Sure, and while you’re getting your wallet you can also get out your gun.” Both officers laughed. “Keep your hands up. My partner will get your wallets. One move and I’ll make your night.”

At that, Kristof did glare. But he stood still as he was patted down and his wallet removed. After the officer finished with Lajos, with wallets in hand, he went back to his partner. “Their ID says who they say they are.”

His gaze flickered to two women, one holding a dog, the other in curlers, and a man walking toward them. Although the dog no longer barked, he recognized them both instantly. The wolf in him stirred.

She drew closer and stood behind the officers. He didn’t have enough time to appreciate her before, but now there was no mistaking. Gertrude Hollander was beautiful. She was taller than most human females and had a shape he could appreciate. She didn’t look like one of those starving female models that human men seemed to fawn over. No, she had curves—nice curves.

“Ma’am, are you the one who called the police?” The police officer asked.

“Yes, Officer.”

“Are those the men who tried to attack you?”

When her gaze rested on him, he saw that her eyes were the prettiest green he’d even seen. Then she looked to Lajos and then back to him. “N-no.”

“Take a good look. Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. The other guys were the same ones that broke into my business yesterday. They were paler than these two, bigger and had on all black. Their hair was longer too.”

“These two say they had an appointment with you, is this true?”

Her eyes instantly brightened. “Oh my God!”

She rushed forward and his wolf sniffed the air that she stirred. His wolf pushed forward. Kristof closed his eyes to control the shift. Not now.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:
A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.

Where you can find me:

Follow me on Twitter:

Follow me on Instagram: amgriffinbooks

Subscribe my newsletter for updates giveaways:

Tuesday, December 30, 2014



Tara C. MacDonald



Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love is an ebook with two short stories.  Never to Part features Ryan almost getting run over by Sam at a bar one night.  They see each other again as Ryan's hockey team is hiring her marketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  What can these two confused overachievers do when love strikes.  Never to Love brings us to Halifax again where James and Sarah bump heads in a business deal to help out his motocross sponsorship prospects.  Will they be able to put business aside and commit to their passions?

Excerpt One:

From Never to Part

As Sam left the bar and got into her Mini Cooper she looked at the snow gently falling down and wished, for the first time in her life, that she had been out of Nova Scotia.  At least once.  Then she sighed.  I do love it here, and where else would I go? Gord could find his own way home.  As the tears fell down her face she finally knew whatever they had had together was gone.  Maybe she’d only seen what she had wanted to see.

            Sam heard a thump and slammed on the brakes.  She threw herself out of the car to see what she had hit.  Oh, God, she thought, was it an animal?

            “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” came an American drawl. Her feet slid in some snow getting to the front of her car.

            She looked up at a six-foot-four man wearing a ball cap that said Drakes and had the team logo on the side.  He flexed his leg and glared at her.

            “I’m so sorry!  Are you hurt?  Should we call nine-one-one?  I can do that!” Sam grabbed her phone out of her pocket and waved it around.

            “No!  Lady, you weren’t even doing five miles an hour when you hit me.  I’m okay.  Call off the emergency first aid.”

            She ran over to him and put her arm around him to give support.

            “Lady, I’m fine. You don’t need to…”

            “Just let me help,” she said and looked up into the warmest chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen.  Her next thought died on her lips as she took in his deep forest scent. Her hand was grabbing nothing but hard muscle where she touched him.  Her heart beat erratically as his lips curved into a smile.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Author Tara C. MacDonald holds a B.A. English Literature from Trent University and has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 2008.  Other writing groups such as Scribe Wenches, Romance Writers of Nova Scotia and other RWA chapters have helped her learn her craft.  She believes in the hope that romance can bring and reads avidly.  Her first published work was as a Co-Author in a non-fiction book called "Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear & Crisis" August 2014 with the eWomenNetwork publishing program.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Nixon and Dovey: The Legend Returns by Jay W. Curry

Please join Jay W. Curry on his Blog Tour with HF Virtual Book Tours for Nixon and Dovey: The Legend Returns.

Adobe Photoshop PDFPublication Date: November 14, 2014
eBook: 369p
ISBN: 978-1-3117280-3-6

Genre: Historical Fiction

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Before he met Dovey, it was just a heated feud. Now, in the backdrop of southern antebellum slavery, it’s a deadly game of passion, murder, and revenge.

Facts: In 1818 Nixon Curry became entangled in one of the most sensationalized murder/love stories in early American history. As a result, Nixon Curry became arguably the most notorious and widely publicized criminal in America’s first half century. His fame derived not from the brutality or number of his crimes but from the determination of the Charlotte aristocracy to hang him. His remarkable talents, undying love for Dovey Caldwell, and the outright audacity of his exploits made him an early American legend.

Story: Set in the antebellum south of North Carolina, Nixon Curry, a talented son of poor Scot-Irish immigrants, accepts a job at a racing stable. Soon, his riding skills rival those of his mentor, Ben Wilson. The fierce rivalry becomes confrontational when Ben frames Nixon’s childhood, slave friend, Cyrus, for the Caldwell plantation fire. When both Nixon and Ben win invitations to the 1816 Race of Champions, the stage is set for an explosive faceoff. During prerace festivities, the dashing, young Nixon meets the beautiful Dovey Caldwell, daughter of the state’s wealthiest and most influential senator. Finding Nixon unworthy of Dovey’s affection, Senator Caldwell betroths his daughter to Nixon’s nemesis, Ben. The announcement sets in motion a clash of cultures, talents, and passions leading to murder, mayhem, and revenge.

How far will Nixon go to have his love? What price is he willing to pay and what will be the consequences?

Buy the Book

Apple iBooks
Amazon (Kindle)
Barnes & Noble (Nook)

About the Author02_Jay Curry Author Photo

Jay W Curry is a former Big-4 consulting partner, business coach, and award-winning author. When he is not coaching, fly-fishing or writing he facilitates a Vistage CEO roundtable in Houston. Jay has co-authored three internationally successful books and has won honors for both his short fiction and non-fiction work. When the heat of Texas summer arrives, Jay and his wife, Nancy, head to their Colorado home (http:/ or visit their three children and seven grandchildren. Nixon and Dovey is the first of a three-book passion to bring the 200-year-old story of Jay’s relative, Nixon Curry, back to light.

For more information, please visit Jay W. Curry's website. You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
My Review:
Three Stars
Copy received for an honest review from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours 
"Nixon and Dovey" was a very sweet coming of age story.  I especially liked that it was based on real events.  The author introduced a lot of different elements: coming of age, racial tensions, love and the historical background.  Curry was able to balance all these different elements well. The story picks up from the beginning pages and it's very enjoyable.  I thought it would make a great read for Young Adults although adults would enjoy it also.  The writing and the story telling were engaging. The characters were memorial.  This is worth a read!

Nixon and Dovey Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, December 1
Spotlight at Flashlight Commentary

Friday, December 5
Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Monday, December 8
Guest Post at What Is That Book About

Tuesday, December 9
Review at Deal Sharing Aunt

Monday, December 15
Guest Post at Mina's Bookshelf
Spotlight at Caroline Wilson Writes

Tuesday, December 16
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, December 17
Interview at Flashlight Commentary

Thursday, December 18
Spotlight at Boom Baby Reviews

Tuesday, December 23
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Friday, December 26
Spotlight at Historical Fiction Connection

Saturday, December 27
Spotlight at Layered Pages

Monday, December 29
Review at Forever Ashley

Tuesday, December 30
Review at Book Nerd

Wednesday, December 31
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

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Becoming His by Mariah Dietz

Virtual Book Tour Dates: 12/1/14 – 12/29/14

Genres: New Adult Contemporary Romance, New Adult Literary Fiction


Sometimes life’s unforeseen paths lead us to discovering sides of ourselves we never knew existed.

Ace Bosse has always found solace at home, but when she returns for
the summer from college she builds an unexpected relationship with the
reckless Max Miller.

Three years ago, Max left for Alaska to find what he thought he’d lost, but now he realizes just how much he left behind.

Max teaches Ace that sometimes a little crazy is exactly what life
needs while learning that some chances are worth taking, regardless of
the risks.

But how do you know when you’ve met the right person? And will they be prepared to experience one of life’s biggest obstacles?

Falling in love isn’t easy, but holding on to it is where the real challenge lies.



“Happy Birthday, Max,” I whisper against his ear.

A smile forms on his lips and his hand squeezes my thigh. “You’re the
best birthday present I could’ve imagined,” he says softly, his voice
deep from sleep.

I kiss along his neck, absorbing the heat of his skin that radiates
his spicy, sweet scent. He gives a soft groan in response, his muscles
clenching, notifying me that I have his full attention.

“Want to go do something crazy?” I whisper between kisses.

“With you? Yes.” He shifts, rolling over to face me as his beautiful blue eyes finally open with a gleam of excitement.

“You look like you already have a plan in that head of yours,” Max
says, reaching forward with both hands and placing them on my thighs. I
nod and give him a seductive smile that makes his eyes grow wider.

“Let’s go!” I whisper, quietly sliding off of the bed and making my way to the door.

“I need to get dressed,” Max says, sitting up and letting the
blankets fall from him revealing a pair of dark mesh shorts hanging
slightly lower than the band of his boxer briefs.

“No, you don’t.”

Max ignores me and grabs a T-shirt from his closet and reaches toward
his dresser. I grab his hand before it closes around his keys and
wallet and shake my head, indicating he doesn’t need them either. He
looks reluctant but I tug his arm and he quietly follows me downstairs
to the front door that I unlock.

“How’d you get in?”

“You really need to fix that latch in the sunroom,” I say with a grin
as I lead us over toward the gate that goes into our backyard.

As I reach for the latch Max grips my arm and firmly pulls me to him
so we’re chest to chest. His face is soft and he’s looking at me as
though I’ve just done something significant and earth-altering.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” I push up on my toes so I can place a kiss on his lips.

“For choosing me.”

My face breaks out in a grin as I kiss him once more. “Always you,” I whisper and kiss him again.

“Come on.” I interlace my fingers with his and open the gate, leading
him to the dimly lit backyard. We stop in front of the blanket I had
laid out, along with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, a crème brulee
I had picked up at an Italian restaurant on Wednesday, and a small
wrapped box.

“Come on, let’s take a drink. It’s necessary for crazy.”

“You did this for me?”

“I wanted to be the first to celebrate with you,” I answer, pouring amber liquid into each glass and handing him one.

“You don’t like whiskey.”

“But you do, and this day is all about you.” I throw back the shot
and blink a couple of times to fight the burning sensation that always
bites more than licks. I smile as he shakes his head and then takes his
own shot.

“What are we doing?” he asks as I take his hand in mine and lead his further into the yard.

“Going swimming.” Max looks at me trying to read my intentions. “Naked.”

“Ace …” Max quietly starts in protest.

I smile and lift the black tank top I’m wearing and toss it in the
direction of a patio chair, not waiting to see where it lands before
taking a few steps back toward the pool wearing a royal purple lace bra.
Max shakes his head again and I can tell he’s debating with himself
about objecting as I start shimmying my jeans down my legs, tossing them
over in the direction of my top.

“Ace, let’s go back to my room.” I hear the defeat in his voice as he says the words he thinks he should.

I shake my head, still smiling at him as I reach behind my back. My
fingers tremble slightly as I finger the clasp of my bra. I’m thoroughly
impressed that I’ve made it this far, especially since Max hasn’t moved
a muscle since he saw my intentions. I’m not sure if he’s caught up in
the moment, or just doesn’t believe that I’ll go through with it. I
slowly let my bra slide down my arms and fall to the ground before I
hook my thumbs into my matching underwear and push them down my legs.

People always say to enjoy your body when you’re young and it’s toned
and in shape, before gravity, kids, and stress work against you. That’s
much easier to say when you’re forty looking back, rather than twenty
standing stark naked in front of your ridiculously hot boyfriend.

Max stares at me for a few long moments, and then a small smile
flashes on his face and he pulls off his T-shirt and tosses it toward my
discarded items.

I lower myself into the warm water that feels cool as it laps against
parts of me that have always been covered and turn to see Max slide
into the pool, completely naked. My smile grows in my first successful
planned dose of crazy.

“Your dad is going to kill me!”


Buy Links:


Amazon UK

Amazon CA

Amazon AU

About the Author:

Mariah Dietz lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and two sons that are the axis of her crazy and wonderful world.

Mariah grew up in a tiny town outside of Portland, Oregon where she
spent the majority of her time immersed in the pages of books that she
both read and created.

She has a love for all things that include her sons, good coffee,
books, travel, and dark chocolate. She also has a deep passion for the
stories she writes, and hopes readers enjoy the journeys she takes them
on, as much as she loves creating them.


Connect With The Author:








Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card and a print copy of the book! Open worldwide. This giveaway will run 12/1/14 – 12/29/14. Enter through Rafflecopter.

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Island of a Thousand Springs by Sarah Lark

Island of a Thousand Springs

London, 1732: Nora Reed, the daughter of a merchant, falls hopelessly in love with her father's clerk, Simon. Despite their differing social class, the star-crossed lovers dream of a future on a tropical island - until tragedy strikes, and Nora must face a life without her soulmate. Hopeless, Nora enters a marriage of convenience with Elias Fortnam, a widower and sugar planter in Jamaica. Even without Simon, she is determined to somehow fulfill their tropical fantasy. But life in the Caribbean doesn't turn out as Nora had dreamt. 

Nora is deeply shocked by the way plantation owners treat the slaves and decides to shake things up on her own sugar cane plantation - for the better. Surprisingly, her adult stepson Doug supports her in this endeavor when he arrives from Europe. However, his return also puts things into a state of turmoil - especially Nora's feelings. 

Just as Nora seems to be settling into her role as lady of the house, one harrowing event rips everything from her but her life... 
A gripping tale of love and hate, trust and betrayal, and a thrilling destiny set against the pristine beaches and swaying palmtrees of the tropics. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thornton

Daughter of the Gods: A Novel of Ancient Egypt

Buy links : Goodreads
                  Barnes and Nobles
My Review
Five blazing Stars
Copy received in a give away contest

First, when I heard about this book I was instantly interested and intrigued by Hatshepsut .  I could not believe that I have never heard of her before!  When I won this book in a giveaway I immediately started to read and loved it.  I've since started reading " "The Tiger Queens" and I can say Thornton is a fantastic author.  She is so eloquent in her prose that her sentences become an experience. She has a craft for writing and it made me want to savor the story and not rush through it.  It makes perfect sense that Thornton would write about a powerful and successful woman in ancient history.  Hatshepsut was one of a kind. Because her nephew was to young to govern she took his place and was the "King" in his place until he was old enough to take over.  Hatshepsut was a driven and very capable leader.  Thornton made me see that she craved the role of King and she was born to lead.  Even more interesting is that through events not entirely clearly, because of historical events, we don't know why they wanted to erase her successful rule!  Literally, there was a movement to erase her from history! Aside from the rich historical layers that unfolded in this rich story, this was an eventful hold-your-breath moment! Page 300 until the end of the book was a series of gasps and I can't-believe-what-just-happened moments.  I was shocked as one event unfolded after another.  I loved and admired Hatshepsut's strength and her courage.  This was one of my favorite reads of 2014.  Because I need to have a complete collection, I bought the only one missing from Thornton, " The Secret History" which is also about a famous historical woman, Empress Theodora!  More reviews to follow on this amazing author!

Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward

Five Stars
Copy from Audible for an honest review
When I started “Lover Awakened” by J.R. Ward I knew that I would be hearing a story about vampires but I had no idea that I would become completely hooked! First, I had to start this story twice because it picks up very quickly. I went to the library and checked out the first book in the series “Dark Lover” so I could have a little background and a little more understanding.

So J.R. Ward’s writing. I have to say that her storytelling is very good. She was able to develop these hard cord vampires known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood. They live on earth but they stay away from humans although they need to feed. Feeding for them means drinking blood. Unlike the usual vampire stories these vampires eat, drink, sleep just like people and they can be killed. They also have enemies, The Lessers. The Lessers are not vampires and they are not humans. They are soulless beings and basically the bad guys. From this audiobook and from the first book I read, I understand that Ward focuses on one vampire and their love interest but the other characters are very much a part of the story as well. My one gripe about this is that the way she transitions from one scene to another is a little overwhelming. I had to rewind a couple of times to make sure I understood who was in what scene. For anyone that has never read JR Ward her books they are at least four hundred pages, the audiobooks is about sixteen hours. But all well worth it!

Ok, now onto the good stuff. In the BDB there are the main vampires: Phury, Wrath, Rhage, Vishous, Tohrment and Zsadist. The focus of this book is the love story between Bella and Zsadist. Zsadist is a very broken vampire. He lived as a blood slave, the lowest in the vampire hierarchy. As a blood slave he not only had to feed his mister but he also suffered a lot of sexual abuse. This is a constant problem for him in the present day and he becomes overwhelmed by his memories. He constantly feels dirty and has a very difficult time connecting with people. Bella comes from an aristocratic family of vampires. She is held captive by a Lesser that claims her as wife. In the previous book Zsadist meets Bella and is drawn to her. She is held captive six weeks by the Lesser but him and the BDB never stop looking for her.

Personally I loved Zsadist his feelings of unworthiness made my heart ache. He is a real jerk to most of the people he encounters but it’s his way of dealing with his issues. When he can’t distance himself from Bella and feels she is getting too close he really pushes her away. I also like Bella but since I’m on my 3rd book in the series (I became so intrigued by it, I went to my library and checked out the available books in the series) Ward tends to make her females very one dimensional. It’s very frustrating. Bella basically lays around waiting for Zsadist to come to her. When he finally breaks her heart (I’m using self -control and not giving too much away) she goes to see her brother Rehvenge. He’s in control of Bella’s life as well. The female roles that Ward writes are a little frustrating and it almost had me liking the books a little less. However, at the end she really had showed redemption for Bella’s character. I also liked the tremendous transformation that Zsadist put himself through so he could be worthy of her.

Finally, there are so many more characters in this story but I’ve decided to just focus on Bella and Zsadist. The bond of the brother is really beautiful and I enjoy reading about it. I’m also intrigued by Phury his dedication and love for his twin, Zsadist, brought tears to my eyes. I can’t recommend this series enough. I could not helped become hooked and I never thought I would love a paranormal series this much!
Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3)

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Towers of Tuscany by Carol M. Cram

01_The Towers of Tuscany CoverPublication Date: December 16, 2014
Lake Union Publishing
Formats: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 366

Genre: Historical Fiction

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Sofia is trained in secret as a painter in her father’s workshop during a time when women did not paint openly. She loves her work, but her restless spirit leads her to betray her extraordinary gifts to marry a man who comes to despise her for not producing a son.

After Sofia’s father is crushed by his own fresco during an attack motivated by a vendetta, Sofia realizes she must escape her loveless marriage. She flees to Siena, where, disguised as a boy, she paints again. When her work attracts the notice of a nobleman who discovers the woman under the dirty smock, Sofia is faced with a choice that nearly destroys her.

Meticulously researched settings and compelling characters are united with a strong heroine in this rich portrait of medieval Italy.

Praise for The Towers of Tuscany

“From the very first page, Carol M. Cram captivates with her writing, transporting you to the rolling hills and rich palette of 14th-century Tuscany. You care for the protagonist, Sofia, from the outset and become an ally throughout the perilous pursuit of her beloved art. The twists and turns of the plot, and the fast pace of the writing, make it a book that is very hard to put down. I cannot praise this novel highly enough. It is a story that lingers long after you have reluctantly reached the last page. I highly recommend this book as a must-read and wish this debut novelist great success with her career. She is definitely an author to watch and has earned a firm fan who will be buying her next book.” —Janis Pegrum Smith, Historical Novel Society

"The Towers of Tuscany is a delightful escape to the Siena we all love. Carol Cram has crafted a delicious story about a strong woman torn between her secret past, her love of painting, and the forbidden charms of her rich patron. Hard to resist and highly recommended!” —Anne Fortier, author of the New York Times bestseller Juliet and The Lost Sisterhood

"The Towers of Tuscany has all the elements of a wonderful historical novel—a talented, frustrated heroine; a treacherous, feckless husband; and a promise to a dying, much loved father who orders the heroine on a dangerous mission. Carol is a first rate storyteller. The research is well done. Every chapter displays a fine knowledge of painting technique of the 14th century, and customs and mores of the age. The details of dress, fabric, food, are flawless. The clever dialogue and fast pace make the novel zing along." —Roberta Rich, bestselling author of The Midwife of Venice and The Harem Midwife
My Review
Four Stars
Copy from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
I really like "The Towers of Tuscany" by Carol M Cram.  I loved Sofia and my heart ached for her! There were so many tough moments when I had to stop reading and take a deep breath!  I loved the creativity that Sofia exemplified and also the creativity that the author used throughout the story.  There are times when you can figure out where a story is leading but that is not the case with this book, I was continuously surprised by the change of circumstances and events. This was a very unique, deeply emotional and very creative story. 

Buy the Book

Barnes & Noble

About the Author02_Carol Cram

Carol M. Cram is the author of The Towers of Tuscany, an historical novel about a woman painter in fourteenth century Italy. In addition to writing fiction, Carol has enjoyed a great career as an educator, teaching at Capilano University in North Vancouver for over twenty years and authoring forty-plus bestselling textbooks on business communications and software applications for Cengage Learning. She holds an MA in Drama from the University of Toronto and an MBA from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. Carol is currently focusing as much of her attention as she can spare between walks in the woods on writing historical novels with an arts twist. She and her husband, painter Gregg Simpson, share a life on beautiful Bowen Island near Vancouver, Canada. Visit her at

The Towers of Tuscany Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, December 15
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Tuesday, December 16
Guest Post at The Book Binder's Daughter

Wednesday, December 17
Review at Unshelfish

Thursday, December 18
Spotlight at The Never-Ending Book

Monday, December 22
Guest Post at Boom Baby Reviews

Saturday, December 27
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, December 29
Review at History From a Woman's Perspective

Sunday, January 4
Review at HF Obsession
Review at I'd So Rather Be Reading

Monday, January 5
Guest Post at Let Them Read Books

Tuesday, January 6
Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews

Thursday, January 8
Interview at Dianne Ascroft's Blog

Friday, January 9
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time

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A Grave Inheritance by Kari Edgren

02_A Grave Inheritance_CoverPublication Date: December 1, 2014

Carina Press


Series: Goddess Born

Genre: Historical/Paranormal/New Adult/Romance

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Selah Kilbrid may descend from the goddess Brigid, but her heart beats—and breaks—the same as any human. Yet enduring the scorn of London's most noble lords and ladies is a small price to pay for a chance at true happiness. Selah would endure much more for love, and her betrothed, Lord Henry Fitzalan, is prepared to challenge anyone foolish enough to stand in their way—even another goddess born.

But when a captivating young gentleman draws Selah into a world shadowed by secrets, she is forced to confront her darkest fears. What if some differences are too great to overcome and a future with Henry is doomed from the start?

With these doubts threatening her impending marriage and the very last of Brigid's fire draining from her soul, a violent attack on an innocent child pushes Selah to the very edge of her power. She must find a way to cross into the Otherworld and regain her strength—or forfeit the streets of London to death and disease.

My Review
Four Stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours
When I read "A Goddess  Born" I really enjoyed it and I was happy to know there was sequel.  I usually stay away from paranormal because they don't convince me but Edgren has a very eloquent way of grabbing a reader and making the characters come alive.  Selah is definitely divine and I enjoyed her as much as I did in the first book.  Selah's journey is far from over and once again she comes up against the odds. Fun and original read.

Buy the eBook

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble

About the Author03_Kari Edgren

Kari Edgren is the author of the Goddess Born series. In 2010 and 2011 she was a semifinalist for the Amazon Break Through Novel Award. In 2013, she was a RWA Golden Heart finalist. Ms. Edgren enjoys writing both historical and contemporary fiction, so long as there’s a spark of paranormal. She resides on a mountain top in the Pacific Northwest where she spends a great deal of time dreaming about the sun and torturing her husband and children with strange food and random historical facts.

For more information please visit Kari Edgren’s website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Sign Up for Kari Edgren’s Newsletter.

A Grave Inheritance Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, December 2

Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Thursday, December 4

Review at A Book Geek

Review at I'd So Rather Be Reading

Friday, December 5

Spotlight at The Reader's Hollow

Monday, December 9

Review at Book Lovers Paradise

Wednesday, December 11

Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book

Monday, December 22

Review at The Mad Reviewer

Friday, December 26

Review at The Book Nerd

Monday, December 29

Review at Peeking Between the Pages

Tuesday, December 30

Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews

Thursday, January 1

Review at Mel's Shelves

Friday, January 2

Review at So Many Books, So Little Time

Monday, January 5

Review at Book Babe

Review at The True Book Addict

Friday, January 9

Review at Romantic Historical Reviews

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Iris Fan by Laura Joh Rowland

02_The Iris Fan CoverPublication Date: December 9, 2014
Minotaur Books
Formats: eBook, Hardcover

Series: Sano Ichiro Mystery Series (Book 18)
Genre: Historical Mystery

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Japan, 1709. The shogun is old and ailing. Amid the ever-treacherous intrigue in the court, Sano Ichiro has been demoted from chamberlain to a lowly patrol guard. His relationship with his wife Reiko is in tatters, and a bizarre new alliance between his two enemies Yanagisawa and Lord Ienobu has left him puzzled and wary. Sano’s onetime friend Hirata is a reluctant conspirator in a plot against the ruling regime. Yet, Sano's dedication to the Way of the Warrior—the samurai code of honor—is undiminished.

Then a harrowing, almost inconceivable crime takes place. In his own palace, the shogun is stabbed with a fan made of painted silk with sharp-pointed iron ribs. Sano is restored to the rank of chief investigator to find the culprit. This is the most significant, and most dangerous, investigation of his career. If the shogun's heir is displeased, he will have Sano and his family put to death without waiting for the shogun's permission, then worry about the consequences later. And Sano has enemies of his own, as well as unexpected allies. As the previously unimaginable death of the shogun seems ever more possible, Sano finds himself at the center of warring forces that threaten not only his own family but Japan itself.

Riveting and richly imagined, with a magnificent sense of time and place, The Iris Fan is the triumphant conclusion to Laura Joh Rowland's brilliant series of thrillers set in feudal Japan.
My Review:
Five Stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
 When I heard of  " The Shogun's Daughter" I became curious about Rowland's writing.  The Iris Fan was a fantastic read.  The characters were interesting and the writing engaging.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.

The San Ichiro Mystery Series Titles

The Way of the Traitor
The Concubine's Tattoo
The Samurai's Wife
Black Lotus
The Pillow Book of Lady Wisteria
The Dragon King's Palace
The Perfumed Sleeve
The Assassin's Touch
The Red Chrysanthemum
The Snow Empress
The Fire Kimono
The Cloud Pavilion
The Ronin's Mistress
The Incense Game
The Shogun's Daughter
The Iris Fan

Buy the Book

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Amazon UK
Barnes & Noble
Book Depository

About the Author03_Laura Joh Rowland

Granddaughter of Chinese and Korean immigrants, Laura Joh Rowland grew up in Michigan and where she graduated with a B.S. in microbiology and a Master of Public Health at the University of Michigan. She is the author of sixteen previous Sano Ichiro thrillers set in feudal Japan. The Fire Kimono was named one of the Wall Street Journal's "Five Best Historical Mystery Novels"; and The Snow Empress and The Cloud Pavilion were among Publishers Weekly's Best Mysteries of the Year. She currently lives in New Orleans with her husband. She has worked as a chemist, microbiologist, sanitary inspector and quality engineer.

For more information please visit Laura’s website. You can also follow her on Facebook.

The Iris Fan Blog Tour & Book Blast Schedule

Tuesday, December 9
Book Blast, Excerpt, & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Wednesday, December 10
Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book
Book Blast at Literary Chanteuse

Thursday, December 11
Review at Buried Under Books

Friday, December 12
Book Blast at Queen of All She Reads

Monday, December 15
Book Blast at Layered Pages

Tuesday, December 16
Review at Book Dilletante
Interview at Dianne Ascroft's Blog

Wednesday, December 17
Book Blast at CelticLady's Reviews

Friday, December 19
Review at Unshelfish
Book Blast at I'd So Rather Be Reading

Monday, December 22
Review at Broken Teepee

Tuesday, December 23
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, January 5
Review & Interview at Jorie Loves a Story

Wednesday, January 7
Review at Book Babe
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Bodo The Apostate by Donald Michael Platt

02_Bodo the Apostate CoverPublication Date: September 29, 2014
Raven's Wing Books
Formats: eBook, Paperback

Genre: Historical Fiction

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“… in the meantime, a credible report caused all ecclesiastics of the Catholic Church to lament and weep.” Prudentius of Troyes, Annales Bertiniani, anno 839

On Ascension Day May 22, 838, Bishop Bodo, chaplain, confessor, and favorite of both his kin, Emperor Louis the Pious, son of Charlemagne, and Empress Judith, caused the greatest scandal of the Carolingian Empire and the 9th century Roman Church.

Bodo, the novel, dramatizes the causes, motivations, and aftermath of Bodo’s astonishing cause célèbre that took place during an age of superstitions, a confused Roman Church, heterodoxies, lingering paganism, broken oaths, rebellions, and dissolution of the Carolingian Empire.
My review
four stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours
This is my second book by Donald Michael Patt and I can say he does not disappoint.  This is a historical rich novel coupled with intrigue and fascinating characters.  I've never heard of  this moment in history so I found the religious struggles during this time period fascinating.  The story was well paced and the writing engaging.  Platt is a great writer that pulls the reader right in.

About the Author03_Donald Michael Platt

Author of four other novels, ROCAMORA, HOUSE OF ROCAMORA, A GATHERING OF VULTURES, and CLOSE TO THE SUN, Donald Michael Platt was born and raised in San Francisco. Donald graduated from Lowell High School and received his B.A. in History from the University of California at Berkeley. After two years in the Army, Donald attended graduate school at San Jose State where he won a batch of literary awards in the annual SENATOR PHELAN LITERARY CONTEST.

Donald moved to southern California to begin his professional writing career. He sold to the TV series, MR. NOVAK, ghosted for health food guru, Dan Dale Alexander, and wrote for and with diverse producers, among them as Harry Joe Brown, Sig Schlager, Albert J. Cohen, Al Ruddy plus Paul Stader Sr, Hollywood stuntman and stunt/2nd unit director. While in Hollywood, Donald taught Creative Writing and Advanced Placement European History at Fairfax High School where he was Social Studies Department Chairman.

After living in Florianópolis, Brazil, setting of his horror novel A GATHERING OF VULTURES, pub. 2007 & 2011, he moved to Florida where he wrote as a with: VITAMIN ENRICHED, pub.1999, for Carl DeSantis, founder of Rexall Sundown Vitamins; and THE COUPLE’S DISEASE, Finding a Cure for Your Lost “Love” Life, pub. 2002, for Lawrence S. Hakim, MD, FACS, Head of Sexual Dysfunction Unit at the Cleveland Clinic.

Currently, Donald resides in Winter Haven, Florida where he is polishing a dark novel and preparing to write a sequel to CLOSE TO THE SUN.

For more information please visit Donald Michael Platt’s website. You can also connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.

Bodo, the Apostate Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, December 8
Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book

Tuesday, December 9
Interview at Oh, For the Hook of a Book

Wednesday, December 10
Review at Back Porchervations
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Friday, December 12
Guest Post at Back Porchervations

Monday, December 15
Spotlight at Boom Baby Reviews

Monday, December 22
Guest Post at Words and Peace

Tuesday, December 23
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, December 29
Review at Next Chapter Book Reviews

Monday, January 5
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views
Spotlight at The Literary Vacation

Tuesday, January 6
Review at Broken Teepee

Thursday, January 7
Review at A Bibliophile's Reverie

Friday, January 8
Review at Just One More Chapter
Review at The Never Ending Book

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Duke City Hit by Max Austin

Duke City Hit
On Sale: December 16, 2014

Pages: 150 
Published by : Alibi

Max Austin takes readers back to Albuquerque for another action-packed thrill ride in Duke City Hit, as an elite assassin takes aim at—well, everyone.

According to Vic Walters, the secret to happiness is low overhead and few demands. Living rent-free in a modest bachelor pad behind his boss’s house, he has no debts, no entanglements, and no expensive relationships. He works just a few days a month, but his bank accounts keep growing.

Vic is a high-priced hitman with a legendary record of success. That is, until someone starts eliminating his marks before he can get to them . . . until his manager puts him in the middle of a vicious drug-cartel feud . . . and until a young man walks into his life with a big .45 and a startling revelation.

For Vic Walters, it’s time to step out of the shadows. Which means it’s killing time in Duke City.
My Review
Three Stars
Copy received from TLC Book Tours for an honest review
" Duke City Hit" by Max Austin was an action-packed, adrenaline ride.  I tend to stay away from short reads because the author has to make a story likable in a short amount of pages.  Max Austin really accomplished this in this story.  Both Vic and Ryan were interesting characters and I really enjoyed this hitman story. Austin was able to give enough descriptions and enough action just when it was needed.

About Max Austin

Max Austin is the pseudonym of writer Steve Brewer. He lives in Duke City (Albuquerque), New Mexico.

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