Tuesday, December 30, 2014



Tara C. MacDonald



Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love is an ebook with two short stories.  Never to Part features Ryan almost getting run over by Sam at a bar one night.  They see each other again as Ryan's hockey team is hiring her marketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  What can these two confused overachievers do when love strikes.  Never to Love brings us to Halifax again where James and Sarah bump heads in a business deal to help out his motocross sponsorship prospects.  Will they be able to put business aside and commit to their passions?

Excerpt One:

From Never to Part

As Sam left the bar and got into her Mini Cooper she looked at the snow gently falling down and wished, for the first time in her life, that she had been out of Nova Scotia.  At least once.  Then she sighed.  I do love it here, and where else would I go? Gord could find his own way home.  As the tears fell down her face she finally knew whatever they had had together was gone.  Maybe she’d only seen what she had wanted to see.

            Sam heard a thump and slammed on the brakes.  She threw herself out of the car to see what she had hit.  Oh, God, she thought, was it an animal?

            “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” came an American drawl. Her feet slid in some snow getting to the front of her car.

            She looked up at a six-foot-four man wearing a ball cap that said Drakes and had the team logo on the side.  He flexed his leg and glared at her.

            “I’m so sorry!  Are you hurt?  Should we call nine-one-one?  I can do that!” Sam grabbed her phone out of her pocket and waved it around.

            “No!  Lady, you weren’t even doing five miles an hour when you hit me.  I’m okay.  Call off the emergency first aid.”

            She ran over to him and put her arm around him to give support.

            “Lady, I’m fine. You don’t need to…”

            “Just let me help,” she said and looked up into the warmest chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen.  Her next thought died on her lips as she took in his deep forest scent. Her hand was grabbing nothing but hard muscle where she touched him.  Her heart beat erratically as his lips curved into a smile.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Author Tara C. MacDonald holds a B.A. English Literature from Trent University and has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 2008.  Other writing groups such as Scribe Wenches, Romance Writers of Nova Scotia and other RWA chapters have helped her learn her craft.  She believes in the hope that romance can bring and reads avidly.  Her first published work was as a Co-Author in a non-fiction book called "Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear & Crisis" August 2014 with the eWomenNetwork publishing program.

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