Monday, December 29, 2014

Becoming His by Mariah Dietz

Virtual Book Tour Dates: 12/1/14 – 12/29/14

Genres: New Adult Contemporary Romance, New Adult Literary Fiction


Sometimes life’s unforeseen paths lead us to discovering sides of ourselves we never knew existed.

Ace Bosse has always found solace at home, but when she returns for
the summer from college she builds an unexpected relationship with the
reckless Max Miller.

Three years ago, Max left for Alaska to find what he thought he’d lost, but now he realizes just how much he left behind.

Max teaches Ace that sometimes a little crazy is exactly what life
needs while learning that some chances are worth taking, regardless of
the risks.

But how do you know when you’ve met the right person? And will they be prepared to experience one of life’s biggest obstacles?

Falling in love isn’t easy, but holding on to it is where the real challenge lies.



“Happy Birthday, Max,” I whisper against his ear.

A smile forms on his lips and his hand squeezes my thigh. “You’re the
best birthday present I could’ve imagined,” he says softly, his voice
deep from sleep.

I kiss along his neck, absorbing the heat of his skin that radiates
his spicy, sweet scent. He gives a soft groan in response, his muscles
clenching, notifying me that I have his full attention.

“Want to go do something crazy?” I whisper between kisses.

“With you? Yes.” He shifts, rolling over to face me as his beautiful blue eyes finally open with a gleam of excitement.

“You look like you already have a plan in that head of yours,” Max
says, reaching forward with both hands and placing them on my thighs. I
nod and give him a seductive smile that makes his eyes grow wider.

“Let’s go!” I whisper, quietly sliding off of the bed and making my way to the door.

“I need to get dressed,” Max says, sitting up and letting the
blankets fall from him revealing a pair of dark mesh shorts hanging
slightly lower than the band of his boxer briefs.

“No, you don’t.”

Max ignores me and grabs a T-shirt from his closet and reaches toward
his dresser. I grab his hand before it closes around his keys and
wallet and shake my head, indicating he doesn’t need them either. He
looks reluctant but I tug his arm and he quietly follows me downstairs
to the front door that I unlock.

“How’d you get in?”

“You really need to fix that latch in the sunroom,” I say with a grin
as I lead us over toward the gate that goes into our backyard.

As I reach for the latch Max grips my arm and firmly pulls me to him
so we’re chest to chest. His face is soft and he’s looking at me as
though I’ve just done something significant and earth-altering.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” I push up on my toes so I can place a kiss on his lips.

“For choosing me.”

My face breaks out in a grin as I kiss him once more. “Always you,” I whisper and kiss him again.

“Come on.” I interlace my fingers with his and open the gate, leading
him to the dimly lit backyard. We stop in front of the blanket I had
laid out, along with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, a crème brulee
I had picked up at an Italian restaurant on Wednesday, and a small
wrapped box.

“Come on, let’s take a drink. It’s necessary for crazy.”

“You did this for me?”

“I wanted to be the first to celebrate with you,” I answer, pouring amber liquid into each glass and handing him one.

“You don’t like whiskey.”

“But you do, and this day is all about you.” I throw back the shot
and blink a couple of times to fight the burning sensation that always
bites more than licks. I smile as he shakes his head and then takes his
own shot.

“What are we doing?” he asks as I take his hand in mine and lead his further into the yard.

“Going swimming.” Max looks at me trying to read my intentions. “Naked.”

“Ace …” Max quietly starts in protest.

I smile and lift the black tank top I’m wearing and toss it in the
direction of a patio chair, not waiting to see where it lands before
taking a few steps back toward the pool wearing a royal purple lace bra.
Max shakes his head again and I can tell he’s debating with himself
about objecting as I start shimmying my jeans down my legs, tossing them
over in the direction of my top.

“Ace, let’s go back to my room.” I hear the defeat in his voice as he says the words he thinks he should.

I shake my head, still smiling at him as I reach behind my back. My
fingers tremble slightly as I finger the clasp of my bra. I’m thoroughly
impressed that I’ve made it this far, especially since Max hasn’t moved
a muscle since he saw my intentions. I’m not sure if he’s caught up in
the moment, or just doesn’t believe that I’ll go through with it. I
slowly let my bra slide down my arms and fall to the ground before I
hook my thumbs into my matching underwear and push them down my legs.

People always say to enjoy your body when you’re young and it’s toned
and in shape, before gravity, kids, and stress work against you. That’s
much easier to say when you’re forty looking back, rather than twenty
standing stark naked in front of your ridiculously hot boyfriend.

Max stares at me for a few long moments, and then a small smile
flashes on his face and he pulls off his T-shirt and tosses it toward my
discarded items.

I lower myself into the warm water that feels cool as it laps against
parts of me that have always been covered and turn to see Max slide
into the pool, completely naked. My smile grows in my first successful
planned dose of crazy.

“Your dad is going to kill me!”


Buy Links:


Amazon UK

Amazon CA

Amazon AU

About the Author:

Mariah Dietz lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and two sons that are the axis of her crazy and wonderful world.

Mariah grew up in a tiny town outside of Portland, Oregon where she
spent the majority of her time immersed in the pages of books that she
both read and created.

She has a love for all things that include her sons, good coffee,
books, travel, and dark chocolate. She also has a deep passion for the
stories she writes, and hopes readers enjoy the journeys she takes them
on, as much as she loves creating them.


Connect With The Author:








Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card and a print copy of the book! Open worldwide. This giveaway will run 12/1/14 – 12/29/14. Enter through Rafflecopter.

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