Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Instinctual by Amanda Mackey


Virtual Book Tour Dates: 10/21/14 – 11/18/14

Genres: Romance, Drama, Suspense

Recommended for ages 17+ due to sexual situations and language

My review
Four Stars
Copy received for an honest review
I really liked "Instinctual" by Amanda Mackey.  I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did.  The author had my interest from the beginning. I'm excited to learn that there will be more books in this series.  There were many unexpected twist and turns and I was anticipating what would happen next.  I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more by this author.


Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched?

How much do you trust your gut instincts?

Kate Fitzpatrick’s intuitive gift warns her that her ex-lover Jake
Alexander has arrived in her idyllic hometown of Vernazza, Italy, but
she tries to shrug it off as being overworked and tired.

When Jake appears in front of her in a lonely, dark alley looking sexier than ever, Kate’s worst fears are confirmed.

She fights the magnetic pull between them, feeling guilty that her new boyfriend is out of town on business.

But after a serious fall that leaves Kate between life and death, she
soon discovers that Jake’s arrival, and their intense connection, may
be the only thing that can save her…


Her wall was crumbling fast as choked sobs escaped. Her teeth clenched as she willed her body to be strong and behave.

An apology just didn’t cut it. What a nerve thinking he could just
waltz back into Vernazza and expect her to be anything other than angry
with him? What did he hope her reaction to be?

“You’ve been stalking me!” She turned her head slightly to project her voice.

“No! I haven’t! I had to find you. There is so much I need to tell you, only I didn’t expect…”

“What? What didn’t you expect? Spit it out Jake and hurry up!”

“Something has happened to you! I tried to tell you earlier. You’re in danger!”

“Danger? The only danger I’m in is from you. I don’t want you here.
Why can’t you understand that?” Did he not understand English? She’d
practically spelt it out for him in every way possible.

And he thinks I’m the stubborn one! Okay, you’re doing good Kate. Stay strong.

“I’m here to help you. You need to hear me out. I promise, if you
listen to what I have to say and you still want me to go, I will. I’ll
go and I’ll never bother you again.”

Silence. Jesus! Why was she even considering this? It was absurd.

“How do I know you’re not lying to try to get me to forgive you?”

“I wouldn’t lie about something like this. About you. This is a life
or death situation. I’ve never been more serious about anything. Except
for my feelings for you. They will never change. You have to hear me out
and then I’ll leave. You have my word.”

Buy Links:



Barnes and Noble

ITunes: Book 1

ITunes: Book 2

About the Author:

Amanda Mackey was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia when she
was 12 years old with her family, where she has lived ever since. She
has loved books since an early age and is an avid reader. This has
helped lay the foundation for her writing. She’s published 2 non-fiction
books and has her fiction novels titled, Instinctual and Instinctual 2
out now.

Amanda hopes to make writing her full time career.

Trivia About Amanda Mackey:

I spend my free time avidly reading, next to spending time with family of course! I have an addiction to all things books!

My favourite part of writing is when I get an idea in my head for a
book and actually start. It’s an amazing feeling to begin creating
something from an idea in your head. Instinctual came to me while
driving my kids to school!!

My interest in writing came about from a young age when I dabbled in
writing poetry. It was a feeling inside me that beckoned to come out. I
was in my early 20’s when the desire to write a full novel hit.

Advice for other writers is to continually hone your craft by
learning all you can about the art of writing. I’m continually trying to
improve mine! Also if you believe in yourself and your work it’s only a
matter of time before others will too.

Some more needless trivia about me:

1 My favourite colour is not one but two colours. Blue and Green are equally my favourites.

2. My favourite holiday was a 6 week trip to the US when I was just
18. I travelled alone from Australia and ventured on a 3 week camping
tour and then I stayed with a pen-pal whom I met for the first time for
the other three weeks.

3. My most embarrassing moment was when I worked at Seaworld and a
friend of mine who is a voice-over expert pretended to call me up at
work, claiming she was a well-recognized television personality and I
believed her!!

4. My dream vacation would be visiting the setting of Instinctual which is in Vernazza, Italy.

5. Something unique about me is that I have an extra bone near my shoulder clavicle.

6. One food I will never touch is fish eggs or roe.

7. Favourite book is a hard one because I have read so many but I would have to say the Hush Hush series – Becca Fitzpatrick.

8. Writing snack of choice is cashew nuts and coffee.

9. Top hobby I do when not writing is read, read, read.

10. My favourite animal would have to be the tiger. Would love to work with them.

Connect With The Author:






Win a $20 Amazon gift card on the Instinctual by Amanda Mackey Book Tour and Giveaway! Open world wide, 10/21/14 – 11/18/14. Enter through Rafflecopter.

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