Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Maggie's War by Phil Pisani

02_Maggie's Wars
Publication Date: November 6, 2013
American Book Incorporated
Formats: eBook, Paperback

Genre: Historical Fiction

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Combatting wars on two fronts - one of fame and the other love - Maggie Hogan never wavers as a rare woman reporter on the battlefields of World War II, the Nuremburg Trials and the beginnings of the cold war. But she makes the mistake of falling for an officer, complicating her ambitions. Learn of what one woman feels she must do in order to make it in a man's world, no matter what. Maggie's Wars is a story about the ultimate battle between love and prestige, and how you can't win them both.

Praise for Maggie's Wars

"Maggie's Wars is a highly charged story, with power politics on a grand scale...the frighteningly realistic descriptions and technical know-how is right on the mark and Phil Pisani's skill at painting a vivid scene in the mind's eye of the reader is excellent and packs a wallop." -William H. LaBarge, author of Sweetwater Gunslinger 201, Hornet's Nest, Road to Gold and Desert Voices
My review:
4 stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
Loved Maggie's War! The story flowed from the first to the last page.  I really enjoyed reading about Maggie and her ordeal in becoming a reporter.  It was obvious from the very beginning that she would have to combat issues as a woman reporter that men in the field did not face.  Maggie was a go-getter from the start. Although traditional roles dictated that she marry and put her career on hold she refused to do that.  I was really surprised at how ruthless she was to get the story.  During a time where woman were not taken seriously she pressed the issues and got the story.  One aspect that surprised men was Maggies indifference to many of the stories she encountered. Although she said that they were difficult there was not an overly emotional involvement.  I really enjoyed this book and it was a quick read.  I also enjoyed reading about different historical events and Maggie's perspective on them. Informative and quick read.

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About the Author

Phil Pisani grew up on the north side of the railroad tracks in an upstate New York blue-collar industrial town in a rough neighborhood filled with the most colorful characters in the world. Factory and tannery workers mingled with bar and restaurant owners, gamblers and gangsters, good people and bad people, brash rogues and weak loudmouths, all spawned by the early immigrant movement to America. Italians, Russians, Slovacks, Irish, and Germans formed a rough and tough section of town where few from the south side dared to venture. He learned to fight at a very young age, both in the ring and on the streets. Fights became badges of honor. He also was a voracious reader. His mother worked in the village's library. After school, or fights or sandlot football games he would curl away into the adult reading section. Enjoying the polished blonde oak bookshelves, tables and chairs, he would choose a book from the stacks and delve into its smells and contents. Reading soothed him.

He studied history and humanities in Pisa, Italy, and Oswego State in New York and later earned a MA in Political Science from Binghamton University.

He worked as a labor investigator for NY and rose in the ranks through the years but never stopped writing or reading. He currently lives in Albany NY, with his wife Joanne.

For more information please visit Phil Pisani's website. You can also connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.

Maggie's Wars Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, August 18
Review at JulzReads

Tuesday, August 19
Review & Interview at Oh, For the Hook of a Book
Interview at The Maiden's Court

Wednesday, August 20
Review at Book Nerd
Review at Layered Pages
Spotlight at Flashlight Commentary

Thursday, August 21
Review at Man of la Book
Spotlight & Giveaway at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time

Friday, August 22
Review at Jorie Loves a Story
Review & Giveaway at Historical Tapestry
Interview at Closed the Cover

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