Thursday, June 5, 2014

Murder by Misrule by Anna Castle

HF Virtual Book Tours proudly presents Anna Castle's Blog Tour & Book Blast for Murder by Misrule, the first book in her Francis Bacon Mystery Series. Please join her as she tours the blogosphere from June 2 - July 4.

02_Murder by Misrule Cover
Publication Date: June 8, 2014
Formats: Ebook, Paperback

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A Kirkus Indie Books of the Month Selection for July.

Francis Bacon is charged with investigating the murder of a fellow barrister at Gray's Inn. He recruits his unwanted protégé Thomas Clarady to do the tiresome legwork. The son of a privateer, Clarady will do anything to climb the Elizabethan social ladder. Bacon's powerful uncle Lord Burghley suspects Catholic conspirators of the crime, but other motives quickly emerge. Rival barristers contend for the murdered man's legal honors and wealthy clients. Highly-placed courtiers are implicated as the investigation reaches from Whitehall to the London streets. Bacon does the thinking; Clarady does the fencing. Everyone has something up his pinked and padded sleeve. Even the brilliant Francis Bacon is at a loss — and in danger — until he sees through the disguises of the season of Misrule.

The Francis Bacon Mystery Series

This series of historical mysteries features the philosopher-statesman Francis Bacon as a sleuth and spymaster. Since Francis prefers the comfort of his own chambers, like his spiritual descendent Nero Wolfe, he sends his pupil, the handsome young Thomas Clarady, out to gather information. Tom loves the work, not least because he meets so many interesting people, like Lord Burghley, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Christopher Marlowe. Murder by Misrule is the first book in the series.

Praise for Murder by Misrule

"Though the plot keeps the pages turning, the characters, major and minor, and the well-wrought historical details will make readers want to linger in the 16th century. A laugh-out-loud mystery that will delight fans of the genre." - Kirkus Starred Review

"Murder by Misrule is a delightful debut with characters that leap off the page, especially the brilliant if unwilling detective Francis Bacon and his street smart man Tom Clarady. Elizabeth Tudor rules, but Anna Castle triumphs." - Karen Harper, author of Mistress Shakespeare

"Well-researched... Murder by Misrule is also enormously entertaining; a mystery shot through with a series of misadventures, misunderstandings,
and mendacity worthy of a Shakespearean comedy." - M. Louisa Locke, author of Bloody Lessons

“Historical mystery readers take note: Murder by Misrule is a wonderful example of Elizabethan times brought to life.” — D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
My Review:
Five Stars
ARC received from Historical Fiction Virtual Tours for an honest review
I love when I love a book! "Murder by Misrule" by Anna Castle was a fantastic read.  I think the bags under my eyes are a testament to it!  I'm so glad that this is part of a series!  The writing was engaging and very witty.  I loved that the author included humorous scenes, dialogue and moments.
The author introduced great characters.  There is the widely known Francis Bacon and then his apprentice/ servant/ assistant, Thomas Clarady.  Thomas was a fun character.  The differences between him and Bacon added a touch of humor to this mystery.  The mystery quickly begins as a lawyer is found murder at an inn.  Quickly the suspense builds and many moments of intrigue occur.  I found myself interested in the story,  I wanted to know who had committed the crime, and I really enjoyed the dynamics between this duo.  Overall, I really liked this story and highly recommend it.  This is a side of Sir Frances Bacon that has not been seen before.    

Buy the Book

Barnes & Noble


About the Author03_Anna Castle

Anna Castle has been a waitress, software engineer, documentary linguist, college professor, and digital archivist. Historical fiction combines her lifelong love of stories and learning. She physically resides in Austin, Texas, and mentally counts herself a queen of infinite space.

For more information please visit Anna Castle's website and blog. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Monday, June 2

Review at Flashlight Commentary

Book Blast at Mari Reads

Tuesday, June 3

Interview at Flashlight Commentary

Guest Post at Historical Fiction Connection

Wednesday, June 4

Book Blast at The Musings of ALMYBNENR

Thursday, June 5

Book Blast at Our Wolves Den

Friday, June 6

Review at Book Nerd

Book Blast at The Mad Reviewer

Book Blast at A Dream Within a Dream

Saturday, June 7

Book Blast at Kelsey's Book Corner

Sunday, June 8

Review at Carole's Ramblings

Monday, June 9

Review at Ageless Pages Reviews

Tuesday, June 10

Book Blast at West Metro Mommy

Wednesday, June 11

Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book

Book Blast at Literary Chanteuse

Thursday, June 12

Review at Curling Up By the Fire

Friday, June 13

Book Blast at Cheryl's Book Nook

Monday, June 16

Book Blast at Closed the Cover

Book Blast at To Read or Not to Read

Tuesday, June 17

Review & Giveaway at 100 Pages a Day

Book Blast at A Book Geek

Wednesday, June 18

Book Blast at CelticLady's Reviews

Thursday, June 19

Review at Bibliotica

Book Blast at Historical Fiction Obsession

Friday, June 20

Review at A Bibliotaph's Reviews

Interview at All Things Girl

Saturday, June 21

Book Blast at Griperang's Bookmarks

Monday, June 23

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway at A Bookish Affair

Interview at Jorie Loves a Story

Book Blast at So Many Books, So Little Time

Tuesday, June 24

Review at Jorie Loves a Story

Wednesday, June 25

Book Blast at Susan Heim on Writing

Thursday, June 26

Review at A Bookish Girl

Review at Layered Pages

Review at Kinx's Book Nook

Friday, June 27

Book Blast at Caroline Wilson Writes

Monday, June 30

Book Blast at Historical Tapestry

Tuesday, July 1

Interview at Starting Fresh

Wednesday, July 2

Review at Kincavel Korner

Thursday, July 3

Review & Giveaway at The True Book Addict

Guest Post & Giveaway at Bibliophilia, Please

Friday, July 4

Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

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