Thursday, July 10, 2014

Violetta Rand - Blind Redemption - Virtual Book Tour

Historical Romance

Date Published: June 25, 2014

The past is something he’d sooner forget…
Aaron McNally hates his past. Banished from his home for betrayal, he trades his tartan for a Norwegian title and sword to win back his honor.
She has a warrior’s heart…
It’s difficult for Kara Dalgaard to act like a lady, even when her father demands it. After the handsome Jarl Aaron McNally arrives at her home recruiting for the king’s army, she’s forced to participate in a cruel deception to humiliate him.
Drawn to his strength and passion, she quickly regrets what she’s done. But duty comes before happiness.

Aaron wants a second chance at life—and Kara is everything he’s dreamed of. But the past always has a way of catching up with you. Will Kara trust him or condemn him to a life of loneliness?

My Review:
Copy received from Reading Addiction Blog Tours for an honest review

The minute I saw Blind Redemption (Blind Series Book 3) by Violetta Rand I jumped at the chance to read it.  This is the third book in the series but it is easily a standalone.  I tend to think that the stories are more gratifying when they are read together but it wouldn’t make the story less enjoyable. 

The characteristics that I loved about Blind Mercy were also present in Blind Redemption. I loved the authors ease in unfolding the story and her writing style.  The story instantly grabbed my attention.  I also really enjoyed the characters.  Kara Dalgaard was a fantastic heroine.  She was strong, determined and admirable.  Aaron McNally blew me away!  It was hard to believe he was the same Aaron from Blind Mercy! I loved how the author really showed all sides of him! He truly was a perfect example of redemption!

The story was also a perfect blend of strength and romance. I loved that one aspect didn’t overshadow the other! Kara and Aaron were perfect together! They were a perfect balance but they had just the right amount of tension! Finally, I loved learning about the Vikings! I really enjoyed seeing how they showed courage, and loyalty! I have only one regret and that is that I didn’t read Blind Allegiance first! I highly enjoyed and recommend this fantastic book! Anyone that likes to read about history, relationships, adventure, and mystery would love this great story! Is it too much to hope that there will be a fourth? 
Truly, he wanted to kiss her pouty lips. His body reacted violently to her. He tried to convince himself with a sire as shrewd and dominating as Erik, she’d never really resort to trickery on her own. She only did as she was commanded. How could anything so sweet willingly deceive the king’s loyal servant? Rage and lust collided inside him. Why deprive himself of the opportunity?
Will you stand there gawking all night or are you going to say something intelligent?” she asked.
Shall I tell you what you are?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, but gripped her by both shoulders and then slanted his mouth over hers. The kiss awakened a powerful desire for more of her. Aaron didn’t hesitate before clamping both hands onto her hips. In turn, she palmed his chest, perhaps regretting her words. He laughed at her feeble attempt to hold him back. Inside, he roared as wildly as a beast. Mine. It translated into a fierce kiss. He forced her lips apart with his tongue, wetting her bottom lip. Sweet Virgin Mary … his groin throbbed cruelly. She tasted so goddamned delicious. A prudent man wouldn’t tempt his enemy’s daughter. Consequences were certain.
She drew back and slapped his face. “I didn’t give you permission to kiss me.”
Did I misinterpret your smiles in the great hall?” he asked innocently. “I’ve never been given a more clear invitation.”
She opened, then closed her mouth. “You’re a fool.” She fisted her hands. “Stay away from me.”
He laughed and edged closer. “You speak boldly for a girl only half my age.” For a moment, Aaron thought he saw a flash of amusement in her beautiful eyes.
How old are you?” She frowned.
Thirteen? You think me a foolish girl of thirteen?” Her chin jutted forward.
He chuckled. Why were women obsessed with appearing older when they were younger, and younger when they were older? Pleased to have found a point of contention, he continued teasing. “Maybe fourteen, but not a day older.”
My father told me what an insolent, blind bastard you are.”
He reacted without thought, grasping her arm. “Didn’t he teach you to respect your elders?”
She thrust her hand on her hip. “My father says respect isn’t given freely.”
Damn him to the lower realms of Hel if her eyes didn’t glow as brightly as the stars. He let her go. “Your sire is wise.”
I’m glad you’re honorable enough to acknowledge it,” she said turning to go. “And don’t ever kiss me again.” She left him standing alone.

Virtual Book Tour - July 5 - August 15

July 5 - Reading Addiction Blog Tours - Kick Off
July 7 - Life's Unfiltered Ramblings - Excerpt
July 8 - Deal Sharing Aunt - Interview
July 9 -Rage, Sex, and Teddy Bears - Review
July 10 - Busy Mom Book Reviews - Excerpt
July 11 -Book Nerd - Review
July 12 - Eskimo Princess - Excerpt
July 14 - Blue Rose Romance - Review
July 15 - Bilbo's Bookends - Review
July 16 - Em & M Books - Excerpt
July 17 - Book Babe - Interview
July 18 - Pure Jonel - Review
July 21 - Mythical Books - Excerpt
July 23 - Bunny's Reviews - Interview
July 24 - Miss Ivy's Book Nook - Excerpt
July 25 - Cajun Book Lover - Excerpt
July 28 - Overstuffed Princess - Review
July 29 -  Books A to Z - Excerpt
July 30 -D'eBook Sharing Reviews - Review
July 31- Read it Write - Excerpt
August 1 - Wicca Witch 4 - Review
August 2 - Simplistic Reviews - Excerpt
August 3 - A Life Through Books - Interview
August 4 - Book Suburbia - Excerpt
August 5 - IEqualsAlissa - Interview
August 6 - Em & M Books - Excerpt
August 7 - Coffee, Books, and Art - Excerpt
August 8 - Smut and Bon Bons - Excerpt
August 10 - The Pen Muse - Interview
August 11 - Texas Book Nook - Review
August 13 - Rythem Poets - Review
August 15 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

Violetta Rand

Violetta Rand holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Policy and a master's degree in Environmental Management. Serving as an environmental scientist in the state of Alaska for over seven years, she enjoys the privilege of traveling to remote places few people have the opportunity to see.
Violetta has been "in love" with writing since childhood. Struck with an entrepreneurial spirit at a young age, at five, she wrote short stories illustrated by her best friend and sold them in her neighborhood. The only thing she loves more than writing is her wonderful relationship with her husband, Jeff. She enjoys outdoor activities, reading whatever she can get her hands on, music, and losing herself in the worlds she enjoys bringing to life in the pages of her stories.

Embracing Romance:

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