Thursday, July 31, 2014

Passion & Propriety by Elise De Sallier/Give Away

Passion and Propriety
Hearts of Honour- Book One

Elise de Sallier

Release Date: 7th August 2014
Genre: Regency Romance/ Historical 
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-261-7

Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH


A hidden beauty . . . a wounded beast. Can the curse threatening their happiness be broken?

There is absolutely nothing improper about Hannah Foster, the vicar of Hartley’s eldest and least pretty daughter, nursing the badly wounded Viscount Blackthorn back to health—that’s if the returned officer can be saved. At twenty-seven, she is two years the man’s senior, a confirmed spinster, and far too sensible to develop feelings for her patient. The fact he was once her childhood friend, has grown into a fine specimen of a man—his terrible scars notwithstanding—and seems as lost and lonely as she sometimes feels has no bearing on the matter.

Even if the unthinkable were to happen and William was to see past her plain exterior and recognise the caring, intelligent, passionate woman beneath, he is determined to break the curse that has plagued his family for generations by letting his bloodline die out. Her best friend Grace’s warnings are moot; a man of Lord Blackthorn’s wealth and position would never be interested in a woman like Hannah . . . would he?

Guest Post Topic:

 Passion and Propriety is loosely based on the classic tale Beauty and the Beast. Why did you choose to do this? Are you a big fan of Beauty and The Beast?

I was a big fan of Disney's Beauty and the Beast when my children were little, and I couldn't wait to show it to my granddaughter . . . which I did when she was way too young to be watching it! In my defence, I'd forgotten how scary it was as well as what was appropriate viewing – or not – for a toddler. Of course, much to my daughter's dismay, it became her instant favourite (Naughty Nanna!) After watching it multiple times (with me fast forwarding the scary part with the wolves and the battle scene at the end) I started thinking how much fun it would be to write a Beauty and the Beast inspired Regency romance. When I began planning the story, I found myself asking, how do we define beauty, what makes someone beastly, and how on earth would I tackle a 'realistic' story involving a curse? It certainly made for some interesting research! 

Author Bio: 

A great believer in living happily ever after, Elise began her lifelong obsession with the romance and paranormal genres when she was far too young to be reading either. After more than thirty years of marriage to her very own romantic hero, she now knows great relationships don't just happen, they take work . . . which doesn't mean writing about them can't be a whole lot of fun!
While raising a family, Elise established a career as a counsellor and family therapist. Seeking an escape from the stresses of her work, she discovered the world of fan fiction, and her timid writer's muse made its voice heard. Two point three million hits, twenty thousand reviews, and an e-mail from an acquisitions editor at The Writer's Coffee Shop later, and her life found a new and fascinating direction.

Elise likes to see her characters grow, experience passion and adventure, tackle some difficult issues, and find lasting love . . . eventually.

Connect with Elise de Sallier on: 

Don't miss out on this Amazing Rafflecopter Giveaway! With the chance to win all of Elise de Sallier's TWCS books!

Praise for Passion and Propriety
5 Star Reviews

"This is the third book I've read by this author and I couldn't help falling in love with deSallier's characters once again. I was completely taken into the story not just by Hannah and William, but by the secondary characters at the same time..." -Lindsey Gray Author on Author Book Review

"I really enjoyed this, and Elise de Sallier is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. I love a good bodice-ripper, and this reminded me very much of the series I enjoy by Courtney Milan, Tessa Dare and others. It’s well-written with interesting, fleshed-out characters the reader can feel for..." -Andrea (Mrs Aubergine) Goodreads Review

Also by Elise de Sallier:

A Forbidden Love: book one and two on SALE!
$0.99 Sale ends on the 6th of August and then the price will permanently drop to $2.99

A Forbidden Love: Book One


A Forbidden Love: Book Two

Praise for Innocence and Protection:

"I flew through BOTH books in The Forbidden Love series because they are that good!!" Kristen - Shelf Life

"The romance, intrigue, scoundrels, and miscommunications kept me enthralled from the first page to the last.... I applaud Elise de Sallier for once again giving us a novel to fall in love with." Lindsey Gray, Author on Author

"Ms. de Sallier writes a great plot and gifts us with love scenes that we can swoon over. 

I truly enjoy a plot with steamy scenes that fit the story well. This book is a shining example of that!" Kathie, First Page to the Last

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