Wednesday, March 9, 2016

ARC Review: The Rogue by Katharine Ashe

The Rogue is the first book in the “Devil’s Duke” series. Katherine Ashe is an automatic read for me. I’ve read some of her previous work and really enjoyed it. I think she is a fun and great author. I also think that her storylines are original and unique. I was beyond excited to read this book about the mysterious and lethal -Saint.

Lady Constance Read can be described as an alpha woman. She is ahead of her time and doesn’t bend to anyone’s rule. Her father asks a favor of Saint- André Sterling- he wants him to teach his daughter how to defend herself. Unbeknownst to him Constance and Saint share a history.

I really liked Saint and found him to be an exciting hero. He has a strong military background and teaches others how to defend themselves with a sword. For Constance he is an answer to her prayers because she is part of the Flacons Club which is a sort of spy agency. She is determined to figure out who is taking the lives of some of the young women and she has an idea who it might be.

Just like previous Ashe novels there is action, adventure and a twist that adds to the mystery of the storyline. I have to confess that I wanted to love the book more than I actually did. One of the down falls for me was too much was going on and I didn’t really get a feeling or understanding of the characters together as a couple.

Overall, this was a very exciting story. I had some issues with it such as Constance. I didn’t really understand her. She was hard for me to “get.” I also thought that so much happened the first 30 % of the book that the rest of the book felt very long and dragged out for me. It is obvious that the author has done her research because she includes a lot of information in the story. Finally, I didn’t love Constance and Saint as a couple. These are just my opinions and even though I wasn’t crazy about this book I will continue to read more Ashe and especially am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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