Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Hellions of High Street! by Cara Elliot/ Plus Review

Proper young ladies of the  ton -especially ones who have very small dowries-are not encouraged to have an interest in intellectual pursuits. Indeed, the only things they are encouraged to pursue are eligible bachelors. So, the headstrong Sloane sisters must keep their passions a secret. Ah, but secret passions are wont to lead a lady into trouble . . . 

After an eventful Season, Anna Sloane longs for some peace and quiet to pursue her writing. Though her plots might be full of harrowing adventure and heated passion, she'd much prefer to leave such exploits on the page rather than experience them in real life. Or so she thinks until she encounters the darkly dissolute-and gorgeously charming-Marquess of Davenport. 

Davenport has a reputation as a notorious rake whose only forte is wanton seduction. However the real reason he's a guest at the same remote Scottish castle has nothing to do with Anna . . . until a series of mysterious threats leave him no choice but to turn to her for help in stopping a dangerous conspiracy. As desire erupts between them, Davenport soon learns he's not the only one using a carefully crafted image to hide his true talents. And he's more than ready to show Anna that sometimes reality can be even better than her wildest imaginings . . .

Five Stars

I feel partly responsible for how the excellent this book turned out! I knew when I read “Scandously Yours (Hellions of High Street #1)”I knew that the next book would be fantastic.  I was hooked on the chemistry between Anna Sloane and Devlin, the Marquis of Davenport.  I found them to be fun and witty.  I loved their verbal barbs back and forth.  They were so likeable as individual characters and as a couple.  They had such fantastic chemistry that the pages sizzled, Sinfully Yours (Hellions of High Street #2) was sinfully fantastic!
Anna or as her readers know her ( Sir Sharpe Quill) secretly writes about heroes and heroines that fall in love and have great adventures.  Except for her two sisters, all of society believes that Sir Sharpe Quill is a man.  Anna’s characters are fun and vivacious, Anna’s art does not imitate life.  Although she writes salacious novels she has very little personal experience.  Anna is very proper and charming.  She is very beautiful and knows how to convince society of who they want to think she is.  Fortunately for her, since she received a nice dowry from her brother-in-law she does not have to worry about marrying for convenience.  Anna is seen as a proper lady and acts accordingly, or does she? 
Devlin reminded me of “Devil in Winter” by Lisa Kleypass, one of my all-time favorite historical romances.  Devlin is your typical scoundrel.  He does and says what he pleases and has a reputation in society for of drinking, gambling and womanizing as his heart desires.  He makes no apologies to anyone for anything.  All of society knows that he has a title but no fortune… or does he? Devlin was a fascinating character.  He was intriguing, mysterious, adventurous and very surprising, with many different layers to him.  I loved him! I found myself highlighting most of his dialogue.  He traded barbs with anyone that crossed his path.  He was so quick witted and so scandalous I laughed out loud with most of his conversations. 
In London Devlin and Anna run into each other at different times.  For Anna, he has proven to be a great distraction when she and her family are invited to Scotland for a visit she is eager for the change in scenery.  She is hoping that she can get through her looming deadline for her next novel.  As fate would have it, Devlin is called away to the same gathering for a special “mission”.  The change of setting was so inviting and fun.  I loved that the author changed it up and set the rest of the story in Scotland.  When in Scotland we are introduced to some new and interesting characters. One is a Scottish baron, Alec McClellan who Caro, the youngest sister, seems to have a difference in opinion with quit often (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will be the next hero/heroin).  Aside from the new cast of characters and setting we have a murder plot on our hands!  It seems that there is a threat against a German Prince that is also in attendance.  The plot was a great addition to the already blossoming romance between Devlin and Anna.  As they work together to uncover who is behind the plot to murder the Prince, they get to really know each other and end up pleasantly surprised. 
Cara Elliott has quickly become one of my newly discovered favorite authors.  She is very engaging and easy to read.  Her dialogue is fun and interesting. I love the relationship that the sisters share and the way that they are ahead of their time, thanks to their fathers influence on them.  All sisters are very accomplished and talented. I enjoyed this story immensely, would recommend and re-read!  Can’t wait for “Passionately Yours”.    

Proper young ladies of the  ton -especially ones who have very small dowries-are not encouraged to have an interest in intellectual pursuits. Indeed, the only things they are encouraged to pursue are eligible bachelors. So, the headstrong Sloane sisters must keep their passions a secret. Ah, but secret passions are wont to lead a lady into trouble . . . 

With her older sisters both happily married, Caro Sloane yearns for a romantic adventure of her own. Unfortunately the muddy, sulfur-scented waters of Bath seem the least likely setting for love or excitement. But the aspiring young poet soon finds inspiration when she runs into a familiar-and achingly handsome-Scottish laird. 

Visiting Bath with his sickly sister, Alec McClellan is shocked to be reunited with Caro Sloane. He hasn't been able to forget the English beauty since their brief but exhilarating first meeting. But Bath is not nearly as serene as it appears, and soon Alec must protect Caro from a danger that threatens to extinguish the sparks flying between them. Little does he know that a bit of danger is exactly what Caro is looking for . . .

My Review:
Five stars

I was hesitant to start “Passionately Yours (Hellions of High Street # 3) because I was not ready to say good-bye to the Sloane sisters! I absolutely loved this series! I was worried about Passionately Yours not living up to the previous books, but it definitely did! This was a classic example of romance, adventure and fun!  Only Cara Elliott could balance all these elements and keep them equally as interesting.
Caroline Sloane is such a fantastic character! I think that Cara Elliott did a great job of developing her character and having her come –into-her -own story.  As the youngest of the Sloane sisters she had big shoes to fill but she did not disappoint. The young poet, Caro is fun, brave, strong, very sweet and vulnerable.  Although she is a hit in her season in London, she is looking for love!  The Scottish noble Alec McClellan was a perfect challenge for Caro and her for him!  While Caro is brave and open Alec is shut off and not the most articulate when it comes to his feelings!  Watching them fall in love was really a beautiful experience.  Caro was so ready to fall in love and she didn’t lack the courage to be her own person.  I loved Alex and Caro’s chemistry in the previous book, Sinfully Yours.  While that took place in Scotland, this story was set in Bath.  I loved that the author took a quiet and small town like Bath and she turned into a place where there was romance, mystery and treacherous activities.
Another fantastic part of this story were Isobel (Alec’s half-sister) and her chance at love.  I loved Isobel and thought that she developed throughout the story.  The theme of mystery starts from the beginning of the story as Isobel and Caro suffer an “accident”.  Coincidently, this accident is paired with Alec’s visit to Bath and some of his old friends.  In Sinfully Yours, we learned that Alec hates the English and that he is part of the movement for Scottish Independence.  Many elements of Alec’s past filter into his present and he finds that the people he loves most are in danger because of him.  All of these elements are easily explained in this story and Passionately Yours can be read without any of the previous stories and still be as enjoyable.  My only complain about this book is that I have nothing to look forward to! I’m so happy for the Sloane sisters and loved them as characters! The hero’s weren’t too shabby either! So happy that Caro and Alec found their way to each other but I’m going to miss these characters! 

About the author:
Cara Elliott started writing Western novels at the age of five. However, she traded in her cowboy boots for Regency high-top Hessians after reading  Pride and Prejudice in junior high school and hasn't looked back. She graduated from Yale University, and she now lives and works in New York City.
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