Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Druid Knight Tales: A Short Story by Ruth A. Casie

Join author Ruth A. Casie on her Cover Reveal for The Druid Knight Tales: A Short Story, from February 23-March 13, and enter to win an eBook of the first book in the Druid Knight Series, Knight of Runes.

01_The Druid Knight TalesPublication Date: February 23, 2015
Publisher: Timeless Scribes Publishing, LLC
eBook; 57 pages
ISBN: 0986246425

Series: The Druid Knight Series
Genre: Historical Fantasy/Romance

She would give her last breath for him. He would give up everything to guard her well and love her more.

Maximilian, the druid Grand Master, was given a year to find his soul mate. On the final day, the sacred mistletoe has shriveled and died—proclaiming his failure. He must do what no other Grand Master has done before and journey to meet with the Ancestors formally relinquish his title.

Ellyn of Brodgar has the gift of healing. But each use of her magick, through a kiss, depletes her energy and brings her closer to death. Time is running out as she searches for a way to continue saving lives—especially her own.

Max and Ellyn are tossed into the Otherworld together—a place filled with magick and wonder, it’s also fraught with danger, traps, and death. They have only until the third sunset to find the Ancestors, or be lost to the world forever. The domineering druid must work with the stubborn healer, not only for survival, but for the promise of the future—a future together.

Pre-Order the eBook



Penetrating blue-gray eyes stared out from the cocoon of dark wool that enrobed the woman. The cheeks on her porcelain-white face appeared tinged with a splash of pink. Her natural berry-red lips were turned up in a welcoming smile. “Grand Master.” She dipped a well-executed curtsy.

Fendrel’s healer was much different than the old crone he had anticipated. This woman was regal and beautiful. The gleam in her eyes was calm and comforting. He had a strange sensation, which made no sense at all, that he had known her for a long time. At ease with her, he allowed himself to relax and returned her open smile with one of his own.

“This is Ellyn of Brodgar,” said Fendrel. “She has been our healer for the last year. Our situation was grave. It was her healing skills that kept us alive. I would like you to accept her into our clan.”

The knuckles on Ellyn’s hand turned white from grasping her staff firmly. Her head whipped around at Fendrel.

Max observed, fascinated the elder was oblivious to the daggers the woman’s eyes flung at him. So, Fendrel hadn’t told her of his plan and if Max wasn’t mistaken, she wasn’t pleased.

“Thank you, Fendrel,” said Ellyn. “Your request is a great honor. I will be your healer for as long as I am with you.” She turned to Max, her face serene. Her iron grip on the staff relaxed.

Fendrel sputtered.

“You are welcome into Fendrel’s clan for as long as you see fit to stay with us,” said Max. He was certain he saved Fendrel from getting his head bashed with the staff the woman carried. “Brodgar is in the Orkneys. You are far from home.”

“I go where I am needed.” Her voice was soft—her tone evasive.

Max gave her a benign smile. She was tall and graceful. Loose tendrils of curls softened her face. Dark lashes swept down against her cheekbone. She gazed at him with bright, intelligent eyes. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He sensed her trying to press in on his mind and blocked her attempt so fast she winced in pain. He’d made his point. She would not try that again.

“If you will excuse me.” She turned to leave. “I would like to look in on Dimia and the baby to make certain they’re settled in for the night,” she said to the new father.

“Of course, Ellyn. I will see you back to camp.” Fendrel approached the two men. “Thank you, Grand Master. Doward. We will see you tomorrow.” He and Ellyn went back down the small rise.

“Interesting girl,” remarked Doward after they were gone. “You didn’t have to be rough on her. She was only curious.” Doward chuckled.
Max stared after her.

She wasn’t at all what she seemed.

Titles in The Druid Knight Series

Knight of Runes - Available Now!
Knight of Rapture – Coming March 30, 2015
Knight of Redemption – Coming Fall, 2015

Druid Knight Series 3 Book Spread

About the Author03_Ruth A Casie

Ruth A Casie is a seasoned professional with over twenty-five years of writing experience but not necessarily writing romances. No, she’s been writing communication and marketing documents for a large corporation. Over the past years, encouraged by her friends and family, she gave way to her inner muse, let her creative juices flow, and began writing a series of historical time travel romance novels.

When not writing you can find her home in Teaneck, New Jersey, reading, cooking, doing Sudoku and counted cross stitch. Together with her husband Paul, they enjoy ballroom dancing and, with New York City close by, going to the theater. Ruth and Paul have three grown children and two grandchildren. They all thrive on spending time together. It’s certainly a lively dinner table and they wouldn’t change it for the world.

Ruth is a Trustee and on the Executive Board of Shelter Our Sister (SOS) in New Jersey. SOS is Bergen County’s only shelter for victims of domestic violence. She frequently speaks at various functions around Bergen County on behalf of the Shelter.

For more information visit Ruth A. Casie's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Sign up for Ruth A. Casie's newsletter.


To enter to win an eBook of Knight of Runes please complete the giveaway form below.

– Giveaway starts on February 23rd at 12:01am and ends on March 13th at 11:59pm EST.
– Must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open internationally.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
- Winner will be notified via email.

Knight of Runes

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Bolt From the Blue by Tania Sparks

Enter to Win
Ebook copy of HEAVEN SENT or
$5.00 Amazon eGift Card

Oblivion on Tour #2
Tania Sparks
Releasing February 27th, 2015

Nikki’s the flamboyant rhythm guitarist of the hard rock band Oblivion. He’s a sexy rock star man-whore who’s accustomed to a life of music, partying and a constant stream of girls that are ready, willing and able!

Trixie’s a feisty party girl who likes to have fun. She makes the most of her single lifestyle and happy-go-lucky attitude. But she’s also a hard-nosed business women who knows what she wants and goes out and gets it. She lives her life by the motto ‘Work hard. Play hard’.

Neither of them ‘do relationships’. But when their frequent hook-ups start to develop into something more they realize that the connection and pull between them is undeniable. The prospect of wanting more than just mind-blowing sex from each other is a total shock to both of them and it hits them like a bolt from the blue.

Can they change their partying ways and give in to the irresistible chemistry that sizzles between them? Do they even want to? And will their past catch up with them to prevent them from giving the whole relationship thing a proper try?

The first thing you need to know about me is that I
genuinely believe in true love and soul mates. I met my wonderful husband when
we were still at school. I was sixteen, he was seventeen, we are high school
sweethearts. Now more than twenty five years later, we are still very much in
love and are happily married with two beautiful children. We live in
picturesque New Zealand and I consider ourselves lucky to live in this
magnificent part of the world.
I do have a full time job, but in my spare minutes I enjoy
spending time with my family, cooking and reading. I’m an avid reader and tend
to chomp through a large volume of books, mainly in the romance genre. And of
course my other major ‘hobby’ is writing steamy rock star erotic romances!
I started writing in early 2014. After spending many years
writing business documentation, and constantly being inspired by numerous
romance novels, I decided to try my hand at fictional writing. After penning my
first scene I discovered that I enjoyed it immensely and so resolved to
continue with the rest of the story that was swirling in my imagination. That
story resulted in my first novel, Heaven Sent.
My Oblivion on Tour Series follows the five band members of
the hard rock group Oblivion. Each book in the series follows a different band
member and their quest for love.
Book 1 - Heaven Sent - Ash and Eve’s story
Book 2 - Bolt From The Blue - Nikki and Trixie’s story
Books 3, 4 & 5 will each tell Cody, Scott and Hansen’s
I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing

Find Tania Here

Jump on the Tour TODAY!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Witch of Napoli by Michael Schmicker

02_The Witch of Napoli CoverPublication Date: January 15, 2015
Palladino Books
Formats: eBook, Paperback

Genre: Historical Fantasy

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Italy 1899: Fiery-tempered, erotic medium Alessandra Poverelli levitates a table at a Spiritualist séance in Naples. A reporter photographs the miracle, and wealthy, skeptical, Jewish psychiatrist Camillo Lombardi arrives in Naples to investigate. When she materializes the ghost of his dead mother, he risks his reputation and fortune to finance a tour of the Continent, challenging the scientific and academic elite of Europe to test Alessandra’s mysterious powers. She will help him rewrite Science. His fee will help her escape her sadistic husband Pigotti and start a new life in Rome. Newspapers across Europe trumpet her Cinderella story and baffling successes, and the public demands to know – does the “Queen of Spirits” really have supernatural powers?

Nigel Huxley is convinced she’s simply another vulgar, Italian trickster. The icy, aristocratic detective for England’s Society for the Investigation of Mediums launches a plot to trap and expose her. The Vatican is quietly digging up her childhood secrets, desperate to discredit her supernatural powers; her abusive husband Pigotti is coming to kill her; and the tarot cards predict catastrophe.

Praised by Kirkus Reviews as an “enchanting and graceful narrative” that absorbs readers from the very first page, The Witch of Napoli masterfully resurrects the bitter 19th century battle between Science and religion over the possibility of an afterlife.
My review:
5 stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
Once I started "The Witch of Napoli" by Michael Schmicker I couldn't put it down.  The first sentence "Alessandra is dead" perfectly set the tone for the story that was to follow.  We learn that Alessandra is a is a Spiritualist.  The voice of the story is told in the first person about who Alessandra is as a woman and as a spiritualist.  As different characters enter the story they all become impacted by Alessandra.  Although her fame is rising her life also becomes impacted by different characters that either want to defraud her or want to take advantage of her powers. 

There were different things I loved about this story. One I loved the premise.  A "witch" as the center of the plot intrigued me.  Two, I loved the first person narrative about Alessandra.  I liked that we got to see her story through someone else's eyes.  Alessandra's mystic and charisma is a big hook of not only the story but what draws different characters to her. Finally, the story never lagged.  It was interesting from start to finish and although I knew the ending it left me sad to see her story end.  

Praise for The Witch of Napoli

" enchanting, graceful narrative that absorbs readers from the first page." -Kirkus Reviews

About the Author03_Michael Schmicker Author

Michael Schmicker is an investigative journalist and nationally-known writer on the paranormal. He's been a featured guest on national broadcast radio talk shows, including twice on Coast to Coast AM (560 stations in North America, with 3 million weekly listeners). He also shares his investigations through popular paranormal webcasts including Skeptiko, hosted by Alex Tsakiris; Speaking of Strange with Joshua Warren; the X-Zone, with Rob McConnell (Canada); and he even spent an hour chatting with spoon-bending celebrity Uri Geller on his program Parascience and Beyond (England). He is the co-author of The Gift, ESP: The Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary People (St. Martin's Press). The Witch of Napoli is his debut novel. Michael began his writing career as a crime reporter for a suburban Dow-Jones newspaper in Connecticut, and worked as a freelance reporter in Southeast Asia for three years. He has also worked as a stringer for Forbes magazine, and Op-Ed contributor to The Wall Street Journal Asia. His interest in investigating the paranormal began as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand where he first encountered a non-Western culture which readily accepts the reality of ghosts and spirits, reincarnation, psychics, mediums, divination,and other persistently reported phenomena unexplainable by current Science. He lives and writes in Honolulu, Hawaii, on a mountaintop overlooking Waikiki and Diamond Head.

Connect with Michael Schmicker on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

The Witch of Napoli Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, February 16
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Tuesday, February 17
Review at Book Babe

Wednesday, February 18
Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews

Thursday, February 19
Review & Giveaway at A Dream Within a Dream
Interview at Books and Benches

Saturday, February 21
Spotlight at Flashlight Commentary

Sunday, February 22
Review at Carole's Ramblings

Monday, February 23
Review & Giveaway at A Literary Vacation
Interview at Boom Baby Reviews

Tuesday, February 24
Guest Post & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews

Wednesday, February 25
Review at Book Nerd

Friday, February 27
Spotlight at Let Them Read Books

Saturday, February 28
Spotlight at I Heart Reading

Monday, March 2
Review at A Book Drunkard
Spotlight at Historical Fiction Obsession

Tuesday, March 3
Review at Unshelfish

Wednesday, March 4
Review at Carpe Librum

Thursday, March 5
Interview at Carpe Librum

Friday, March 6
Review & Giveaway at The True Book Addict

Monday, March 9
Review at Just One More Chapter

Tuesday, March 10
Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, March 11
Spotlight at The Never-Ending Book

Thursday, March 12
Review at Dianne Ascroft Blog

Tuesday, March 17
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, March 18
Guest Post at Historical Fiction Connection

Thursday, March 19
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

Friday, March 20
Review & Giveaway at Broken Teepee

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Crashing the Net by Jami Davenport

Enter to Win
$15.00 Amazon or B&N eGift Card and 
Backlist Romance of winners choosing

Game On In Seattle #3
Jami Davenport
Releasing February 24th, 2015

Hockey star Cooper Black and professional party crasher Izzy Maxwell return in this sequel to Crashing the Boards.

Jealous boyfriends and glitzy parties can be a recipe for disaster. When the gorgeous yet controlling Cooper interrupts a party Izzy was paid to crash and almost ruins her career as a professional party crasher, Izzy kicks him to the curb. She learned early in life not to count on anyone, and she will not relinquish her independence, not even to a sexy-as-sin pro athlete who can melt her with one wink.

As the Sockeyes hockey team opens their inaugural season in Seattle, Cooper finds himself minus a girlfriend and plus a surly teenaged nephew. Cooper doesn’t want to be a surrogate dad, he doesn’t want to play in Seattle, and he doesn’t want to be alone. He misses Izzy, but seeing her with other men at parties turns him every shade of green. Regardless, he wants her back, and he’s willing to change, if only she’ll give him a second chance. Aware of her precarious finances, Cooper makes an offer she can’t refuse by hiring her to be responsible for his nephew when he’s traveling with the team.

Fearing Cooper isn’t capable of changing his control-freak ways, Izzy resists his efforts to turn their financial arrangement into a personal relationship. He needs a sweet, docile girlfriend, and Izzy cannot be that woman. Yet, when tragedy strikes, Izzy is there when Cooper needs her the most, and love has a way of getting what it wants, no matter the circumstances.

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USA Today Bestselling Author Jami Davenport writes sexy contemporary and sports romances, including her two new indie endeavors: the Game On in Seattle Series and the Madrona Island Series. Jami lives on a small farm near Puget Sound with her Green Beret-turned-plumber husband, a Newfoundland cross with a tennis ball fetish, a prince disguised as an orange tabby cat, and an opinionated Hanoverian mare. She works in computer support in her day job and juggles too many balls, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Gambling On A Dream by Sara Walter Ellwood

Colton Gamblers #3
Sara Walter Ellwood
Lyrical Press
Releasing June 9th, 2015

With Everything At Stake….

It’s been years since Sheriff Dawn Madison said goodbye to Texas Ranger Wyatt McPherson. She’s closed the door on the heartache of her past. But when the sleepy town of Colton, Texas, is rocked by a series of shocking murders, Dawn has no choice but to trust the man who broke her heart if she wants to protect the ones she loves…

All Bets Are Off
Four years have passed. But Wyatt hasn’t forgotten the bold, Native American beauty who stole his heart . . . and broke it. Losing her and the life they had hoped to share left him an empty shell of himself. But if he wants to stop the deranged killer terrorizing the innocent kids of Colton, he’ll have to let Dawn back into his life. It’s a risk he’s willing to take, even if heartache is all he takes home…

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Although Sara Walter Ellwood has long ago left the farm for the glamour of the big town, she draws on her experiences growing up on a small hobby farm in West Central Pennsylvania to write her contemporary westerns. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over 20 years, and they have two teenagers and one very spoiled rescue cat named Penny. She longs to visit the places she writes about and jokes she’s a cowgirl at heart stuck in Pennsylvania suburbia. Sara Walter Ellwood is a multi-published and international Amazon bestselling author of the anthology set Cowboy Up. She also publishes paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name Cera duBois.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Between the Cracks by Carmela Cattuti

Please join Carmela Cattuti as she tours the blogosphere for Between the Cracks: One Woman's Journey from Sicily to America, from February 9-27, and enter to win a Kindle Touch eReader, loaded with an eBook of Between the Cracks!

02_Between the Cracks_CoverPublication Date: August 15, 2013
Three Towers Press
Formats: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 324

Genre: Historical Fiction


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Join Angela Lanza as she experiences the tumultuous world of early 20th century Sicily and New York. Orphaned by the earthquake and powerful eruption of Mt. Etna in 1908, Angela is raised in the strict confines of an Italian convent. Through various twists of fate, she is married to a young Italian man whom she barely knows, then together with her spouse, immigrates to the U.S. This novel is an invitation to accompany the young Angela as she confronts the ephemeral nature of life on this planet and navigates the wide cultural gaps between pre-World War II Italy and the booming prosperity of dynamic young America. Author, artist, and teacher Carmela Cattuti created Between the Cracks as an homage to her great-aunt, who survived the earthquake and eruption of Mt. Etna and bravely left Sicily to start a new life in America.
My Review
Four Stars
Copy received for an honest review from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours

"Between the Cracks" by Carmela Cattuti was an adventurous journey for our heroine, Angela Lanza. The author first introduces us to our heroine when she is young and living in Italy.  After a horrible earthquake she calls a convent home.  Angela is a survivor but the void left from losing her family is palpable.  When she is finally married, her happily-ever-after is not close behind. Franco was a complex character. I didn't dislike him but I felt more sympathy for Angela.  I was happy that their arranged marriage, far from based on love, turned into a love story.  I loved how the author didn't make it a fairy tale. She showed the raw conflict and emotion behind their marriage.   My heart broke for Angela since she had very little control over the course her life would take. I loved watching Angela's life transition from young girl to a hopeful immigrant in NYC. The time period that the author focused on is lush with opportunities and hopes, which is a great depiction of Angela as well. 

Aside from the great time period and complicated, yet endearing hero and heroine, I really enjoyed the writing. The pacing of the story was very good and the author balanced the right amount of descriptions of the time periods with the complexities of these two people on a journey to find themselves in a different country as husband and wife. I think anyone that enjoys women's fiction, history or stories about strong heroines will really enjoy this story.  Lastly, maybe because this is based on her great-aunt sentimentality is a big character in this story.  I couldn't help but feel for these people and the lives that lived and the choices they made. It's impossible to read this story and not be changed from it.

Buy the Book

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About the Author03_Carmela Cattuti_Author

Carmela Cattuti started her writing career as a journalist for the Somerville News in Boston, MA. After she finished her graduate work in English Literature from Boston College she began to write creatively and taught a journal writing course at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education As fate would have it, she felt compelled to write her great aunt's story. "Between the Cracks" has gone through several incarnations and will now become a trilogy. This is the first installment. To connect with Carmela email her or leave a comment at

Between the Cracks Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, February 9
Guest Post at Book Babe

Tuesday, February 10
Spotlight at What Is That Book About

Wednesday, February 11
Review at Back Porchervations

Thursday, February 12
Guest Post at Boom Baby Reviews

Monday, February 16
Review at Bookish

Wednesday, February 18
Review at Book Nerd

Friday, February 20
Spotlight at My Book Addiction and More

Tuesday, February 24
Guest Post at Let Them Read Books

Wednesday, February 25
Guest Post at A Literary Vacation
Spotlight at Layered Pages

Thursday, February 26
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

Friday, February 27
Spotlight at Passages to the Past


To enter to win a Kindle Touch eReader (valued at $59) & eBook of Between the Cracks, sponsored by author Carmela Cattuti, please complete the giveaway form below.
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on February 27th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
Only one entry per household.
All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
Winner will be chosen via GLEAM on February 28th and notified via email.
Winner have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.
Please email Amy @ with any questions.
Between the Cracks

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The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (Smythe-Smith Quartet #4) by Julia Quinn


Four Stars
copy received from publisher for an honest review

Julia Quinn is one of my favorite historical romance writers. She wrote “The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons #2)” one of my favorite books. I’ve read and re-read that book so many times I have lost count. I group Quinn with Lorraine Heath and Sabrina Jeffries because she knows how to craft a healthy, well-rounded and entertaining story. I’m happy to say “The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy” met all this criteria!

So, first, I did not, I mean did not like Sir Richard Kenworthy. He was so insipid. I thought I could never warm up to him. He was so cold and calculating. The same goes for the heroine, Iris Smythe-Smith. Everything about Iris was not noteworthy. Even her appearance is described as pale and she almost seems invisible. I admit that I had serious doubts about them as the focus of this book and the plot. But I have to say I could not stop reading it!

So the obvious question becomes how can these two very uncomfortable characters be interesting to read and more importantly fall in love and be interesting? Quinn is so fantastic with this element. When the story begins we know that Sir Richard needs a wife and he needs a wife quickly. He has to find a woman that has very specific criteria and all this has to be done in two weeks. The Smythe-Smith family is known for their horrible concerts. It’s the family’s way of trying to marry off girls that would otherwise be completely unnoticeable. Which describes Iris perfectly. When Richard sees Iris he immediately realizes that she is the one and sets out to court her in record time. He realizes that he won’t have to fight off and suitors which is perfect for his plan. Iris is not sure why Richard is interested in her nor why he is so eager to court her. She realizes she is no great beauty and her dowry is not anything that would bring attention to her. She has her suspicious and rightly so. Richard has a secret and it’s this secret that kept me up all night. I kept trying to figure out the reasoning for his scheme and so did Iris. 

Iris ends up with very little choice and accepts Richards’s proposal. While Richard and Iris get to know each other they realize that they are not only very compatible but also very complex and multi-layered. Iris eventually finds out his big secret and her response was admirable. What Richard did was awful but he does redeem himself and makes himself worthy of Iris’ love. 

Besides the big secret driving the plot, Iris and Richard began to grow on me. I really wanted to get to know them and found them to be fun and witty. They have great banter and excellent chemistry. Also, the secondary characters are so funny. I started off lukewarm with this book and the story but it quickly became about two very endearing characters and the quirky secondary characters that they encountered. It could be said that much of the issues in this story could have been avoided with simple communication but where is the fun in that? I’m looking forward to the next book in this series and apologize to Quinn, I shouldn’t have doubted her ability to write a great story.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tabor's Trinket by Janet Lane

Please join Janet Lane as she tours the blogosphere for Tabor's Trinket, the first book in the Coin Forest Series, from January 26-February 20.

01_Tabor's Trinket_CoverPublication Date: September 1, 2014
Dreaming Tree Publishing, LLC
eBook; 335p

Series: The Coin Forest Series, Book One
Genre: Historical Romance/Medieval

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Love proves perilous in this "Pretty Woman/Pride and Prejudice" historical romance tale set in 15th century England.

Sold as a slave in Romania for seven pounds and three solidi, the Gypsy girl, Sharai, escapes a slave ship infected with the plague. As an adult, she performs her silky, exotic dances to earn enough to sustain herself and the toddling orphan girl she adopted. She yearns for relief from the grinding poverty, and a secure home. Having been violated by a nobleman posing as her hero, she wants naught of any other man of title, and also scorns the dubious Gypsy king who pursues her. In a tent at the bustling autumn fair in Winchester, she meets the dashing Lord Tabor, and her resolve to avoid all noblemen softens.

Though possessed of a stately castle with prosperous lands, the English knight,Tabor, teeters on the brink of losing all his holdings. A powerful noble has attacked Tabor's castle, determined to seize his lands. Tabor seeks revenge for his older brother's murder, but England's throne is held by an infant king and his feuding uncles. The realm is paralyzed with uncertainty and lawlessness, and the crown has abandoned him.

Then a stroke of good fortune helps Tabor, a sizeable dowry that can save his holdings. He need only wed an earl's daughter, the regal Lady Emilyne. But he has already fallen in love with Sharai, and they are locked in a powerful dance of desire. His refusal to abandon Sharai plunges them into life-and-death struggles--and a painful choice between duty and love.
My Review
Five Stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review.
Since I read a lot of historical romance novels there are few that wow me, I enjoy reading them but I can pretty much tell where the story is going to go or what the characters will be like, "Tabor's Trinket" by Jane Lane was absolutely original.  Once I started reading I just wanted to keep reading and see where she would take Sharai and Tabor! Both the hero and the heroine were fantastic. Individually I really liked them both. They were fun to read about and yet very original and interesting. As  a couple they were fantastic! I loved their chemistry and the adversities that they had to face.  Just when I thought they had won their way to happily-ever-after the author threw in some surprises. I loved how the author explored the gypsy culture and all the wonderful aspects she highlighted.

Overall, this was a fantastic story. The writing was equally great. I loved the tension filled moments and the momentum. I highly recommend this for anyone that wants to read something historically different about a great hero and heroine. The story kept me guessing and I could not wait to see how Lane would wrap up Sharai's and tabors story. Great read! 

Praise for Tabor's Trinket

“This adventurous and chivalrous story succeeds on many levels. An emotionally satisfying tale.” –Romantic Times

“Tabor’s Trinket” has made Janet Lane one of my favorite authors. I loved the book! If you’re looking for wonderful story-telling, unforgettable characters, and a marvelous sense of time and place, you must read Janet Lane.” –Maggie Osborne, RITA-award-winning author

“Fans of medieval romance will be thrilled with the tightly written plot. It is a story of love in the face of prejudice and misunderstanding, set in a time wrought with intrigue and political machinations. Ms. Lane’s debut novel grips the reader from the first page to the last, and Lord Tabor is a wonderful hero. A knight who reads books of romance is sure to steal any heart. This is a thoroughly enjoyable story in which to lose one’s cares. Go ye forth and seek out Tabor’s Trinket, it far surpasses being a bauble. Indeed, ‘twould more likely be called a small treasure. –

“Debut novelist Janet Lane pens a descriptive story set in a period of great political unrest when a man of honor is hard to find. This is a romance, so we know there will be a great conclusion. It’s the fun of finding out how that makes Tabor’s Trinket intriguing. Pick up this title and enjoy the read.” –Romance Reviews Today

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About the Author02_Janet Lane_ Author

Janet Lane writes best-selling historical romance novels set in fifteenth century England during the so-called “Gypsy Honeymoon” decades. She graduated with honors from the University of Colorado, completing their Creative Writing program.

Her debut novel, Tabor’s Trinket, is an Amazon Bestselling novel and has received several awards. Emerald Silk, part two in the Coin Forest series, was reviewed by the Historical Novels Review, which noted that it “goes beyond simple romantic suspense by including serious issues such as racism, homophobia, and clerical greed. However, the love story and the quest for the stolen chalice take center stage throughout.” A Rocky Mountain News review stated, “This fast-moving, smoothly constructed historical novel (features) well-drawn characters and … strong sense of time and place.” #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author Lara Adrian called it “ enchanting medieval romance filled with passion, intrigue and vividly drawn characters that leap off the page. I loved this novel!”

The Amazon Kindle release of her third novel in the Coin Forest series, Traitor’s Moon, is scheduled for November 25, 2014.

Janet was a featured author in RMFW Press’s Tales from Mistwillow anthology, and co-chaired the editorial board for that press’s anthology, Broken Links, Mended Lives, which was nominated for the Colorado Book Award.

Janet lives with her husband in Colorado, surrounded by a forest of conifers, herds of deer, an occasional black bear and a snorting Chihuahua. She welcomes your comments and feedback via her blog at or on Twitter at @janetlaneauthor.

For more information please visit Janet Lane's Website.

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Wednesday, February 11
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Thursday, February 12
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Friday, February 20
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Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

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The Lady of the Garter by Marisa Dillon

The Lady of the Garter
by Marisa Dillon



When Henry VII takes the throne, not all are loyal to the new king. Garter knight, Sir James, is charged with bringing dissenters to justice. Determined to fulfill his vows, he’s unprepared for Lady Elena, a girl from his past he’s never forgotten.

Lady Elena defies her family and disguises herself as a squire to reunite with the man she’s always loved. She might be able to wield a sword, but she still possesses a woman’s heart.

Thrust into a world of danger and family rivalry, James and Elena face the ultimate test.

Can James avenge his father’s death and find passion, or will his Garter oaths hold him to a life of service without love?


Excerpt One:

Servants began to bustle about the hall. Men offered pitchers of rose-scented water and towels. Overflowing baskets of fresh bread and pitchers of wine were placed on the tables. Elena was ready for some mead after all she’d been through. Once the king’s taster sampled the fair, he nodded to the queen. The feast had officially begun. Nudging her brother, Elena confessed, “I was ordered out of the tent.”

“What did you expect? What kind of man do you take James for?” He laughed, raising his goblet in honor of the king.

“You tease me,” she said. “I don’t like it.”

“What did you find, Edward?”

“A foul-mouthed, dirty warrior,” she complained. “Not the sweet innocent lad I fell in love with.”

William’s eyes were filled with merriment. “Lads grow into men. Men become knights.” He studied her face. “And what of your other goal?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Becoming a knight,” he reminded her.

Elena gasped. The other squires stared as if they’d overheard her brother.

William chuckled, raising his cup again. “Long live the king.” The squires joined his salute.

Elena shot her brother a look of warning. How could he be so careless? Spirits. She rolled her eyes. “I admit it,” she said with defiance, keeping her voice low. “I want to become a knight. I’ve never kept that secret from you, but we both agreed I must serve as a squire first.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a woman who placed a trencher on the table in front of them.

“Peacock, venison, quail, and rabbit,” the wench announced, flashing a toothless grin.

William quickly helped himself to half the meat. Always selfish, he even chose the tenderest pieces of venison.

She glowered at him. “Will nothing change? I must accept the meager portions left after you claim the best?”

He licked his fingers, then leaned in so only she could hear his reply. “To these lads you’re just another squire. But I know what’s underneath those pants. So yes, you are still a female, and I get the best. Be satisfied there’s anything left for you to eat.”
My Review:
Copy received for an honest review
Four Stars
I've read a lot of historical romances but I really enjoyed the originality behind "The Lady of the Garter" by Marisa Dillon.  I loved the heroine, Lady Elena. She was fun and driven. She also made her own rules. I thought James was a perfect hero for her. They had great chemistry and I was completely engrossed in their story.  There was romance, history and adventure.  The author's writing flowed and she grabbed my attention from the very beginning. I loved the time period covered and learned some new things. I highly recommend this story for romance lovers and historical fiction fans. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

With a degree in journalism, Marisa has spent many years writing for the television industry. As an award-winning producer/director/marketer, she has worked on commercial production, show creation, product branding and social media.

Marisa’s passion for writing began when her first-grade teacher read her poem aloud and posted it on the classroom wall. She soon followed up by writing plays for her neighborhood friends and hosting the productions in her garage.

Marisa has always enjoyed reading romance novels and now realizes a dream come true, writing romantic adventures. She lives in Kettering, Ohio, with her first love and knight in shining armor, James.

You can visit Marisa at: And you can connect with Marisa on and

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