Thursday, March 5, 2015

Red Fury Revolt by J.F. Ridgley

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Publication Date: January 31, 2015

R Pride Publishing

eBook; 412p


Genre: Historical Fiction

Series: Book One, The Agricola Series

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Something keeps drawing G. Julius Agricola to Britannia again and again…

This is where it starts… book one, Red Fury…Revolt

A.D. 60…

Camulodunum! Londinium! Verulaneum!

Three towns writhe under the Iceni queen’s wrath, as she leads her warriors intent on destroying all things Roman – be it Roman temples, Roman villas, or entire families sympathetic to Rome. At stake is Suetonius Paulinus’s reputation. With only 80,000 legionaries, will he destroy Boudica or will he endure the disgrace in Rome for losing–to a woman?

Julius Agricola-Rome’s tribune, and Rhianna-Boudica’s youngest daughter, become ensnared in this horrific historical revolt against Roman injustice. Just as Julius and Rhianna reveal their love to each other, they are hurled back into the harsh reality of their differing worlds that are determined to destroy each other.

Who will survive?

Book two in the Agricola series, Red Fury Rebellion, coming 2016!

Praise for Red Fury Revolt

“…Ms. Ridgley has done very well at telling her story, while being respectful to the events that devastated Britannia, and even shook the Roman Empire itself, in 60 to 61 A.D.” - James Mace, Author of ‘Soldier of Rome – The Artorian Chronicles’

Watch the Book Trailer

Buy the eBook


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About the Author03_Author JF Ridgley

Ms Ridgley loves the ancient world. Even after years of researching and many trips to the sites of her stories, she is still fascinated by what she can use for her next story. One thing she does enjoy more is bringing this world to life in her award-winning stories of power, greed, violence, and love.

Be sure to stop by her website to discover her books and novellas available on Be sure to sign up for her newsletter to stay up with her next book or her next giveaway!

You can also connect with JF Ridgley on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.

Red Fury Revolt Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, March 2

Spotlight at The Maiden's Court

Tuesday, March 3

Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Thursday, March 5

Guest Post at The Reading World

Saturday, March 7

Review at Book Nerd

Spotlight at Curiouser and Curiouser

Sunday, March 8

Review & Excerpt at A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Haus

Monday, March 9

Interview at A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Haus

Tuesday, March 10

Interview & Excerpt at Becky on Books

Wednesday, March 11

Review at Deal Sharing Aunt

Thursday, March 12

Interview at Curling Up With A Good Book

Friday, March 13

Review at Genre Queen

Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book


There are lots of great giveaways up for grabs on this tour! To enter to win one of the following prizes, please complete the form below.

4 Copies of Red Fury Revolt

4 Red Fury Revolt Branded Coffee Mugs

$25 Amazon Gift Card

Iceni Pendant (like the one featured on the cover!)


* Giveaway is open internationally.

* Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on March 13th.

* You must be 18 or older to enter.

* Only one entry per household.

* All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.

* Winner will be chosen via GLEAM on March 14th and notified via email. Winner have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

* Please email Amy @ with any questions.

Red Fury Revolt Blog Tour Giveaway

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