Monday, March 9, 2015

Shadow Ritual by Authors Éric Giacometti and Jacques Ravenne Plus Give Away

Authors Éric Giacometti
and Jacques Ravenne

on Tour

March 10-29, 2015



Shadow Ritual


Release date: March 25, 2015
at Le French Book

270 pages

ISBN: 978-1939474308

Website | Goodreads



Ritual murders. Ancient enemies. A powerful secret. Two slayings—one in Rome and one in Jerusalem—rekindle an ancient rivalry between modern-day secret societies for knowledge lost at the fall of the Third Reich. Detective Antoine Marcas unwillingly teams up with the strong-willed Jade Zewinski to chase Neo-Nazi assassins across Europe. They must unravel an arcane Freemason mystery, sparked by information from newly revealed KGB files. This electrifying thriller about the rise of extremism is the start of a bestselling series that has sold two million copies worldwide.

Freemason Facts and Fiction

Exclusive content …
5 Freemason Facts and a lot more you never knew about secret societies and the world around us.
Best-selling authors share their research and inside knowledge.


My Review
4 Stars
Copy received  for an honest review
"Shadow Ritual" by Giacometti and Ravenne was an intense, mystery-packed adventure.  There were times that I was reminded of  "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown because it kept me guessing and wondering what would happen next.  When the story begins it's the end of WWII and as readers we view the break down of the Nazi party and people in that party.  There are little clues and hints that the authors leave along the way.  Through the main character Antoine Marcas we learn about the Freemasons.  When Antoine witnesses the ritualistic aspects of one of the characters murders he quickly pieces together how they are connected to a murder in Jerusalem.   In the mist of these murders is the threat that a big secret from the Masons will be revealed.  Jade is a female detective that is added to the mix.  Her tense filled relationship with Antoine added to the story and I enjoyed reading about them. Jade added a very human touch to the story even though she was a complicated and multi-layered character.  Overall, I enjoyed the story and found it interesting and entertaining. The only reason it was not a five star was because some parts were very information heavy and they weighed the story down a little.  But just like"The Da Vinci Code" there were dark secrets, murders and a very intertwined plot. 


“Phenomenal. I highly recommend this novel!”
—Douglas Preston, #1 bestselling coauthor of the famed Pendergast series of novel


First in a nine-book series

250,000 copies of Shadow Ritual sold

The series has sold 2 million copies

Translated into seventeen languages.

To his surprise, there was no officer to meet him at the bunker, but instead, an insignificant civilian. His threadbare jacket bore the insignia of the Nazi Party. The man told him that he and the other officers of his rank would be assigned to a special detachment under the direct orders of Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. His mission would be explained in due time.
The man led him to a tiny room. Other officers, all detached from three SS divisions—Wiking, Totenkopf, and Hohenstaufen—had received the same orders and were lodged in nearby rooms.
Two days after they arrived, Martin Bormann, secretary of the Nazi Party and one of the few dignitaries to still be in Adolf Hitler’s good graces, called the Frenchman and his comrades together. With a cold, self-confident gaze on his bloated face, he looked at the fifteen men gathered in what remained of a chancellery meeting room. Then Hitler’s dauphin spoke in a strangely shrill voice. “Gentlemen, the Russians will be here in a few months. It is possible that we will lose the war, even though the Führer still believes in victory and has put his faith in new weapons even more destructive than our long-range V-2 rockets.”
Bormann let his eyes drift over the group before continuing his monologue.
We need to think about future generations and remain committed to final victory. Your superior officers chose you for your courage and loyalty to the Reich. I speak especially for our European friends from Sweden, Belgium, France, and Holland who have conducted themselves as true Germans. During the few weeks we have left, you will be trained to survive and perpetuate the work of Adolf Hitler. Our guide has decided to stay to the end, even if he must give his life, but you will leave in due time to ensure that his sacrifice is not in vain.”
Le Guermand looked around. The other officers were murmuring and shifting in their chairs. Bormann continued.
Each of you will receive orders that are vital for our work to continue. You are not alone. Other groups such as yours are being formed throughout German territory. Your training will begin at eight tomorrow morning and will last for several weeks. Good luck to all of you.” During the two months that followed, they were taught to live an entirely clandestine life. François Le Guermand admired the organization that persevered, despite the impending apocalypse. He felt detached from his French roots, from that nation of whiners that had prostrated itself at the feet of Charles de Gaulle and the Americans. Le Guermand was cloistered in underground rooms and went days without seeing sunlight. A rodent’s life. There was no rest between the lectures and coursework. Soldiers and civilians introduced him to a vast network that was especially active in South America, as well as Spain and Switzerland.

They were trained in covert bank transfers and identity management. Money didn’t seem to be a concern. Each member of the group had a duty: to go to his assigned country and blend with the population under a new identity. Then wait—ready to act. 


Shadow Ritual GiacomettiRavenne2012_credit_Melania_Avanza

Jacques Ravenne is a literary scholar
who has also written a biography of the Marquis de Sade
and edited his letters.
He loves to explore the hidden side of major historical events.

Eric Giacometti was an investigative reporter
for a major French newspaper.
He has covered a number of high-profile scandals
and has done exhaustive research in the area of freemasonry.


Anne Trager loves France so much she has lived there for 27 years and just can’t seem to leave. What keeps her there is a uniquely French mix of pleasure seeking and creativity. Well, that and the wine. In 2011, she woke up one morning and said, “I just can’t stand it anymore. There are way too many good books being written in France not reaching a broader audience.” That’s when she founded Le French Book to translate some of those books into English. The company’s motto is “If we love it, we translate it,” and Anne loves crime fiction, mysteries and detective novels.
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Buy the book | on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | upcoming on Apple + Kobo

You can enter the giveaway here or on the book blogs participating in this tour.
Be sure to follow each participant on Twitter/Facebook,
they are listed in the entry form below


Visit each blogger on the tour:
tweeting about the giveaway everyday
of the Tour will give you 5 extra entries each time!
[just follow the directions on the entry-form]

8 winners:
3 print copies for US residents
5 digital copies for US or other residents


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