Monday, October 12, 2015

Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh

This was my first story by Nalini Singh even though I have been wanting to read her forever. I’m so happy to say that “Rock Redemption” was fantastic! Although the third book in the Rock Kiss romance I was not lost with the story and really enjoyed it. The first thing I noticed about Singh is that she does not waste any time. From page one I was interested in this story and instantly loved Kit and Noah.

Noah St. John is apparently a famous rock star. He is also a big mess. Although he and Kit are only friends he quickly messes up their relationship. Noah is the typical tortured soul. He makes one bonehead move after another but I absolutely adored him and my heart really went out for him. I really felt like he was a tortured soul and tried to be a good person and ultimately the man that Kit deserves.

Not to be outdone by a great hero, Kit was a fantastic heroine. I loved her as much as I loved Noah. She was tough and could hold her own even though it was painful at times for her. Kit loved Noah and was not only in love with him but a great friend to him as well. I loved that Kit was a contrast between fragility and perseverance at the same time. I could not imagine a better partner for her.

Kit and Noah have a lot stalked up against them. They are both very sensitive and fragile souls in need of love and healing and at the same time best friends. The struggle between friendship and more was beautiful to see and Singh provided so much angst and heartache I had to put the book down a couple of times and just breathe. The chemistry between them was amazing. It had me engaged and rooting for them at the difficult moments when it seemed that they would not find their way to each other.

Needless to say I’m hooked on this author and cannot wait to get my hands on her other books, especially the previous two in this series. I highly recommend and definitely enjoyed Noah and Kit.

**ARC provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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