Maya Rodale is such a refreshing read. I really enjoyed and continue to enjoy her books. “Lady Claire is All That” is the third book in the “Keeping up with the Cavendishes’s” series. The Cavendishes’s are an American family. They have traveled with their brother to England when he learns that he has inherited a Dukedom. Because of their very “American” ways, they are instant outcasts. The previous two books focused on the second and youngest sisters, this one is about Claire the oldest. As can be expected of Rodale’s books, they are always funny, sweet and original. This book takes place simultaneously with the other three books. So many of the events from the previous books are taking place at the same time as Claire’s story.
Claire is a definite outcast. She is American and very proud of it. She has no desire to conform to the standards set forth by English society. Besides her American mannerisms, Claire is an intellectual. Nothing interests her more than math and this makes her an instant odd ball. Claire is torn between her own intellectual desires-writing papers on math and attending lectures and helping her siblings assimilate into their new environment.
Fox is licking his wounds when his fiancée tries to elope with an actor. Fox is Claire’s exact opposite. Where she loves to analyze different mathematical formulas he enjoys physical exertion. He likes to box and enjoys society. He enjoys training his beloved dog-Stella and has never wanted for female attention. When his “friend” makes a wager with him Fox can’t help but prove that he still has what it takes and he can still win at whatever he sets his mind to do. He wagers his friend that he can turn Claire into a popular lady in society. Fox has his work cut out for him because Claire has no interest in becoming popular.
I really enjoy Rodale’s story. Although I didn’t “love” this story it was still enjoyable to me and I was curious to see how Claire and Fox would find their way together. One of my little issues with this book is that I felt Fox and Claire didn’t fit. I think the author made an effort to show that they complimented each other but aside from the physical interactions I didn’t see them as a couple that was head over heels in love. Nonetheless I speed through this book and found it enjoyable-I have very high standards for Rodale. Next book is James-the brother’s story. I keep hoping he will finally find his happily-ever-after. This is a great and fun series and I encourage anyone to read it!
**ARC provided by Publisher**

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