Friday, September 30, 2016




Title: The Bachelor Auction
Author: Rachel Van Dyken
Series: The Bachelors of Arizona #1
On Sale: October 4, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Formats: eBook
Price: $4.99 USD (eBook)

Cinderella never had to deal with this crap.

Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist.

Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . . .


The Bachelor Auction #1


Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.  She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!



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Thursday, September 29, 2016

After Paris by Renny deGroot

02_After ParisAfter Paris
by Renny deGroot

Publication Date: July 8, 2016
Paperback & eBook; 364 Pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

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From Shortlisted Author of the 2015 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize, Renny deGroot comes a new Historical Fiction.

Liesbeth Zwart forges her identity with courage and aptitude while nursing in France during WW1. As Liesbeth Bos, she feels that identity melting away; the skills she needed as a nurse in Paris are of little use to her as a wife and mother in post-war Netherlands.

As she grapples to adjust to her new reality, she is confronted with a shocking discovery that sends her fleeing with her young daughter to start a new life in Canada. The New World forces Liesbeth to reassess her own life and beliefs, but will it be enough to save her fractured family?

Amazon (Kindle) | Amazon (Paperback) | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

About the Author03_Renny Degroot

Renny deGroot is a first generation Canadian of Dutch parents. She is a published poet, song lyricist and novelist. Her debut novel, Family Business, was shortlisted in the Literary Fiction category, for the 2015 Emerging Writer Prize. She studied English Literature at Trent University.

Her strong Dutch roots continue to influence her while the love of her Canadian homeland with its beauty and freedom, flavors all that she does.

Renny lives in rural Ontario, Canada with her Great Pyrenees and Chocolate Lab.

For more information, please visit Renny deGroot's website. You can also find her on Facebook.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, September 19
Interview at Nerd in New York
Spotlight at Passages to the Past

Tuesday, September 20
Guest Post at The Silver Dagger Scriptorium

Wednesday, September 21
Review at Curling up by the Fire
Guest Post at What Is That Book About

Thursday, September 22
Review at A Book Drunkard

Friday, September 23
Review at Books, Dreams, Life

Saturday, September 24
Review at Queen of All She Reads

Monday, September 26
Guest Post by The Writing Desk

Tuesday, September 27
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews
Spotlight at Just One More Chapter

Wednesday, September 28
Spotlight at The Book Tree

Thursday, September 29
Review at Book Nerd

Friday, September 30
Review at Back Porchervations
Interview at Library Educated


To enter the After Paris Blog Tour Giveaway please enter via the Gleam form below.
- 3 winners will receive a copy of Family Business by Renny deGroot (2015 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize Shortlist)
- 3 winners will receive a copy of the CD Macushla by renown Irish Tenor, Jimmy Carton (features songs from the era in which After Paris takes place)

– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on September 30th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open internationally.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– Winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

After Paris

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

ARC Review: Do you Want to Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare

This is not my first book by Tessa Dare so I jumped head first the minute this book became available to me. I do have to warn people that this book is not for the weak hearted. It was so funny I had to stop reading just so I could belt out a laugh. It came to the point where I had to read it in private so I wouldn’t just start laughing in the middle the public. Just like her previous books, Dare presents a fantastic heroine that is unique and unlike any other I have read before.

Charlotte Highwood is on a mission. She is determined to thwart her mother’s match making ambitions. To cut her off before she gets started to meets her mother’s intended son-in-law and warns him that her mother will undoubtedly try to arrange them to be seen together or spend time together. Piers Brandon, Lord Granville has never met anyone like Charlotte. She is fiercely independent, smart and determined to impede her mother’s meddling. When Charlotte warns him that he might end up engaged to Charlotte, Piers thinks that it might be an answer to his prayers. He could use a decoy wife while he is on special assignment as a spy for the English Crown. Charlotte and Piers are “thrown” together but not for the reasons that they both expect. When in the study a couple goes in for a dalliance, Piers and Charlotte are immediately accused. Piers, the honorable man that he is, accepts his duty and explains to Charlotte that they must marry. Charlotte is not having it. She refuses to be wed to man that does not love her. She will only marry for love and since she is not in love she will not accept anything less. Charlotte decides that she needs to uncover who the secret lovers really are so that she and Piers will be free.

There were so many funny parts to this book that I lost count. Piers and Charlotte were really fun to read about and Dare really kept the pacing of the book good. Charlotte was such a fun heroine. She was always up to something and Piers found her to be fun and exciting. I loved Charlotte and I also loved that Piers was the one that was ready to marry. Usually in all the books the men hold out to the very end. Slowly, Charlotte uncovers the truth behind Piers and she accuses him of not being the boring titled man that everyone suspects. To that, Piers responds that he is the boring titled man that everyone suspects. Needless to say I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read more from Dare! She is a fantastic author. The only little bit stopping me from a five stars was that I would have liked a little more chemistry between Piers and Charlotte. Do you want to start a Scandal? Does not disappoint.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Beauty Shop by Suzy Henderson

Hello and welcome! Today, I’m thrilled to finally reveal the cover of my upcoming novel, The Beauty Shop. As the novel is set during the dark days of World War Two, the title might appear to be rather unusual. The beauty shop was a nickname for a ward at a small hospital in East Grinstead, a market town in southern England, where a maverick New Zealand plastic surgeon cared for severely burned airmen.

Such was the humour of the men there that one airman said to a visitor one day, “Stick around here long enough, miss and they’ll whip a piece off you and stick it on one of us.”

This was no ordinary hospital ward. There was beer for one thing, and pretty girls for nurses, music all day long and dancing. The air that flowed here drifted through smiles, laughter, love, and loss. And when surgeon Archie McIndoe spoke to each man, his eyes shone with such radiance, and his words sang with such confidence and compassion, instilling each man with fresh hope.

Based on a true story, via three interlocking experiences of WWII, The Beauty Shop explores the nature of good looks, social acceptance and the true meaning of ‘skin deep’.

The Beauty Shop
by Suzy Henderson

Publication Date: November 2016
eBook & Paperback; 350 Pages

Genre: Historical Romance

England, 1942. After three years of WWII, Britain is showing the scars. But in this darkest of days, three lives intertwine, changing their destinies and those of many more.

Dr Archibald McIndoe, a New Zealand plastic surgeon with unorthodox methods, is on a mission to treat and rehabilitate badly burned airmen – their bodies and souls. With the camaraderie and support of the Guinea Pig Club, his boys battle to overcome disfigurement, pain, and prejudice to learn to live again.

John ‘Mac’ Mackenzie of the US Air Force is aware of the odds. He has one chance in five of surviving the war. Flying bombing missions through hell and back, he’s fighting more than the Luftwaffe. Fear and doubt stalk him on the ground and in the air, and he’s torn between his duty and his conscience.

Shy, decent and sensible, Stella Charlton’s future seems certain until war breaks out. As a new recruit to the WAAF, she meets an American pilot on New Year’s Eve. After just one dance, she falls head over heels for the handsome airman. But when he survives a crash, she realises her own battle has only just begun.

Based on a true story, The Beauty Shop is a moving tale of love, compassion, and determination against a backdrop of wartime tragedy.

About the Author03_suzy-henderson

Suzy Henderson lives with her husband and two sons in Cumbria, England, on the edge of the beautiful Lake District, a rich and inspiring landscape of mountains, fells, and lakes. She never set out to be a writer, although she has always been a voracious reader.

Some years ago after leaving an established career in healthcare, Suzy began to research family history, soon becoming fascinated with both World War periods. After completing a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, she took a walk along a new path, writing from the heart. She writes historical fiction and has an obsession with military and aviation history.

Other interests include music, old movies, and photography – especially if WW2 aircraft are on the radar. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society. Her debut novel, The Beauty Shop, is to be released in November 2016.

For more information, please visit Suzy Henderson's website. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Goodreads. Suzy also blogs at and

Cover Reveal Hosts

100 Pages a Day
A Book Geek
Beth's Book Nook Blog
Book Lovers Paradise
Book Nerd
Passages to the Past
The Lit Bitch
The Maiden's Court
The True Book Addict


Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Madonna of Notre Dame by Alexis Ragougneau

Alexis Ragougneau

on Tour

September 12-21


The Madonna of Notre Dame

The Madonna of Notre Dame


Release date: October 11, 2016

ISBN: 978-1-939931-39-3
210 pages


Fifty thousand believers and photo-hungry tourists jam into Notre Dame Cathedral on August 15 to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. The next morning, a stunningly beautiful young woman clothed all in white kneels at prayer in a cathedral side chapel. But when an American tourist accidentally bumps against her, her body collapses. She has been murdered: the autopsy reveals disturbing details. Police investigators and priests search for the killer as they discover other truths about guilt and redemption in this soaring Paris refuge for the lost, the damned, and the saved. The suspect is a disturbed young man obsessed with the Virgin Mary who spends his days hallucinating in front of a Madonna. But someone else knows the true killer of the white-clad daughter of Algerian immigrants. This thrilling novel illuminates shadowy corners of the world’s most famous cathedral, shedding light on good and evil with suspense, compassion and wry humor.
My Review:
Copy from France Book Tours for an honest review
Review up at 12pm ET
From page one I was interested and captivated with the story.  Ragougneau plotted the story very well and I was interested in how the story would unfold. I was skeptical that the author would be able to provide enough suspense and at the same time wrap up the story so that  the suspense built up was believable. The information on Notre Dame was fascinating. There were many elements of this book that reminded me of "The DaVinci Code."The clergy of the church is under suspect when the woman is found dead in the cathedral. The life of the clergy clashes with the police of Paris. 


Alexis Ragougneau

Alexis Ragougneau
is a playwright and
The Madonna of Notre Dame is his first novel.
He has worked in Notre Dame Cathedral
helping monitor tourist crowds
and knows well its infinite secrets
and the forgotten souls who linger in its darkest corners.
Follow New Vessel Press on Twitter | on Facebook
Sign up to receive their latest news and deals.
Buy the book: on Amazon


You can enter the global giveaway here
or on any other book blogs participating in this tour.
Be sure to follow each participant on Twitter/Facebook,
they are listed in the entry form below

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Visit each blogger on the tour:
tweeting about the giveaway everyday
of the Tour will give you 5 extra entries each time!
[just follow the directions on the entry-form]

Global giveaway open to US residents:
1 winner will receive a copy of this book



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Monday, September 12, 2016

Wicked Bond (The Wicked Horse Series Book #5) Sawyer Bennett


Wicked Bond (The Wicked Horse Series Book #5)
Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: September 13, 2016
Bridger Payne is an enigma that no one can figure out. Wise beyond his years, eerily intuitive and sexy as hell, every woman in The Silo wants him.
None can have him.
Not the real man, anyway.
He might wield the lash for you if you ask prettily, but he’ll get no gratification from it. He’ll definitely make you scream, but he won’t think twice about you when he walks away.
Bridger carries the darkest of secrets. He’s filled with too much pain.
He’s utterly untouchable.
Until she came along.

**Warning: this book has sex in it. Lots of sex. Dirty sex. The Wicked Horse Series is a bit different than what Sawyer Bennett normally writes. While you’ll still enjoy fabulous characters, a suspenseful story, some witty banter and an epic romance, there’s just… a lot of sex. You’ve been warned.
My Review
Copy received from Publisher for an honest review
Three Stars
Sawyer Bennett is an automatic read for me. I first read her books when I was introduced to "The Cold Fury" series and they are fantastic! Her characters are always memorable and once I crack her books open I can't stop reading.  Same goes with Bridger and Maggie's story.  This is the 5th book in the "The Wicked Horse" series. I have not read any of the other books. Although part of a series, this book is easily and standalone.  The characters in the other books make an appearance but I did not feel lost in the story.  Bridger is a very dark character with many demons in his closet.  He has had a very difficult childhood and when the author reveals to us his past, he is more understandable. Bridger owns "The Silo" which is a pleasure club.   First, I have to say I really love Bennet but this book was a little too much for me.  I would have given the book a higher rating if not for two things : 1) the sexual content was too violent.  I thought after reading Fifty Shades of Grey nothing would shock me but I was wrong.  2) I thought that Maggie fell for Bridger too quickly. When she and Bridger meet she has been physically hurt-severely and within three days she is already developing feelings for him.  It didn't add up with what had just happened to her. I was intrigued by the other characters from the series, their stories seem interesting.  I also plan to read more Bennett. 

Goodreads Link:

Purchase Wicked Bond:
Amazon: **available on release day**
B&N: **available on release day**
Google Play: **available on release day**
Kobo: **available on release day**


About the Author:
Bennett_photo_2014Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Mary’s strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.

Connect with Sawyer:

Sign up for Sawyer’s newsletter:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

ARC Review: A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean

I love Sarah MacLean! What an amazing story, writer and experience. I’m not new to MacLean’s storytelling but every time I read one of her stories, whether I love or like it, it always sticks with me. I loved MacLean’s message in “A Scot in the Dark” and felt changed and inspired by her story. Although this is part of the “Scandal and Scoundrel” series, Miss Lillian Hargrov-the central character, is not one of the scandalous sisters that we meet in the first book in the series “The Rogue Not Taken.” The hero, Alec, The Duke of Warnick is a friend that appears in the first book and his presence plays an important but in the first book.

When the story begins, Lily is enticed into posing nude for a portrait done by an artist she believes to be in love with and whom she believes loves her. Lily assumes that marriage is near and that she has found the man of her dreams. Lily is a beautiful woman who often attracts lots of attention because of her beauty. When Lily soon learns that she is tricked the only way she thinks to survive is to flee once her portrait is exposed to all of London-and eventually the world.
Alec has the bad fortune to inherit a dukedom that kills off over 10 dukes which leaves him to be the next Duke in line. But impending death is not what Alec fears or loathes. Alec hates all things English and especially society. To add to his already disadvantages he realizes that Lily is a ward that is attached to this title. Neither Alec nor Lily are too happy with their current situation but Alec soon realizes that his and her problems can easily be solved-marry Lily off. Lily has plans of her own. She is due an inheritance at her next birthday and she wants to take her money and flee England. It isn’t long before Alec realizes that his plan will never work and that he can’t support Lily in her own plans to flee. Alec knows that Lily deserves better.

One of the many reasons I always jump for MacLean’s stories is that her characters are always so memorable. I just loved Lily and my heart broke for her. Lily is not a member of the ton. She is just the ward of a Duke. She has never fit in and has always felt lonely. Alec could not have been a better match for her. He too has his own wounds that he carries around with him but unlike Lily, he had a chance to run and knows that running is never the answer.

I loved both Lily and Alec as individual characters and as a couple. My heart broke for them and I was emotionally invested in their happiness. I loved the surprising twists that MacLean inserted towards the end. I also loved that the scandalous sisters do make an appearance and befriend Lily. My only disappointment is waiting for the next book in the series! This was a strong five stars for me! I just loved everything about it and can’t wait to see what MacLean has in store for us next!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Monday, September 5, 2016

Death at the Paris Exposition by Frances McNamara

02_Death at the Paris ExpositionDeath at the Paris Exposition
by Frances McNamara

Publication Date: September 1, 2016
Allium Press
Paperback; 276 Pages

Series: Emily Cabot Mysteries #6
Genre: Historical Mystery

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Four stars
Copy from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review

“Death at the Paris Exposition (Emily Cabot Mysteries #6) is my first Emily Cabot Mystery.  I’ve never read McNamara before but I found her to be a great storyteller.  I don’t often jump at the opportunities to review mysteries but “Death…” did not disappoint. Set in Paris during the 1900’s , Bertha Palmer hires Emily to be her secretary. Little do they suspect that their visit to the Paris Exposition will lead to theft and murder. I was fascinated to learn about Palmer and the cut throat world of privileged socialites. I felt like I was transported back to Paris . I loved learning about the luxurious setting and the beautiful attire of the people in this society.  I was intrigued with the suspense and the pacing was great! 

Amateur sleuth Emily Cabot's journey once again takes her to a world's fair--the Paris Exposition of 1900. Chicago socialite Bertha Palmer is named the only female U. S. commissioner to the Exposition and enlists Emily's services as her secretary. Their visit to the House of Worth for the fitting of a couture gown is interrupted by the theft of Mrs. Palmer's famous pearl necklace. Before that crime can be solved, several young women meet untimely deaths and a member of the Palmer's inner circle is accused of the crimes. As Emily races to clear the family name she encounters jealous society ladies, American heiresses seeking titled European husbands, and more luscious gowns and priceless jewels. Along the way, she takes refuge from the tumult at the country estate of Impressionist painter Mary Cassatt. In between her work and sleuthing, she is able to share the Art Nouveau delights of the Exposition, and the enduring pleasures of the City of Light with her family.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

About the Author

Frances McNamara grew up in Boston, where her father served as Police Commissioner for ten years. She has degrees from Mount Holyoke and Simmons Colleges, and formerly worked as a librarian at the University of Chicago. When not working or writing she can be found sailing on the Charles River in Boston or beaching on Cape Cod.

For more information please visit Frances McNamara's website. You can also find her on Facebook and Goodreads.

Sign up for Frances McNamara Newsletter to receive notification of new books and events.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, September 5
Review at Jorie Loves a Story
Spotlight at A Bookaholic Swede

Tuesday, September 6
Spotlight at A Literary Vacation

Wednesday, September 7
Review at Book Nerd

Thursday, September 8
Spotlight at What is That Book About

Friday, September 9
Spotlight at Passages to the Past

Sunday, September 11
Review at One Book Shy of a Full Shelf

Tuesday, September 13
Spotlight at To Read, or Not to Read

Wednesday, September 14
Review at History From a Woman's Perspective

Thursday, September 15
Review at Impressions In Ink

Friday, September 16
Guest Post & Excerpt at The Silver Dagger Scriptorium


To win a paperback copy of Death at the Paris Exposition, please enter via the Gleam form below. 2 copies are up for grabs!


– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on September 16th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to US addresses only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– Winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

Paris Exposition

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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Days of Sun and Glory (The King’s Greatest Enemy #2) by Anna Belfrage

02_Days of Sun and Glory
Days of Sun and Glory (The King’s Greatest Enemy #2)
by Anna Belfrage

Publication Date: July 4, 2016
eBook & Paperback; 418 Pages

Series: The King's Greatest Enemy
Genre: Historical Fiction

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Adam de Guirande has barely survived the aftermath of Roger Mortimer’s rebellion in 1321. When Mortimer manages to escape the Tower and flee to France, anyone who has ever served Mortimer becomes a potential traitor – at least in the eyes of King Edward II and his royal chancellor, Hugh Despenser. Adam must conduct a careful balancing act to keep himself and his family alive. Fortunately, he has two formidable allies: Queen Isabella and his wife, Kit. England late in 1323 is a place afflicted by fear. Now that the king’s greatest traitor, Roger Mortimer, has managed to evade royal justice, the king and his beloved Despenser see dissidents and rebels everywhere – among Mortimer’s former men, but also in the queen, Isabella of France.

Their suspicions are not unfounded. Tired of being relegated to the background by the king’s grasping favourite, Isabella has decided it is time to act – to safeguard her own position, but also that of her son, Edward of Windsor. As Adam de Guirande has pledged himself to Prince Edward he is automatically drawn into the queen’s plans – whether he likes it or not.

Yet again, Kit and Adam are forced to take part in a complicated game of intrigue and politics. Yet again, they risk their lives – and that of those they hold dear – as the king and Mortimer face off. Once again, England is plunged into war – and this time it will not end until either Despenser or Mortimer is dead.

Days of Sun and Glory is the second in Anna Belfrage’s series, The King’s Greatest Enemy, the story of a man torn apart by his loyalties to his lord, his king, and his wife.
My Review:
Four Stars
from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
I was first introduced to Anna Belfrage with the Graham Saga Series.  It was a fascinating series and I really enjoyed it even though I had not read the entire collection.  Belfrage jumps right into another great series with “The King’s Greatest Enemy.”  When the story begins the atmosphere is filled with tension.  Adam de Guiranda and his wife are awaiting a baby.  Adam’s loyalty to the King- Edward II, is continuously questioned because of his involvement in the Mortimer rebellion.  But if Adam and Kit want to remain alive and in the Kings good graces they have to make everyone believe that they are loyal only to Edward II.  The story if filled with monarchs who each want a piece of the pie.  Isabella of France is ready to take advantage of Edwards II week ruling and the rebellion that threatened his command. Isabella of Spain is committed to help Adam and his cause.

Just like Belfrage’s previous books, her knowledge is so vast.  She makes me believe that I’m in the story and her attention to detail is unparalleled. Anytime I read about the reigning monarchs I’m dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to be king. There is a constant threat to overturn the King, there is constant tension, the words of the people at court are not to be trusted.  Finally, the threat of death is always probable.  I really enjoyed continuing on Adam and Kit’s journey. Belfrage always makes her characters real and fallible. I highly recommend this wonderful story and any book by Belfrage. 

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

About the Author03_Annna_Belfrage 2015

Had Anna been allowed to choose, she’d have become a professional time-traveller. As such a profession does as yet not exists, she settled for second best and became a financial professional with two absorbing interests, namely history and writing. These days, Anna combines an exciting day-job with a large family and her writing endeavours.

When Anna fell in love with her future husband, she got Scotland as an extra, not because her husband is Scottish or has a predilection for kilts, but because his family fled Scotland due to religious persecution in the 17th century – and were related to the Stuarts. For a history buff like Anna, these little details made Future Husband all the more desirable, and sparked a permanent interest in the Scottish Covenanters, which is how Matthew Graham, protagonist of the acclaimed The Graham Saga, began to take shape.

Set in 17th century Scotland and Virginia/Maryland, the series tells the story of Matthew and Alex, two people who should never have met – not when she was born three hundred years after him. With this heady blend of romance, adventure, high drama and historical accuracy, Anna hopes to entertain and captivate, and is more than thrilled when readers tell her just how much they love her books and her characters.

Presently, Anna is hard at work with her next project, a series set in the 1320s featuring Adam de Guirande, his wife Kit, and their adventures and misfortunes in connection with Roger Mortimer’s rise to power. The King’s Greatest Enemy is a series where passion and drama play out against a complex political situation, where today’s traitor may be tomorrow’s hero, and the Wheel of Life never stops rolling.

The first installment in the Adam and Kit story, In the Shadow of the Storm, was published in 2015. The second book, Days of Sun and Glory, will be published in July 2016.

Other than on her website,, Anna can mostly be found on her blog, – unless, of course, she is submerged in writing her next novel. You can also connect with Anna on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, August 29
Kick Off at Passages to the Past
Spotlight at What Is That Book About

Tuesday, August 30
Review at Beth's Book Nook Blog
Review at Historical Fiction Obsession

Wednesday, August 31
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Spotlight at Queen of All She Reads

Thursday, September 1
Review at Lampshade Reader
Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Friday, September 2
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, September 5
Review at Just One More Chapter

Tuesday, September 6
Guest Post at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Wednesday, September 7
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Guest Post at A Literary Vacation

Thursday, September 8
Interview at Books and Benches
Character Interview at Flashlight Commentary

Friday, September 9
Review at A Holland Reads

Monday, September 12
Review at Broken Teepee

Tuesday, September 13
Review at Let Them Read Books
Interview at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Wednesday, September 14
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time

Thursday, September 15
Review at Seize the Words: Books in Review

Monday, September 19
Review at A Book Drunkard

Tuesday, September 20
Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, September 21
Review at It's a Mad Mad World

Friday, September 23
Review at The True Book Addict
Spotlight at The Reading Queen

Monday, September 26
Review at Diana's Book Reviews

Tuesday, September 27
Guest Post at Passages to the Past

Thursday, September 29
Review at Bookramblings


To win a copy of Days of Sun & Glory by Anna Belfrage, please enter via the Gleam form below.


– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on September 29th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion
– Winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

Days of Sun and Glory

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The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle

  THE PARIS WIDOW  Author: Kimberly Belle Publication Date: June 11, 2024 ISBN: 9780778307976 Format: Trade Paperback Publisher: Harlequin ...