Susanna Fraser delivers a fun and heartwarming novella in “A Christmas Reunion.” I never read Fraser before so I was not sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed reading the novella.
When the story begins we have our hero-Gabriel Shephard. Gabriel is a soldier. He is home for the holidays but he has a little girl with him. He is responsible for her. Gabriel had a falling out with his family and doesn’t go directly to visit his family, instead he sends a letter explaining why he is in London. One of the reasons for his falling out is because he was caught kissing his family’s ward-Lady Catherine Trevilan. Five years have passed and Lady Cat is engaged to another person.
I really enjoyed this novella because I thought that the author really developed both their back stories. I had some very good insight into who Gabriel was as a person and who Lady Cat was as well. Both Gabriel and Cat were raised by their guardians. Lady Cat’s guardian wanted her for his eldest son but he ended up marrying someone else. As the years passed both Gabriel and Cat had a chance to mature but not to outgrow their feelings for one another.
As can be expected when Cat and Gabriel are reunited they both feel the same about each other. Even though Cat is engaged there are many different reasons for her to break her engagement. Her fiancé has a few secrets of his own.
Overall, this was a sweet and interesting read. I liked the characters and the story line. I wanted them to end up together and I was curious to see how the author would resolve the different obstacles that they had thrown at them. I plan to read more by Fraser. This was a fun holiday treat.
**ARC provided by Author**

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