Three Stars

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"Always Come Home” by Maureen Driscoll was a unique and refreshing read. I’ve read so many historical romances that it’s easy to see similarities between many of them. I can say “Always Come Home” stood out as unique and I have not read anything like it before.
This is my first time reading Maureen Driscoll so I was not sure what not sure what to expect. I’m happy to say it was a nice introduction and I will read more by her. Her characters were very unique and the story took off from the first page. The hero Colin Emerson, the Earl of Ridgeway, is impoverished. He is riding a mail coach with his friend Stemple Because of Stemple’s appearance they are kicked out of the coach and left to walk to Colin’s estate. Which, of course, is not nearby. Stemple “works” for Colin but Colin doesn’t have any means to pay him. I loved Stemple and my heart ached for him and all that he went through.
Colin stumbles on a school friend and there he meets Ava Conway. Ava is the governess for less than nice people. Ava was a great heroine. She was very endearing and fun. She was strong and confident and she made perfect sense with Colin. I loved their chemistry. I also loved that Colin is very humble although very popular and handsome. Colin is loyal to the people he loves and doesn’t hesitate to help those that need a hand.
The secondary characters were also great. I really loved Maude and Stemple. I instantly liked both of them as individuals and as a couple. Typically historical romance novels focus on the Lords and Ladies of the ton but this focused on an Early down on his luck. It also showed Colin as a self-made man. He inherited a title but worked for everything he later had.
Needless to say, Driscoll was not the least bit predictable and she had some surprises in store. I’m happy to see this as part of a series. I think Rose will be a great character to read about.
**Copy provided by Author**
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