Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jasper's Lament by Katherine Pym

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Jasper's Lament
by Katherine Pym

Publication Date: June 29, 2015
Books We Love, Ltd.
eBook; 301 Pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

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London 1664. The 2nd Anglo/Dutch war is imminent, and England prepares against the threat.

After his father’s mysterious death, Jasper’s world is thrown into chaos. Coded messages, letters penned with invisible ink, and chests of gold appear from unknown sources. Dangerous symbols in unexpected places drag Jasper deeper into a conspiracy not of his making.

Torn between his newfound love for a Dutchman’s daughter, and his loyalty to the king, Jasper struggles with dark forces. If he ferrets out the plotters that plan to tear England apart, will he lose the one woman he loves?



"Jasper's Lament is as well-named as well-written. Pym has a wonderful ability to tell a good tale with admirable ease and conviction. It reaches heart-strings, cleverly molding so many little side-plots around the major one, yet never losing its racy pace." -Kev Richardson, Historian

"A highly polished and well written book, with excellent historical accuracy and a real flavor of the age. Jasper’s Lament is a great read and hugely atmospheric." -Grace Elliot, veterinarian by day, and author of historical romance by night.
My Review:
Four Stars
Copy Received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book tours for an honest review
"Jaspar's Lament" by  Katherine Pym was a fantastic read!  Where to start?? Excellent historical information. I was fascinated to learn about England during the 1664. The religious conflicts were very enlightening.  Jasper is forced to make some very personal decisions that go against what his life has been about up until he meets Placidia. He is also thrown into a political conflict when mysterious messages appear.  I really enjoyed this story and learned a lot about what religious Puritan society was like during this time period. I was also impressed that the author picked a male in the role of the conflict.  I stereo typically assume these sort of situations are always placed on women, this was a refreshing change.   I was engaged in both the plot and the writing of this story. Very enjoyable and highly recommended.


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Katherine Pym is an author of historical novels set in 1660's London with one novel of the French Revolution, including The Barbers and Jasper's Lament. She divides her time between Seattle, WA & Austin, TX with her husband and puppy-dog.



Monday, September 14
Spotlight at What Is That Book About

Tuesday, September 15
Spotlight & Giveaway at Raven Haired Girl

Wednesday, September 16
Review at Book Nerd

Saturday, September 19
Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Monday, September 21
Character Interview at Boom Baby Reviews

Tuesday, September 22
Spotlight & Giveaway at Unshelfish
Review, Interview, & Giveaway at Singing Librarian Books

Wednesday, September 23
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Friday, September 25
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

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