Monday, August 10, 2015

Playing for Her Heart by Megan Erickson/ Plus Excerpt

Enter to Win a 
Signed Print Copy of

Gamers Series #2
Megan Erickson
Releasing Aug 11th, 2015
Entangled: Brazen

Osprey just had the hottest sex of his life. Sure, they were both in costume,
and yes, it was anonymous, but he never expected her to bolt in the middle of
the night without so much as a good bye, let alone exchanging numbers. Or
names. All he’s left with are her panties and some seriously X-rated
memories...until he meets his business partner's little sister.

Chloe Talley isn't the bold, sexy vixen he remembers. And she wants nothing to
do with him.

is Chloe’s only chance to leave her boring, socially awkward world behind. To
forget that she’s failing at life and can’t be with anyone, let alone a
single-father like Grant. But the raw hunger between them is undeniable. With
him, she can be a misbehaving maid. A sexy call girl for hire. Each scene
pushes Chloe beyond her strict boundaries, until Grant demands the one
character she can't play.


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Chloe craned her neck and moved to go around the man, but the he sidestepped, right into her path. She glared at him. Or rather, she glared at…Doc Ock.

A Doc Ock who was leering at her.

For God’s sake.

He twisted at the waist, so his metal octopus arms clanged together. Leaning into her, he pulled a string near his head so a claw snapped in her face. “Need a hand untying that corset, baby?” He held out his hands so that all four of his metal arms lifted. “Because I got six.”

This was what was keeping her from Breck? A Spider-Man villain? She raised her eyebrows, emboldened by her costume so she could say what she never could without it.

“Seriously? That’s your come on?”

He blinked at her. “Uh, yeah I guess so.”

“That’s the best you could come up with?”

His lips twisted to the side. “Well, uh, how about, are you afraid of spiders? Because I can protect you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Spiderman already beat you once and—”

And then her world tilted as someone gripped her waist and slung her over a hard shoulder. Then she was moving as the body who held her began walking. She protested with an umph and raised her head, watching Doc Ock stare after them with wide eyes, his metal arms clanking.

Chloe tried to get her wits together, remembering this was cosplay and she was Sari and how dare this guy pick her up? She turned her attention to her kidnapper. Or rather, his back. His blue-shirt-clad back. “Hey, put me down.”

He did with a thunk, and once she righted her skirt and brushed her hair out of her face, she got a good look at Breck. Her Breck.

Her incredibly hot rescuer.

She placed her hand on her hips and tried to keep the breathiness out of her voice, because damn. “I was doing just fine back there.”

“I know you were,” he said in a deep voice that skittered down her spine like fingers. “But I wasn’t. Had enough of watching that guy trying to hit on you.” Those full lips, so full they were almost feminine, twisted into a smile. “I wanted your attention. Because you’re the best Sari I’ve seen today.”

Chloe sucked in a breath. Oh yes, he’d do.

Megan worked as a journalist covering
real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better
and switched to fiction.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her
husband, two kids and two cats. When she's not tapping away on her laptop,
she's probably listening to the characters in her head who won't stop talking.

Looking for More of the Gamers Series?

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