by E.C. Moore
Publication Date: July 6, 2015BookTrope Publishing
eBook; 360 Pages
Genre: Historical Suspense/Literary

Her menacing past was loose and in close pursuit. The fear of the thing lived in her eyes, and trepidation sounded with each step her heels made as she fled�
Los Angeles 1956�Marilyn Palmer is a beauty with a deep dark secret. After a threatening note from a blackmailer arrives she hires a private eye to help keep her unsavory past under wraps.
Incurable is a story wrought with impetuous and regrettable decisions made by a desperate young woman. Barely eighteen years old, and a gifted seamstress, she makes the ill-fated decision to run away from her Detroit home with a wily friend. Bound for Hollywood, and seeking stardom, the girls set out on an incredible journey.
This splendidly imagined debut explores the tumultuous life and times of a woman who suffered the ultimate betrayal as a child during the Great Depression. A story of survival set against the backdrop of early Hollywood, misery on Hotel Street in Honolulu before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and heartbreak in Los Angeles during WWII, Incurable delivers an emotional intensity rarely found.
"Incurable will have you flipping through its word-painted images, and thinking about its characters long after you've read the last line." - Anita Kovacevic
My review
four stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
When I started reading "Incurable" by E.C. Moore I was surprised to learn it was a debut novel. I thought that the story was very sophisticated. I was incredibly impressed with how she was able to balance all the different characters in the story. I especially enjoyed the strong female characters and how they were pivotal to the success of the plot. Although a story that spans different years can be a little overwhelming to read, I fund this one to be very smooth and easy to see how events and characters were interconnected.
Finally, I thought the story was engaging. I was interested and intrigued from the very beginning. I loved the raw truths and emotions that the story presented. I found that the author was very honest and straightfoward about many different topics and themes. I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend it to anyone looking forward to a satisfying read.
When E.C. Moore�s not writing feverishly, you will find her out walking or sightseeing. She�s wild about coffee, books, cooking, good wine, cairn terriers, miniature ponies, historical houses, and witty people.She resides in a fifties bungalow in Southern California, with her creative-director husband, a yappy blonde dog, and one feisty Chihuahua.
For more information visit E.C. Moore's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Amazon, Google+, and Goodreads.
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