Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Highlander’s Choice Marriage Mart Mayhem # 5 By: Callie Hutton

The Highlander’s Choice
Marriage Mart Mayhem # 5
By: Callie Hutton
Releasing July 14, 2015
Entangled Scandalous


The Scottish Highlands, 1815
Lady Sybil Lacey is every inch an English woman. She's horrified her best friend is wedding a barbarian Scot.  For aren't Scots naught but brutish, whiskey-swilling lechers? So to find herself secretly attracted to the tall and devastatingly handsome Scottish laird of Bedlay Castle is quite disconcerting...
Liam MacBride is convinced that English ladies are silly sassenachs who think of nothing but social events and clothes. So why is he intensely drawn to Lady Sybil? All they do is quarrel...until loathing turns into undeniable lust.
A tempestuous, fiery romance between an English lady and a Scottish laird cannot end well.
Excerpt #1
He turned her in his arms and lifted, reclaiming her lips. She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing her dampening center to his warmth. Without loosening his hold on her mouth, he strode to the fireplace where he gently settled her on the soft carpet. He stretched out alongside her, running his palm over her curves as she faced him.
As his eyes met hers, she rested her palm against his cheek. “I’m afraid.”
“Ach, lass. Dinna fash yerself. I will never hurt ye.”
She shook her head. “No. I know you won’t hurt me. I’m afraid of what this means if we continue.”
“’Tis simple, darlin’, and something we both kenned would happen. I want ye for my wife. I want to bed ye every night for the rest of our lives, see yer wee body swell with my bairn.”
“But I’m still not sure,” she whispered. This was a serious step and the commitment she would be making by allowing it to continue needed consideration. But her thinking was muddled, all she could see was the man who made her insides melt, and all she could think about was how much she wanted to experience what came next.
An inner voice warned they weren’t even in a private place. Suppose someone walked in on them? Before she could push him away, he said, “Let me convince ye.” He leaned over her on his elbow and caressed her skin, watching her with half lidded eyes.
My Review
Copy received from Publisher/ Tasty Book Tours for an honest review
Three Stars
Callie Hurton quickly became one of my go-to authors when I want a unique and fun read.   I've read Hutton before and always find her stories to be unique and refreshing. I loved Lady Sybil and Liam.  I also loved the chemistry between them. I really enjoyed "The Highlander's Choice"and will continue to read Hutton.

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Author Info

The USA Today bestselling author of The Elusive Wife, Callie Hutton, writes both Western Historical and Regency romance, with historic elements and sensory details (The Romance Reviews). She also pens an occasional contemporary or two. Callie lives in Oklahoma with several rescue dogs, two adult children, and daughter-in-law (thankfully all not in the same house), and her top cheerleader husband of thirty-eight years. She also currently waits with bated breath for the birth of twin grandsons. Callie loves to hear from readers, and would welcome you as a friend on Facebook.

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

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