A stylish, fast-paced spy thriller about the intrigue, economic warfare
and struggles for natural resources promised by global warming. The
Arctic ice caps are breaking up. Europe and the East Coast of the Unites
States brace for a tidal wave. Meanwhile, former French intelligence
officer John Spencer Larivière, his karate-trained, steamy Eurasian
partner, Victoire, and their bisexual computer-genius sidekick, Luc,
pick up an ordinary freelance assignment that quickly leads them into
the glacial silence of the great north, where a merciless war is being
waged for control of discoveries that will change the future of
A plausible vision of climate catastrophe combines with French freelance spies and Bond-like action forming a gripping page-turner of a thriller.[provided by the publisher]
A plausible vision of climate catastrophe combines with French freelance spies and Bond-like action forming a gripping page-turner of a thriller.[provided by the publisher]
E-Release date: October 30, 2013Print release: April 30, 2014
from Le French Book
113,000 words/285 pages
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My Review:
Copy received from: France Book Tours for an honest review.
Four Stars
Smart! That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "The Greenland Breach" by Bernard Besson. I loved it from page one! The first pages are interesting and the story does not take long before I became interested in what was happening and what could happen. I also love the theme! I can't think of a more hot topic right now than global warming. The writing was engaging, fast-paced, informative and entertaining!
I think this book is a must-read for anyone that likes smart books that are also entertaining. The characters were interesting and the storyline well thought out and well-paced! Great read! I definitely recommend and it and I enjoyed it!
Lars Jensen felt the ground tremble beneath the snow. He straightened
up and abandoned his position, petrified by what he was seeing to the
west, toward Canada. The last phase of global warming had begun
just as a big red helicopter flew past from the east. It doubtless belonged
to Terre Noire, the Franco-Danish oil-and-gas company that was
carrying out geological surveys.
From the rocky slopes of Haffner Bjerg, events were taking an
unimaginable turn worthy of Dante. With a sound as ominous as the
crack of doom, the Lauge Koch Kyst had begun to tear away from
Greenland and plummet into Baffin Bay in the North Atlantic Ocean.
A colossal breach a mile and a half deep was opening up in the middle
of the island continent. The trench ran for miles, as if an invisible ax
had just split the ice cap in two.
Terrified, Lars backed away, forgetting what he had come to the
top of the world to do. He’d guessed that his presence on the slopes of
Haffner Bjerg had something to do with the death of the Arctic. The
advance wired from an anonymous account on the island of Jersey was
every bit as incredible as the cataclysm under way.
A mist shot through with rainbows rose from the depths of the last
ice age. Behind the iridescent wall, thousands of years of packed ice
raked the granite surface and crashed into the sea, stirring up a gigan-
tic tsunami. He pressed his hands to his ears to muffle the howling of
Greenland as it began to die.
It took Lars awhile to get a grip. His hands were still shaking as the
thunderous impact reached him. It was even more frightening than the
ear-splitting sound. Greenland was plunging into Baffin Bay. In a few
hours, the coasts of Canada and the United States would be flooded.
He fell to his knees like a child, overcome by thoughts that had never
before crossed his mind. An abyss was opening inside him, and it was
just as frightening as the one in front of him. It wasn’t until his fitful breathing slowed and his lungs stopped burning that he was able to get
back to the tawdry reality of his own situation.
He lay down again on the hardpacked snow. With his eye glued
to the sight of his rifle, he found the trail that the dogsled had taken
from the Great Wound of the Wild Dog. That’s where the team would
emerge, heading for Josephine and the automated science base that
sounded the great island’s sick heart. The Terre Noire geologists were
known for their punctuality, but at two thousand euros an hour, he
would wait if he had to. Say what you like, the end of the world was
good business.
My Review:
Copy received from: France Book Tours for an honest review.
Four Stars
Smart! That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "The Greenland Breach" by Bernard Besson. I loved it from page one! The first pages are interesting and the story does not take long before I became interested in what was happening and what could happen. I also love the theme! I can't think of a more hot topic right now than global warming. The writing was engaging, fast-paced, informative and entertaining!
I think this book is a must-read for anyone that likes smart books that are also entertaining. The characters were interesting and the storyline well thought out and well-paced! Great read! I definitely recommend and it and I enjoyed it!
Lars Jensen felt the ground tremble beneath the snow. He straightened
up and abandoned his position, petrified by what he was seeing to the
west, toward Canada. The last phase of global warming had begun
just as a big red helicopter flew past from the east. It doubtless belonged
to Terre Noire, the Franco-Danish oil-and-gas company that was
carrying out geological surveys.
From the rocky slopes of Haffner Bjerg, events were taking an
unimaginable turn worthy of Dante. With a sound as ominous as the
crack of doom, the Lauge Koch Kyst had begun to tear away from
Greenland and plummet into Baffin Bay in the North Atlantic Ocean.
A colossal breach a mile and a half deep was opening up in the middle
of the island continent. The trench ran for miles, as if an invisible ax
had just split the ice cap in two.
Terrified, Lars backed away, forgetting what he had come to the
top of the world to do. He’d guessed that his presence on the slopes of
Haffner Bjerg had something to do with the death of the Arctic. The
advance wired from an anonymous account on the island of Jersey was
every bit as incredible as the cataclysm under way.
A mist shot through with rainbows rose from the depths of the last
ice age. Behind the iridescent wall, thousands of years of packed ice
raked the granite surface and crashed into the sea, stirring up a gigan-
tic tsunami. He pressed his hands to his ears to muffle the howling of
Greenland as it began to die.
It took Lars awhile to get a grip. His hands were still shaking as the
thunderous impact reached him. It was even more frightening than the
ear-splitting sound. Greenland was plunging into Baffin Bay. In a few
hours, the coasts of Canada and the United States would be flooded.
He fell to his knees like a child, overcome by thoughts that had never
before crossed his mind. An abyss was opening inside him, and it was
just as frightening as the one in front of him. It wasn’t until his fitful breathing slowed and his lungs stopped burning that he was able to get
back to the tawdry reality of his own situation.
He lay down again on the hardpacked snow. With his eye glued
to the sight of his rifle, he found the trail that the dogsled had taken
from the Great Wound of the Wild Dog. That’s where the team would
emerge, heading for Josephine and the automated science base that
sounded the great island’s sick heart. The Terre Noire geologists were
known for their punctuality, but at two thousand euros an hour, he
would wait if he had to. Say what you like, the end of the world was
good business.
“Original and harrowing.”–Cosmopolitan
“This is a remarkable book that is fascinating, frightening, instructive and fun all at once.”
“Suspense is omnipresent from beginning to end. The story navigates between climate change, subsequent natural disasters, corporate rivalries, murder, espionage, mysteries and love. Besson progressively weaves a web that entraps the readers. Each page make you want to turn the following one quicker to find out what happens next.”
–Culture et Plaisir par la lecture
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