Saturday, April 5, 2014

Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin

Updated Silver

Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin

Drew Westfall wants nothing more than to forget what he had to do in the name of "smart" business. Cutting off all ties with his parents—including handing over the entire contents of his trust fund to a charity—he takes off for Bridger, Colorado where his best friend has an extra room for him. It doesn't take long for him to realize that his business degree won’t do him much good in a town as small as Bridger, but he's broke and has nowhere else to go.

Eden Torresi has every reason to wallow. Not only did she have to sell her house to pay for her mother’s medical expenses, but she also had to drop out of school and is in a relationship with a guy unwilling to commit. But Eden isn't the wallowing type. Instead, she chooses to spend most of her time taking care of the seniors at Silver Linings Assisted Living. When she learns that her boyfriend's new roommate is down on his luck, her caring nature makes her want to reach out to him and offer what help she can. But the more time they spend together, the more complicated things get, especially when the seniors of Silver Linings decide to play matchmaker.

My Review: 5 Stars
Contemporary Romance
Kaylee Baldwin delivers  a very enjoyable romance! Her writing is engaging and the story flows.  Eden Torresi and Drew Westfall were a great couple! I really enjoy learning about them as individuals and as a couple.  I also like that they were normal, everyday people and their stories were relateable.  I definitely recommend this story and really enjoyed it!
KayleeAuthor Kaylee Baldwin

When Kaylee Baldwin isn’t writing, she’s usually chasing after her four children, checking her email, trying to get motivated to train for that race she shouldn’t have signed up for, hanging out with her pretty awesome husband, and reading whatever good book she can find. She graduated from Arizona State with degree in English Lit. Her published books are Meg’s Melody, Six Days of Christmas (part of the All I Want collection) and Silver Linings.
Updated Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect Romance Novella Series

Enjoy this exciting new series of clean novellas by six critically-acclaimed authors.

"Like a pebble tossed into calm water, a simple act can ripple outward and have a far-reaching effect on those we meet, perhaps setting a life on a different course—one filled with excitement, adventure, and sometimes even love."

Book 1: Home Matters by Julie N. Ford

Book 2: Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin

Book 3: Righting A Wrong by Rachael Anderson

Book 4: Lost and Found by Karey White

Book 5: Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver

Book 6: Immersed by Jennifer Griffith
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Ends 4/14/14

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Excerpts 1:

“It’s almost eight on a Friday night. Why are you still here?” Maud asked with her usual abruptness.
Eden wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I had a few things I needed to get done.”
Maud snorted. “You’re hanging out with the octogenarian crowd after clocking out.” She placed a hand on Eden’s arm. “It’s pathetic, dear.”
Wanda elbowed Maud. “It’s not that you’re pathetic, but you should be out with that young hunk of yours instead of hanging out with us.”
Eden sighed. Her social life—or lack thereof—was one of the things Wanda and Maud loved to analyze and discuss. Whether Eden wanted their input or not.
“You need to make time for him,” Maud said. “And he needs to romance you.”
“Sweep you off your feet,” Wanda said.
“She’s right. There’s been absolutely no feet-sweeping.”
“No swooning.”
“No passion,” Mrs. Kipper called from the corner, still holding her romance novel. “Is it too much to ask for a little passion?”
Eden’s face grew warm as the entire room—with the exception of Mr. Wilmot, who wouldn’t be distracted from a puzzle even if the whole room were filled with passionate couples—stared at her.
“We’re not teenagers,” she defended. And she didn’t need passion. She needed someone to pass the time with on the weekends. A reason to go to her old house. A friend.

Excerpt 2

Eden opened the door and hopped out. “I’ll be just a second, if you want to stay out here.”
Drew could tell a non-invitation when he heard one, so he nodded. He did get out of the car—where somehow it was less cold—and stomped his feet a few times while she walked up the stairs, a firm grip on the rail. She disappeared through the door. A few minutes later, she came out, the worry lines back on her face. Instinctively, he moved closer, but before he could say anything, her heel slipped out from under her and she slid down several stairs. He rushed over to stop her fall, catching her just before she fell down the last three steps.
“Are you okay?” Drew’s heart pounded with adrenaline.
She moaned and used the railing and his hand to pull herself up to standing. “Guess I should have scraped and salted those this morning.”
“Your landlord doesn’t do it?”
She let out a short, humorless laugh. “No.” He noticed her limping when they started toward the car and he slid his arm around her waist.
“Do you need to go get that looked at? Did you break something?”
“No. I just twisted my knee. It’ll be okay. This happens like once a week.”
Drew stopped walking and stared at her in disbelief. Once a week?
“I’m fine. Really. But we’ve got to go before it gets too late. Thank you, though.” She glanced up at him and Drew’s breath caught in his throat. The sunlight kissed her pale hair, skin, and eyes, reminding Drew once again of an angel. She was so beautiful. So kind. And so taken.
He forced himself to step back and pretended nothing weird had just happened by running a hand through hair still slick with the gel he’d put in it after his shower. He discreetly wiped gel off onto his pants. “So, Silver Linings?”
“Yes. Silver Linings.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and he didn’t think it was his imagination that she sounded breathless too.

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