Friday, April 4, 2014

Blind Mercy by Violetta Rand

Historical Romance
Date Published: 2/12/2014

The Sigurdsson family legacy continues…
A woman who prayed for a hero…
Orphaned at a young age, Rachelle Fiennes prayed for a hero to rescue her from her tragic life in England. When her only kinsman goes missing after the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Rachelle braves the aftermath of the battlefield to find him.
A man who lost everything…
Damned by the gods for surviving the bloodiest defeat in Norse history, Jarl Tyr Sigurdsson is still determined to get home. Hiding until nightfall so he can escape to his ship, his dangerous endeavor is disrupted when he’s accidently discovered by a beautiful Saxon.
Brought together by war, Rachelle and Tyr face many obstacles. Can sworn enemies find peace through love, or will fate tear them apart?
My Review:
Five Stars
This was a kick-ass book! I loved the heroine! I think that woman characters like the one that Violetta Rand portray are an asset to a woman's character! Tyre and Rachel were such great characters! Individually and as a couple they had the perfect chemistry!  I loved the way they worked together and fought together as well.  There was a lot of heart and action to this fantastic story! Enjoyed and recommend!  

VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR - March 20 - April 18

March 20 - Reading Addiction Blog Tours - Kick Off
March 21 - Indie Authors You Want to Read - Excerpt
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March 24 - Pure Jonel - Review
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April 15 - Reviews by Molly - Excerpt
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April 18 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

Excerpt #1 
Rachelle tried to wiggle out of her bonds. He didn’t try to stop her. Why did Prince Edwin want to see her again? The Norse liked English slaves. “I’m shocked you’d sell a Christian into servitude.” She expected the worst from him.
“We all fall short of the glory of God.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Marriage can hardly be considered slavery.”
Panic gripped her heart. Marriage? Oh my God. “Maybe not for a man,” she countered tartly.
“You’re to be wed to a prince. I hardly think you’ll be expected to work your fingers to the bone, unless you view bedding your husband as an unpleasant task.” He grinned lecherously. “Some women never learn to enjoy bedsport.” He caressed her cheek. “Somehow, I think you will.”
She jerked away. “Don’t do this, I beg you.”
“Milady,” he replied. “Men conduct this sort or business every day. Without a proper guardian, someone needed to act on your behalf. It’s a fine match. You’ve done your duty. Rose above your unfortunate circumstances and secured a man most women would trip over their skirts to get to. Prince Edwin may be a bastard in the Biblical sense, but he’s rich and comes from a reputable family. Celebrate your good fortune. I could have shipped you to a place where women are expected to perform the marital act without the benefit of nuptials.”
Her hands burned to slap him. He’d done this with the intent to harm her. From the moment she stepped foot on Tyr’s ship, this man had seethed with contempt. She swallowed thickly. “Why?”
His startling gaze pierced her. “I hate Tyr. And everything about you reminds me of the home I dearly miss. I don’t need a constant reminder of things I cannot have.”
His confession took her by surprise. “I thought you despised Scotland.”
“I’ve only implied it to keep my enemies confused.” 
What kind of man denied his own heart? A man without a home was likely the most wretched creature on earth. Beholden to no one, he’d do as he pleased. “Why do you stay?”
“There’s opportunity for me here.”
 “Tyr will notice I’m gone.”
“I suspect he’ll do more than that,” he added. “He might start a bloody war.”

Since the first day they’d met, Tyr had been embroiled in strife and violence. Standing in this holy place, he seemed vulnerable, almost normal. Only once before had she seen this level of tenderheartedness in him. The degree of compassion he showed his deceased brother when he prepared him for funeral rites still haunted her. Of course, what man wouldn’t be moved by such tragedy? This was decidedly different. Baffled by this transformation, she watched him closely.
“I thank you for this kindness.”
He embraced her. The motivation behind his touch had changed, she felt it.
“I swear on this holy ground, I’ll never hurt you again,” he said.
He’d pledged it before. Could she be foolish enough to believe again? Didn’t he understand she couldn’t get past the fact he was holding her for ransom? Could she ever really forgive him for deceiving and shaming her? Caution did little to help her cause. Jolts of lust shot through her. It felt wonderful to be touched by him; but as welcome as those feelings were, they must stay hidden forever.
“I want to believe you,” she said.
He tipped her head upward. “I make no promises I can’t keep,” he assured her. “If there’s anything I can do to ease your pain, ask me.”
She remained silent. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, a place existed where happy thoughts thrived. She pictured how it would be if he dropped on his knees and declared his love. All of this was quickly swept aside.
“I’ll leave you now,” he announced. “My men are aware of your situation and will not disturb your observances. When you are ready, they will escort you back to the house.”

Cursed witch. Things were much easier in Norway. Without giving it another thought, Tyr lowered his weapon, then grabbed a fistful of his captive’s hair. He’d give in to her dimwitted request to pacify her, but not without satisfying his own need for revenge. “Horse. Food,” he demanded.
“I’d rather die than betray my country—” the criminal started.
In response, Tyr thumped his head. He sank down, shaking and whining.
Sick with rage, Tyr stared at Rachelle. “This situation is ripe for trouble.” His only concern should be for his own survival.
 She addressed her countryman. “If you refuse him, he’ll cut your heart out.”
For a noblewoman, she had a way with words. Tyr nearly laughed out loud at the absurdity of what came out of her mouth. He’d learned something important about her though. Either she’d experienced more violence than any woman should or she was as frigid as an ice shelf. Regardless, her warning changed the Saxon’s mind.
The man pointed at his camp. “There are horses and food over there.”
With a twist of an earlobe, Tyr forced him to his feet. Tyr harbored a special hatred for rapists. If he couldn’t disembowel the bastard, he’d find another way to make him suffer. It didn’t take long. A grin spread across Tyr’s face as he framed the man’s punishment in his mind. Tyr would tie a noose around his neck, loop the rope over a high branch, and make him sit astride a horse with his hands tied behind his back. If the drukkin moved, he’d hang himself.

Violetta Rand
Violetta Rand holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Policy and a master's degree in Environmental Management. Serving as an environmental scientist in the state of Alaska for over seven years, she enjoys the privilege of traveling to remote places few people have the opportunity to see. 
Violetta has been "in love" with writing since childhood. Struck with an entrepreneurial spirit at a young age, at five, she wrote short stories illustrated by her best friend and sold them in her neighborhood. The only thing she loves more than writing is her wonderful relationship with her husband, Jeff. She enjoys outdoor activities, reading whatever she can get her hands on, music, and losing herself in the fictional worlds she enjoys bringing to life. 
Ms. Rand’s debut historical romance series, The Blind Series, is set in the fascinating world of 11th century Vikings. Her New Adult romance series, The Devil’s Den, is edgy and evocative, and explores the sexy world of exotic dancers.

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