Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Paris Rue Des Martyrs by Adria J. Cimino plus Giveaway

There are encounters that make a difference. The paths of four strangers cross amid the beauty, squalor, animation and desolation found on a Parisian street called the Rue des Martyrs.
Each one faces some sort of struggle:
A young man’s search for his birth mother leads him to love and grim family secrets.
An unsatisfied housewife finds her world turned upside down by the promise of a passionate liaison.
An aging actor, troubled by the arrival of the son he abandoned years ago, must make a choice: either lose him forever or put aside pride and seek redemption.
A young woman, betrayed by her fiancé, travels to Paris to begin a new life and forget about love… at least that is her intention.
Four stories entwine, four quests become one. [provided by the author]
My Review
Five Stars 

Anything with France in it will automatically win a place in my heart but this story really warmed my heart and made me misty eye. First, what an eloquent and beautifully written story.  I typically stay away with stories that have more than two main characters because I always lose interest in all the characters as a whole. I prefer to focus on one character or two and see their stories play out. "Paris Rue Des Martyrs" was an exception. I loved and sympathized with all four main characters.  They each had their "own" story and their own journey.  The author masterfully intertwined them all.  When I finished this story I held it to my chest and smiled.  Really beautiful to see these characters on an incredible journey.  The four main characters all had their own faults and carried baggage.  Their journeys were not easy ones. Second, the characters become real. They become these real people that have made mistakes, feel unsatisfied, and are searching for love.  All types of love, self-love, romantic love, and familial love.  I loved the rawness behind the relationships and the nitty-gritty that sometimes became uncomfortable.  The dialogue was really and at times humorous.  All the time I was reading I kept thinking, “I would love to see this played out on film” the way the scenes moved from one to the other was very entertaining and engaging.  I really can’t recommend this book enough and I think it has a little something for everyone.  Truly beautiful!

Adria J. Cimino worked as a journalist for more than a decade at news organizations
including the Associated Press and Bloomberg News. Adria, who grew up in the sunshine, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida.
She now lives in Paris
and enjoys sharing her adventures in the city and thoughts about the writing life in her blog “Adria in Paris.”
Her first novel, “Paris, Rue des Martyrs,” is set for release on Feb. 10, 2014.
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