I thought this was cute romance but really nothing spectacular… I thought that the plot sounded very interesting and exciting but, honestly, it fell a little shot. Although Monica Shaw was really a cute and fun heroine I thought she and Secret Service agent Travis Beaumont had very little chemistry. Also, there are many characters from the previous books in the series that show up and although it was pleasant to hear about them, since I didn’t know their stories I wasn’t overly invested. Monica is thirty years old, all her friends are married, getting married or having children. Monica feels like it’s time for her to settle down and find a significant other as well. When Travis is in town she is drawn to him and immediately her interest is piqued. Travis is on an important mission, he is usually when I start a romance novel I want to see how the couple works their way to understanding and loving each other, but I had to fight to keep interested.
The hero and heroine left a little to be desired. Part of the reason was Travis, as fitting his profession, is very flat. He is not very expressive and there is very little outward emotions to him. It was interesting that Monica found this aspect of his personality intriguing. Granted Travis has a big job ahead of him and he needs to focus. He is very dedicated to his job. Apparently so dedicated that it cost him his first marriage. The reminders of his heartache keep him from allowing himself to get to emotionally involved.
Overall, this was a cute romance. I like small town romances and this was definitely a small town romance. I think that fans of the Valentine Valley series will really like this book because there are a lot of stories about other characters that I assume made an appearance in other books. What I really liked was the creative plot behind the “romance”. The president (woman president at that) is going to be in town for her son’s wedding and Valentine Valley is about to have its world turned inside out as special agents take over their small town. Overall, not incredible but cute.
**ARC provided by Publisher**

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