Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An Untitled Lady by Nicky Penttila

Four Stars
*received for an honest review
I really enjoy Regency Romances so “An Untitled Lady” by Nicky Penttila was an easy win for me.  Having said that I thought Ms. Penttila really presented an amazing story.  She blended romance, history and intrigue perfectly not giving too much attention to any one of these elements and making them all work well together.   Most of the novels that I have read have taken place in London or around it was refreshing to read about Manchester.  It was heart-breaking to read about Madeline Wetherby or Maddie as she is known.  Nash Quinn was also very interesting.  As the second born son he basically is not of any use unless something happens to his brother.  He was industrious enough to join the navy and become a very successful merchant. Although I don’t know much about the Industrial Revolution in England I thought that the author provided enough information to give the readers insight to what a struggle it was for the working class and what it meant to them!  I thought that the author really provided emotional integrity to the struggles of the mill workers.  The author also portrayed the reality that most women faced if they were not born into high society and did not marry well.  On the emotional side, Deacon (the earl and Maddie’s original intended husband) was not the most likeable character and seemed to reflect many of the stereotypes of the higher class.  Nash and Maddie have a lot to come up against.  They have to learn to be married and when they finally come to terms with their feelings their love for each other is once again tested. 
The twist that followed Maddie was very clever and I thought the author was very brilliant for mixing the “secret” into the story.  It was heartbreaking to see how Nash and Maddie’s relationship became impacted by the social movements of the time.  I thought this was very clever of the author as well.  I highly recommend this story, it is an emotional ride throughout history with two very strong characters and an equally strong historical background.  This was the first novel I have read by Nicky Penttila but it won’t be the last.     

Monday, January 6
Feature & Giveaway at Historical Fiction Connection
Tuesday, January 7
Review & Giveaway at Broken Teepee
Wednesday, January 8
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Review & Giveaway at WTF Are You Reading?
Thursday, January 9
Review & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick
Friday, January 10
Interview at Mina’s Bookshelf
Monday, January 13
Review at Reading the Ages
Tuesday, January 14
Interview at Layered Pages
Wednesday, January 15
Review at She Is Too Fond of Books
Saturday, January 18
Spotlight at Romantic Historical Reviews
Monday, January 20
Review & Giveaway at Found Between the Covers
Tuesday, January 21
Review at To Read or Not to Read
Wednesday, January 22
Review at Book Lovers Paradise
Friday, January 24
Review at Turning the Pages
Monday, January 27
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Review & Interview at Just One More Chapter
Tuesday, January 28
Review at The Most Happy Reader
Interview at A Chick Who Reads
Wednesday, January 29
Review at Book Nerd
Friday, January 31
Interview at The Most Happy Reader

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