Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Taming the Twisted by Jodie Toohey

02_Taming the TwistedTaming the Twisted
by Jodie Toohey

Publication Date: August 15, 2015
Wordsy Woman Press
eBook & Paperback; 242 Pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

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Taming the Twisted is written in a similar style to Laura Ingalls Wilders’ Little House books though updated for modern times. It might read as if she'd left in all of the juicy tidbits about things people didn't talk about during the time when she was writing. Taming the Twisted is a story of destruction, romance, mystery, and deceit set against a back drop of an actual historical event.

In early June, 1860, Abigail enjoyed a peaceful home life with her parents, younger sister, and twin toddler brothers. Their home in Camanche, Iowa, where they’d emigrated from Pennsylvania, was almost complete and her beau, Joseph Sund, had recently proposed marriage.

That changes the evening of June 3rd when a tornado rips through town, killing her parents. At the mass funeral for the over two dozen people who perished in the storm, she learns Marty Cranson, with whom Abigail witnessed Joseph having a heated argument, died, but at the hands of a person rather than the tornado.

In addition to being faced with raising her young siblings, Joseph has disappeared without a trace and a stranger, Marshall Stevenson, appears, offering to help Abigail repair the families’ home and cultivate the newly planted farm crops.

Abigail, while developing romantic feelings for Marshall, tolerating the scorn of town woman Pamela Mackenrow, and working as a seamstress and storekeeper to support her siblings, becomes obsessed with finding out who killed Marty, hoping that and not that he no longer loved her, was the reason Joseph left without saying goodbye.
My review:
Four Stars 
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
"Taming the Twisted" capture my attention because I was interested in how the author would tell this story. I was fascinated by the plot- lives changed because of a natural disaster. Abigail has a cute and peaceful life with her family in a small town. Getting ready to start a new life with her finace Joseph Sund, it seems that she has everything any one could want.  When the tornado hits her community she finds herself taking care of her siblings, no home, and stripped of everything she grew up knowing and loving-including Joseph.  Abigail is scared and confused but she to be strong for her younger siblings.  When Joseph disappears she is offered help by Marhsall Stevenson.  
As the story unfolds Abigail is faced with rebuilding a life for her and her family. Her loyalties have changed and she is suddenly thrown into figuring out how she feels about Marshall, what she should do about the death of one  of the members in her community. 

I really enjoyed "Taming the Twisted" by Jodie Toohey. I think she really brought to life the characters, I loved Abigail-admired her, and cheered for her when she faced so many challenges. A sucker for romance , I was sucked into Abigail's and Marshall's story. I loved the tension that the murder brought to the story and I think that the author really knew when to make it an issue and when to focus on other aspects of the story. 


About the Author03_Jodie Toohey

Jodie Toohey is the author of four additional books, two poetry collections - Crush and Other Love Poems for Girls (2008) and Other Side of Crazy (918studio, 2013) - as well as two novels, Missing Emily: Croatian Life Letters (2012) and Melody Madson – May It Please the Court? (2014).

When Jodie is not writing poetry or fiction, she is helping authors, soon-to-be-authors, and want-to-be authors from pre-idea to reader through her company, Wordsy Woman Author Services.


Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, February 8
Review at Beth's Book Nook Blog
Spotlight & Giveaway at Rambling Reviews

Tuesday, February 9
Guest Post at Just One More Chapter

Wednesday, February 10
Review at Book Nerd

Thursday, February 11
Guest Post & Giveaway at A Literary Vacation

Friday, February 12
Review at Back Porchervations
Character Interview at Boom Baby Reviews

Monday, February 15
Review at Eclectic Ramblings of Author Heather Osborne

Tuesday, February 16
Review at Book Drunkard

Wednesday, February 17
Review at Griperang's Bookmarks

Thursday, February 18
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views

Friday, February 19
Interview at Author Dianne Ascroft's Blog

04_Taming the Twisted_Blog Tour Banner_FINAL

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