Saturday, March 7, 2015

Before I Fall by Jessica Scott

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I’ve read many of Jessica Scott’s books and have really enjoyed them. “Before I Fall” was no exception. Although a little different form her previous books. They were mostly about people in the military or getting out of the military. They were also mostly about adults. This book was a little different because it’s about young adults. Generally, I have to confess, that I don’t love young adult books because I find them to be very melodramatic but when I saw that this was written by Scott I was interested.

The story is about Beth Lamont. Beth is a young twenty year old. She is in college, specifically studying business. Beth is also beautiful and a teachers aid. Although she lives in a good neighborhood she lives with her dad on the outside of town. Her father is a veteran and relies on Beth to take care of him. Beth has to work to financially take care of her father and herself and most of the time they live pay check to pay check. One day Beth’s statistics professor asks her for a favor. She needs her to tutor a young man that is just coming out of the military. Noah Warren is young man who enlisted in the military at a young age. He is now out and thanks to the support of his friends he is enrolled in business school.

Both Beth and Noah are such nice people. They both carry a lot of burdens on their shoulders at a very young age, which in a way helps them connect to one another. When they first meet Beth is very defensive because she knows that Noah is coming from the military. Beth has had a lot of experience with the military because of her dad. Once they get to know each other they quickly fall for each other. Beth and Noah begin to see each other as they really are. This is both good and bad. Noah has his fair share of baggage. He is suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He is also very dependent his meds to help him with this condition.

In true Scott fashion she doesn’t sugar coat life in or out of the military. She delivers the cold, hard and sad truths. She is very forthcoming about all the issues that Beth’s father deals with at the Veterans Hospital. This was really a beautiful story about two very beautiful people. For me it was impossible not to ache for them. I do have to say that like many of Scott’s books they are very emotionally heavy, they are not light readings and “Before I Fall”is no exception. Just like her other books I couldn’t put the story down. If anyone hasn’t read her yet, I highly recommend that they do so.
Before I Fall

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