Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The War Nurse by R.V. Doon

01_War Nurse eBook Cover LargePublication Date: January 14, 2014

BRY Publishing

Formats: eBook, Paperback

Pages: 382

Genre: Historical Fiction

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This historical thriller begins on the eve of WWII in the Philippines. Katarina Stahl an American Red Cross nurse, is the happiest she’s ever been in her life. She’s making love and playing music with Jack Gallagher in an idyllic paradise. Their medical mission is over, the boat tickets to home are purchased, and all that remains is to fly a sick child to the hospital at Clark Air Field.

She never expected to witness bombs falling out of planes. In those terrifying first minutes, she frees a German doctor accused of spying and saves his life. She turns to nursing the injured, unaware she’s unleashed an obsession more dangerous to her and those she loves, than the war she’s trapped in.

Doctor von Wettin, the man she freed, finds Katarina pregnant and starving in a POW camp after the surrender. He begs her to nurse his bed-ridden wife. She knows other Americans will despise her, but wants her baby to live after surviving Bataan. Their uneasy alliance is destroyed when she discovers he exploited Red Cross diplomatic channels and contacts at the German embassy to wire money to her parents. His benevolent mask slips when he informs her that her brothers and parents are interned on Ellis Island.

When the Stahl family is swept up in the FBI’s dragnet, Josep Stahl believes it’s all a misunderstanding. He’s interrogated like a criminal at the city jail, a military camp, Ellis Island, and then the civilian internment camps in Texas. His anger and pride blind him. One by one in this painful family drama, his wife and sons join him behind barbed wire in. There they face ostracism, segregation, and, most frightening, repatriation.

Katarina begins an even more terrifying journey into depraved darkness as Manila descends into occupation and chaos. The doctor threatens everyone she loves: infant son, POW husband, and Filipino friends. She’ll do anything to protect them; she lies, steals, and smuggles. As the war turns against the Japanese, they withhold the doctor’s wife’s life-saving medications until he finds a hidden radio inside the civilian internment camp. If Katarina refuses to help him, her son pays the price.

Survival has corrupted Katarina; but she’s not about to become his camp rat. After years of hell, she’s earned her nickname, war nurse. Doctor von Wettin is about to find out what that means.
My review:
Five Stars
Copy Received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
I absolutely loved this book. I loved the time period, the characters, the plot and the dialogue. Katarina was a fantastic heroine.  She really added to the story and I admired her courage.  I really love all the different perspectives that the author provided about this time period.  One of my favorite reads this year!

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About the Author02_RV Doon Author

R.V. Doon is a bookie! Seriously, she’s an avid reader who also loves to write. She writes across genres, but confesses she’s partial to historical fiction and medical thrillers. She’s addicted to black coffee, milk chocolate, and raspberries. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s learning to sail. Doon reports after a career of implementing doctor’s orders, she’s having trouble being a deck hand and following the captain’s orders. Doon lives in Mobile, Alabama, a haunted and historical city, with her husband and two dogs.

For more information please visit R.V. Doon's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Goodreads, and Amazon.

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The War Nurse Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, November 24

Review at Flashlight Commentary

Tuesday, November 25

Review at Unshelfish

Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, November 26

Guest Post at What Is That Book About

Thursday, November 27

Spotlight at Book Babe

Friday, November 28

Guest Post at Historical Fiction Connection

Saturday, November 29

Spotlight at Passages to the Past

Sunday, November 30

Review at Carole's Ramblings

Monday, December 1

Review at Luxury Reading

Tuesday, December 2

Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, December 3

Review at Book Nerd

Thursday, December 4

Spotlight at Boom Baby Reviews

Review at Svetlana Reads and Views

Friday, December 5

Spotlight at Caroline Wilson Writes

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