Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Past Encounters by Davina Blake

02_Past Encounters 

Publication Date: November 22, 2014 |  CreateSpace | Paperback; 442p

Genre: Historical Fiction/Literary Fiction

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England 1955.

The day Rhoda Middleton opens a letter from another woman, she becomes convinced her husband, Peter, is having an affair. But when Rhoda tracks the mysterious woman down, she discovers she is not Peter’s lover after all, but the wife of his best friend, Archie Foster. There is only one problem - Rhoda has never even heard of Archie Foster.

Devastated by this betrayal of trust, Rhoda tries to find out why Peter has kept this friendship a secret for so long. Her search leads her back to 1945, but as she gradually uncovers Peter’s wartime experiences she must wrestle with painful memories of her own. For Rhoda too cannot escape the ghosts of the past.

Taking us on a journey from the atmospheric filming of Brief Encounter, to the extraordinary Great March of prisoners of war through snow-bound Germany, PAST ENCOUNTERS explores themes of friendship, hope, and how in the end, it is the small things that enable love to survive.

Includes bonus material for reading groups.

My Review
4 stars
Copy received from Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
"Past Encounters" was a great read! I really enjoyed the many layers to the story and these characters.  Peter and Rhoda were so real, my heartache for them.  As their marriage enters a crisis their past comes back to hunt them. I was so shocked and impressed with how Rhoda dealt with Helen.  I was unequivocally impressed with her love for her husband and her dedication to their marriage.  I thought that the author really dug deep into human relationships both individually and as a couple.  

Praise for Past Encounters

"Her characters are so real that they linger in the mind long after the book is back on the shelf. Highly Recommended!" - The Historical Novels Review

Praise for Deborah Swift

"stellar historical fiction" -Orange Prize Nominee Ann Weisgarber

"compelling'" -Westmorland Gazette

"The past comes alive through impeccable research...and the sheer power of descriptive prose" -Lancashire Evening Post

Buy the Book

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Deborah SwiftAbout the Author

Davina Blake used to be a set and costume designer for theatre and TV, during which time she developed a love of research which fueled her passion for the past. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University and also writes successful seventeenth century historicals under the pen name Deborah Swift. 'Her characters are so real that they linger in the mind long after the book is back on the shelf. Highly recommended.' The Historical Novels Review From Davina: 'I was inspired to write 'Past Encounters' because I live close to the railway station where the iconic 'Brief Encounter' was filmed in 1945. I have often used the refreshment room that featured in the film when waiting for a train. I love a good cup of tea, preferably accompanied by a chocolate brownie!'

For more information visit Davina Blake's website and blog. You can also find her on Twitter.

Past Encounters Blog Tour Schedule

Saturday, November 15

Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Sunday, November 16

Review at Library Educated

Monday, November 17

Review at Dianne Ascroft Blog

Review at Flashlight Commentary

Tuesday, November 18

Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!

Wednesday, November 19

Review at Just One More Chapter

Thursday, November 20

Review at Ageless Pages Reviews

Friday, November 21

Review & Interview at Bookish

Saturday, November 22

Review at History From a Woman's Perspective

Monday, November 24

Review at A Bookish Affair

Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages

Tuesday, November 25

Guest Post at A Bookish Affair

Wednesday, November 26

Review at Book Nerd

Thursday, November 27

Interview at The Maiden's Court

Saturday, November 29

Spotlight at What Is That Book About

Monday, December 1

Review at Layered Pages

Review & Interview at Casual Readers

Tuesday, December 2

Review at My Reader's Block

Review at A Bibliotaph's Reviews

Wednesday, December 3

Review at The Worm Hole

Review at Diary of an Eccentric

Thursday, December 4

Review at Beth's Book Reviews

Guest Post at Historical Tapestry

Friday, December 5

Review at Bibliophilia, Please

Saturday, December 6

Review at Unshelfish

Review at Historical Tapestry

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